New Chicago Gun Laws and New Lawsuit

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I'm taking a different slant here

I see this is a confession that says Daley cannot control the criminal element to the extent that he expects law abiding gun owners to be burglarized, since they can't curb crime
let me first say, I AM NOT A FAN OF DICK DALEY.

but i am a law abiding citizen/gun owner. I have ZERO problem with gun "regulation", but a rather large problem with the city's gun ban. thankfull the supreme court has seen fit to rectify the ban.

While the newly proposed gun laws in chicago are rather rediculous, they still allow for the average citizen to excercize their 2nd amendment rights should they choose to. thankfully i live outside the city of chicago and Daley has no effect on my rights at all.

the facts of the matter are Daley doesnt like guns and will exploit every oppertunity to further his antigun agenda as long as he is in power. the simplest solution is to remove his bloated but from office (todays news had is aproval rate in the 30% range).
Have you ever actually read the Second Amendment? Do you really think this draconian set of circumstances set forth by Chicago does NOT infringe upon an individual's right to keep and bear arms?
Too bad Chicago is stuck in the middle and wont slide off into the Pacific someday along with Kalifornia, we still might get lucky with New York and the Atlantic though, lol.
Seriously though, remember... its the citizens there that keep voting for those fools.
One deserves the other I suppose.

That discrimination based on eyesight is nice touch too. Those people make me sick. :barf:

Glad my sorry carcass is on the west side of the Miss, walking around under the Arch with my little LCP nice and legally snug in my pocket.
jhenry...... yes i have read the 2nd amendment
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

as well as the Declaration, constitution, bill of rights and the remaining 11-27th amendments in their entirety. I exercise my rights (the 2nd especially) every day. I also hold my elected repesentitves to the yardstick that is our constituion every time i vote. Unfortunately, in this great system of ours, it is always the the govenment officials i DONT have a say in electing that seem to want to take away my rights. I dont live in the city limits of chicago, just a nearby suburb, so i cant vote for Daley's opposition to roust him out of office. on the plus side he also cant take away my precious rights either.

back to the topic, WE as law abiding citizens should have too much of a beef with appropriate regulation. That was after all the point of McDonald and the ruling handed down. Out right bans are unconstitutional, but reasonable restrictions/regulations are nessicary to prosicute criminals (notice i didnt say to keep guns away from criminals, as why would a criminal obey the law??).
You honestly think those are REASONABLE? That is the biggest list of crap I have ever seen. I never thought PA was a good place to live until I was old enough to read gun rights. I can buy multiple guns on one 4473 form all day every day, not once a month. I do not have a magazine restriction, I do not have an approved firearms list. If I wan't to buy a sound suppressor or fully automatic, the right paperwork and a $200 tax gets me those.

Only really stupid gun law we have here in PA is I can't hunt with a semi-automatic rifle, not even a .22 for squirrels. :barf:

But if you think any of those restrictions are reasonable, you might as well move to Chicago and join the rest of the sheep. My heart goes out to the folks stuck there, but its appalling anyone on this form would say those are reasonable.:mad:
OK, its compicated, onerous, and expensive.

And this is worse than a complete ban HOW?

Sure, they want to make legal ownership as difficult as they can, because they don't approve of private gun ownership. This should have been obivous from the total ban they were able to enact and maintain for many years.

Baby steps, people. We have to walk before we can run. At least now, we don't have to crawl. Suits will come, and even though the Mayor can spend the city even more bankrupt defending the law, I'm sure eventually it will be overturned. OF course, that may not be in our lifetime.:(
This Mayor has lost his mind! He is known around these parts as Nutcase@ss Hole!

It makes me and everyone I know ill from even hearing him speak these days! The citizen of Chicago don't remember what it's like to defend themselves so they really don't even realize that there have been changes to there lives in resent months!

Being outside of the Windy I am able to enjoy my guns at least in the target shooting and home defense capacity but, we really need to follow along with the majority of the country and have a carry law! Please allow these citizens to be able to protect themselves! The gangs have taken over the City and many of the Burbs! We need real change to these rules and regs now! Not more BS from the career politicians!
I have changed my mind......

Those "Whereases" render the entire scheme unconstitutional.It wont even pass rational basis. A good trial lawyer will eat those alive and Daley is stuck with it.

WildyukyukAlaska TM
Did the "one gun per household" rule actually make it into the final ordinance? I thought that part was left out.

EDIT - I guess it was included in a modified form, allowing multiple guns as long as there are trigger locks installed on all but one of them.
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re reading the OP i find one portion very amusing:
• Two identical passport-size photos taken in the last 30 days showing the person's full
face, head and shoulders

this is amusing because the Illinois State Police, which is the issuing body for the FOID card, use your IL drivers license photo which could possibly be up to 4-8 YEARS old. The State Police find ur DL pic to be acceptable, yet Daley and his idiot anti gun brigade want a photo no older than 30 days ???

hell, the state police wont even reissue you a new card for a change of address. you are required to notify them of the change, but they will only reissue a lost/stolen card or a new card upon renewal. man this is one messed up state!!
  • A valid Firearm Owner's Identification (FOID) Card issued by the State of Illinois
Since all firearms owners in IL are required to posses a FOID card, I don't see what is so onerous about that provision.

  • Two identical passport-size photos taken in the last 30 days showing the person's full face, head and shoulders
While not unreasonable for the purposes of Identification. It seems kind of redundant and silly to me, since ones photo would be on their DL and FOID card.

  • A valid Driver’s License, or if the resident doesn't possess one, a letter from a licensed optometrist or ophthalmologist attesting that the applicant meets the minimum vision requirements to obtain an Illinois driver’s license
I'm not sure how that would hold up on an anti-discriminatory basis. Although being able to see at a certain level, certainly helps in target, identification and directing fire. :)

  • A signed affidavit from a firearms instructor approved in the State of Illinois stating that the applicant has completed a firearms safety and training course.
As others have noted in previous threads, this seems like an undue burden. If Chicago is not going to provide the instructors, nor allow ranges in the city limits.

All applicants must be at least 21 years old, or 18-20 years old with an eligible parents'
permission. Applicants cannot be convicted of any violent crime, have two or more offenses for
driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, or under state law have been convicted of
domestic violence. Additionally, they must be fingerprinted and submit to a background check.

Why another background check? I thought thats why IL had FOID cards.

And this is worse than a complete ban HOW?

Baby steps, people.

I agree with 44, things are better, way better and moving in the right direction. The situation went from no handguns, to one. LOL
I agree with 44, things are better, way better and moving in the right direction. The situation went from no handguns, to one. LOL

Things are wrong! Really wrong and need to change quickly! There are people dieing in the unprotected streets every day! The citizens can't protect themselves on the streets and the thugs know this! Heck they don't even care if you have a gun look what happened to the police officer that was in uniform cleaning out his new car yesterday! :mad:

Take a look at what is going on in this city!
While the newly proposed gun laws in chicago are rather rediculous, they still allow for the average citizen to excercize their 2nd amendment rights should they choose to.
NO, they do not. Chicago residents who clean their firearms in their garage will instantly become criminals! That is CLEARLY in infringement on the right to KEEP and BEAR arms. Look up what "keep and bear" means. They discussed this in Heller, even though the court did not see fit to actually enforce the clear meaning of the US Constitution.
I'm curious...
Obviously its difficult to legally buy and own a gun there, but what happens if one of us who are nicely stocked with several of our favorite pistols are forced to move there due to work or whatever?
We supposed to drop them in a river on the way in or what?

Does moving there, keeping all guns, and ignoring Chicago's silly laws violate any Federal laws?
Is it like a fine or a all expense paid trip to Leavenworth?
I remember my Dad being very peeved about having to pay a poll tax. Of course, the 24th Amd and many changes in states election laws and constitutions have fixed that now.

Which gets me to my point. Pay to exercise a right?

nate45 said:
A valid Firearm Owner's Identification (FOID) Card issued by the State of Illinois
Since all firearms owners in IL are required to posses a FOID card, I don't see what is so onerous about that provision.

Gotta disagree on that one.... the FOID is an onerous requirement on it's own, any further requirement just takes it to another degree.
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