I must agree with those recommending the RIMZ moon clips, they rock.
There are a few advantages to the .45 acp over the colt.
They usually have round noses for feeding in autos, therefore, they load fast into the cylinders when moonclipped.
They are also short, so they extract and load FAST.
I also own .45 colts, and made my own half-breed rounds, .45 colt brass, trimmed to about .900 for load workup.
Since, I have found a source for cheap (And GREAT! shooting.).45 acp, and ruining any more .45 colt brass is no longer necessary.
I shoot .45 colt lead 300 grain smokers when I feel nostalgic, shoot 300 grain hunting loads (Vaquero!) when I want to demolish and knock down big heavy things, and shoot .45 acp when I want to make big holes in the x-ring with no muss, and no fuss.