Neighbor's Illegal Fireworks - How's it affect me?

From about 8AM July 4 until 9AM July 5, we ran 47 fire calls.

As an aside to Elkman, I'm not commenting on the safety aspect of a neighbor setting off fireworks, only on the legal aspect of being a next door neighbor to someone setting them off.

I used to live out in Hawaii where the air was so thick with fireworks smoke on the 4th that you couldn't see next door. Aerials were legal, and yes, fires were a common problem.
I wish they would ban all firearms except organized, have become a nuisance over the years with idiots with no brains shooting with out any regards to anyone around or to someones property.
Careful, that's a slippery slope your running on. You're for banning something because some people abuse it? That's the EXACT SAME logic the antis use. A little hypocritical if you ask me.

As we have seen in the OP. When fireworks are illegal, only "criminals" will have fireworks. Instead of ensuring that the fireworks being sold are at least safe we have people buying them from god knows where.
Fireworks? I'm experienced.

Comfortable chair. Ear plugs. Safety glasses. And have a garden hose next to you so you can tell the cops you're just protecting your property.

My biggest vacation problem back in the '50s was deciding how to allot my few dollars of spending money between firecrackers, bb's and ammo. Those were the days; they'd sell anything to a 7-year-old. Well, I was big for my age.

One trip we were visiting out of state relatives and my cousins were still in school so I walked down on Main St. and went in a sporting goods/hobby shop to buy some bb's and .22 rimfire. The clerk sold them to me, but only after asking who I was related to and why I wasn't in school. I love small towns.

I wish we'd known about ear plugs.
