For the newbies we should make it clear, shooting some trap doesn't make one a trap shooter
X-ring Pete
Bob said that in his area he shot some trap because it's more convenient that going to a club with skeet
Now, just to set the record straight. Several years ago we could use our trap fields any time the overall range complex was open, we had a machine on a cart and you could drag it out and shoot away.
I would steal out to the fields when no one else was around and quickly set up and blast away. There is PITA and ATA, however, I belong to the KAGTA a more ecologically friendly trap association. The Kinder and Gentler Trap Association believes it is better for the ecosystem to NOT hit the target causing trauma and potential wounding of the poor thing. We believe as many educators do that the simple act of shooting into the sky should be reward enough, however (50 misses straight) or the
"0" patch is much coveted. I got so good at this field sport that I could actualy fire two rounds missing with BOTH.
Basically, it's pull the bird, shoot and miss, let out a long string of curses and do it again. Since form is everything, shooters who coin new strings of curses receive the sought after (i got to write that one down) rocker to wear with pride.
Since then the trap range is closed to individual shooting because of the actions of a few pin heads, Ah I miss the good times.
warning -
for those new to shotgun sports, disregard the above story, it is simply a load of BS, to cover the fact that I suck at going away shots,now passing shots (skeet) is whole different story, well kinda sorta)
Hope you all had a smile or two, Good Luck & Be Safe