New Coyote call and Hunter


New member
I am just so excited about this I've got to post my story. My grandson and I, who do a bit of hunting together, decided we want to learn to call coyotes and hunt them. He bought this call made out of a type deer/elk antler. We have gone out twice in the recent 10 days. First time, we seemed to call in a fairly large size herd of deer. Next time out we seemed to call in a large gaggle of Geese. No coyotes. I decided I needed some practice. I went for a little ride, we live in the country, and was looking over my quarter section I have put in the crp program. I decided to take my .22 revolver and walked about a quarter mile away to the side of a hill with the sun at my back and a panaramic view of about 180 degrees. I sat down, took out the coyote call I had bought. I think it is a Faulk's or something like that. I gave a couple short blasts, then I put a lot of pressure on it and moving my hand rapidly over it. I made what I would like to think was the sound of a jack rabbit with his neck in the grip of some predator. This whole deal was less than thirty seconds. I then just sat back kinda gazing at the landscape and there was a deer in my crp just standing watching me. I got to looking at her and lo and behold here comes a coyote bounding my way. He stopped and sat and just watched me, I guess, for several long seconds. At this point he would have been easy pickens for a scoped .223. I guess he was about 100 yards away. I sat still, he came again, at about 100 feet, he kinda streched, took a crap, gave me a look and kept on coming. At about 40 or 50 feet I was feeling a bit like an injured rabbit and I shot my pistol just to scare him off. It was awesome. He/she was a good lookin coyote. I can't waite to tell my grandson.
Congratulations! Coyote calling is a blast, and yes, you are taking them on on their own terms.

And BTW, you just taught that coyote what a predator call is, it will never again come rushing in to a dying rabbit call.
Thank you scorch, well, I guess I don't feel to bad about training coyotes. But, now that I know my technique works at least somewhat, that one might be the last one to learn the lesson. Dang, I came so close to buying an ar type rifle a couple months ago. My grandson has a scoped 20 inch barrel that he will use. I have a little 9 mm carbine or I could use my 30/30 marlin. If I could get them in nice and close I think the 9 mm would be fine, what does anyone think about it?
Coyote Angel

I know I can hit with the .30-.30. I'd shoot to 150 yards without thinking twice. I can't hit well with the camp nine much past 75 yards. A scoped .223, now you have a coyote gun. If you are good at calling, a full choke 12 gauge with #4s is more than adequate, and actually recommended, as most guys in the sport have "came out of nowhere stories."
You'll get addicted to coyote hunting. Number one rule...don't get discouraged when you go a while without getting one. Use those times to look for trails, poop, eating sites ect. Half my coyotes I get without calling, if you know their routes.

They like to hug fences, terraces, round bale rows, ditches, creek beds and ect ect ect.

Lots of hints and tips can be learned here, feel free to ask.
Sounds exciting.................

And to tell the truth you are just killin' me!!

Given it about 20 tries on our place here in Fl and all I get is birds of prey, and one bobcat.

Of course we can't see very far so they may be coming and we can't see them but not one had taken a bullet.
Congrats Chronic! That gives the ole confidence a boost eh?
It makes it a bit easier to sit and wait when you KNOW your call works! :)

I shoot a Savage .223 and it has claimed a many coyotes!
A single shot H&R Handi rifle with a good scope will get the job done with out breaking the bank right now with the prices going nuts!

In the mean time you can call em in and your grandson can lay em down! :cool:

Good luck and I look forward to seeing a picture of you two with the first one!
Yessiree Bob! My "kids" live about a mile and a half from me, so, I had to go over and tell my grandson and the rest of them my little story. They were all pretty impressed and he and I have will have a little session, hopefully, with a coyote after school friday. That is just the way we will do it JJ, God willing. It is just amazing how fast it all happened. Actually it is just my kind of hunting and I didn't even know it all these years. I think I feel another reason to buy another gun!!!
Ain't it a hoot!! I called my first coyote leaning over the hood of my truck, pulled off the side of the road near some old mine tailings 3 years ago and have been hooked ever since. That dog came through the tailings from about 400 yards off and the sat down about 40 yards from the truck when he couldn't find the bunny.

If you are like me you will educate quite a few before you start scoring on a reqular basis. I still get less than 1/2 that respond to the call but the % is going up. Your grandson is going to love this!
Thread resurrection here. Since my early "victory" in calling coyotes back in Jan 2013, both my grandson and I and me along have gone out several times without success. I mean I called without ever seeing another coyote respond. UNTIL THIS MORNING! Same 160 acre plot of ground little different spot to call and sit and wait. The main reason I even went out was that I purchased a model 85 taurus poly whatever yesterday and I was going to go shoot a few rounds to make sure it functioned properly, so I thought, I'll grab my coyote call and try and have a real reason to fire it.

Anyway, I called, waited, waited and waited. Suddenly I caught movement, back and top of head of coyote kind of circling me. Then he would stop, look and come straight for me, then repeat till he was probably no more than 35 yards away. I had my little taurus in hand unmoving, suddenly something, maybe another coyote spooked him, his head jerked to the right and he put his tail between his legs and left quickly. I could have got him pretty easily with a rifle, but I am very pleased that I got him to come in. He was a very thin, bad hair, unappealing looking coyote. He looked very much unloved.
" I shot my pistol just to scare him off.
I could have got him pretty easily with a rifle, but I am very pleased that I got him to come in."

Just keep educating them and soon they'll all have a diploma.
We do our absolute best to never let a called in coyote get away. If they come to the call, they die.
Sorry sir, I'm just stating a fact. Experts(I'm not one)in coyote calling adamantly report that coyotes spooked after responding to a call won't EVER respond to that call again.
Son and I attended a seminar conducted by the 2015 National Coyote Calling Champion. He uses almost 100% coyote vocalizations and seldom any prey calls simply because too many coyotes have been spooked when responding to dying rabbit(or other prey) calls. We use both since much of our hunting ground is private and we're the only hunters and there's always a chance we'll tag a Bobcat coming to the rabbit. Coyote pup in distress works year round.
We're hunting to remove coyotes pure and simple. Yeah, it's fun but the bottom line comes when we tell the landowner how many live coyotes we converted to dead coyotes. If multiples are coming in, we'll wait until we're pretty sure of a double and have a decent chance at any runners that are left. Up to this point this season, we haven't let any called in yoties escape although some took more ammo than anticipated.
Another point: During breeding season(February in the central Midwest) prey calls are nearly useless. Breeding vocalizations are the hot ticket right now.
A single shot H&R Handi rifle with a good scope will get the job done with out breaking the bank right now with the prices going nuts!

My deer rifle is a .30-06 Handi Rifle with a Nikon Buckmasters 3-9 power variable scope on it. I shoot a 150 grain Remington Corelokt in it. So far I have fired it 15 times at deer and coyotes and have put down 13 deer and 2 coyotes with those 15 shots. One coyote made the mistake of walking out in front of me while I was deer hunting. It was a 25 yard shot. I called the second one up with a dying rabbit call. It was a 75 yard shot. The range on the deer was from 25 to 125 yards.
Had a strange thing happen lazt nite in the hide

had some weather coming in last nite so I thought mite be a good call evening,,,,

got mojo set up,,, got calls set up,,, went to hide,,,, turned on mojo

turned on rabbit call,,,,, just sitting there watching,,,, stopped call,,, cold as you know what too I mite add ,,,10 min,,,, hit the call again,,, notice a hawk or maybe eagle,,,, was dusky,,, could be owl,,, lol,,,, bird of prey,,, just to cover it,,,,, dang bird

next thing I know the #&#$¥÷ bird attacks the mojo and takes off with the top decoy part,,,, dangest thing I ever seen

ordered new parts last nite,,,, should have video cam out there too I guess,,, cuz I watched it happen and I still don't believe it

be prepared for anything out there,,,,, good luck

I've been "buzzed" by hawks numerous times while calling. Had an owl land right beside my head once-didn't hear it coming.

I'm glad somebody can use a mouth call and see them, 'cause when I try it, and I have for a number of times, I have yet to see one I've called in with a predator call. Their out there, I've heard'em, the sign is there, but ............

I've killed more coyotes turkey hunting, slipping in to my hen calls looking for a turkey sandwhich, or a "run in" encounter while navigating for the same gobbling tom, or bouncing my decoys. I've come to the conclusion they are a heavy predator on turkeys.