Filing an annual report. What does that mean? Any ideas?
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
• Two identical passport-size photos taken in the last 30 days showing the person's full
face, head and shoulders
And this is worse than a complete ban HOW?
Baby steps, people.
I agree with 44, things are better, way better and moving in the right direction. The situation went from no handguns, to one. LOL
NO, they do not. Chicago residents who clean their firearms in their garage will instantly become criminals! That is CLEARLY in infringement on the right to KEEP and BEAR arms. Look up what "keep and bear" means. They discussed this in Heller, even though the court did not see fit to actually enforce the clear meaning of the US Constitution.While the newly proposed gun laws in chicago are rather rediculous, they still allow for the average citizen to excercize their 2nd amendment rights should they choose to.
nate45 said:A valid Firearm Owner's Identification (FOID) Card issued by the State of Illinois
Since all firearms owners in IL are required to posses a FOID card, I don't see what is so onerous about that provision.