
Ok, serious questions for Kobun:

1. You show the stock removed and mention for clearing a malfunction. Is this how you clear a jam?

2. It looks like the barrel unlocks, and moves forward and then goes over the shell. Strange for those of us used to traditional shotguns. How does it work? Has it been reliable? Does it feed ok? (Since you move the barrel forward, I"m going to guess that this gun can't really be shortstroked).

3. Are the witness holes in the magazine open, or covered in a clear plastic? If they are open, does dirt and junk get into your tubes?

4. I'm not sure from the pictures, but where is the safety, and how does it work?

5. Due to the straight line stock, how is recoil?

Ok thats it for now. But I still wish that we could import these things.
I am not kobun, nor do I play him on TV...

If you pop open the first picture he posted, you can see the safety system just in front of the trigger. There's a red and white dot, with what I assume is a selector switch underneath it.

Regarding the legality of importing/manufacturing the Neostead in the US, I would think that this would have to be completely legal, because there are no laws governing the capacity of pump-action shotguns, only autoloaders.
So, in theory a Neostead should be legal for US citizens to own.
Of course, the written law and the edicts of the BATF usually have nothing to do with one another.:rolleyes:

I'm not sure if it's legal to import or not, just saying US manufacturer's lost interest after the Strikers/Streetsweepers were classified as DDs--and they operated like giant double-action revolvers.

Neostead Update

DOES ANYONE HAVE UPDATED INFO ON THE NEOSTEAD? I am working on a paper in referance to the Neostead and need some updated info. Kobun, do you still have yours, This has proven to be a very difficult firearm to research. May I use your photos in my paper?

Have any major European or African Agencies adopted it?

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