Neighbor's Illegal Fireworks - How's it affect me?


New member
My neighbor just tried to sell me illegal fireworks. He plans on "doing it big" on the 4th. Fireworks are illegal in the state of Maine.

How's this going to affect me? I am not going to rat him out or anything, but if say I'm walking from my vehicle as he's doing his thing and the cops show up and say that as far as they're concerned I was outside with him, what kind of trouble would I be looking at?

I'll probably end up spending the day at my parents and come home later in the evening.

My main concern is that I am pending approval for my CCP. I think it's stupid to ban fireworks but the law is what it is and I don't want to let my neighbor screw my life up for his own kicks.

I don't know how hard they clamp down on this stuff. Maybe I'm overthinking it. Just would rather be cautious ahead of time than regretful afterwards.
not really firearm related.....

it has no chance of messing up your chl permit application.

Those fireworks are illegal here also, yet they can be seen on ever street corner come the 4th of july. I think I heard of someone getting a ticket once.... something like $32?

It wouldnt even effect your permit if you were the one lighting them off.

I'd be more worried about a potential fire. Make sure the fire danger is low and they are taking proper precautions... and enjoy
How is this not firearm related?

I'm worried about two things, all my neighbors know that I have firearms. I'm worried about one of them getting spooked by the fireworks and if the cops show up them knocking on my door.

Secondly, I'm worried that if I'm in the wrong place at the wrong time while my neighbor is entertaining his technically illegal funtime activities that I could get caught in the net.

It's entirely firearm related. You make it seem like I'm asking which sparkler is best for the 4th.

I mean, I appreciate your answer, I'm just dumfounded how this is not related to firearms.

BATF might not contain the word "explosives" in it's acronym, but their website sure says it's part of their workload.
it's along the same lines of a speeding ticket.

it's not firearms related at all and will have no effect on your application either directly or indirectly.....

If you are truly worried for some reason, call the cops and tell them your neighbors plan to light off illegal fireworks and you want it on record that you have nothing to do with it. Problem solved.
Chances are that the police will politely brush you off and your neighbors will never receive so much as a second glance.

like I said earlier, your biggest concern should be fire danger.

If you have any more questions, read the maine ccw requirements and ask yourself if a fireworks ticket would cause you to fail the questionaire. application package.pdf
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I wouldn't even worry about it. Sit outside and watch them, but stay in your yard if you're worried about it.
as long as your not lighting the fireworks with him sit back relax and enjoy the show/ if the cops show up your friend might get a warning if that. Its forth of july (TIME TO BE AMERICAN)
I live in Maine and have never seen the cops arrest anyone for shooting off fireworks and I have seen many amateur fireworks displays. It seems the authorities are more concerned about catching the people who buy them in NH and are in the act of transporting them into the state of Maine.
Like others have suggested, the biggest problem is fire danger so just sit back have a few brews and enjoy the show.
How close together are the houses in your neighborhood? Is it pretty rural?
Glad to hear and thanks for the responses. I didn't know how strict they were with that kind of stuff. I haven't lived here since I was a kid and never gave fireworks a second thought before. Just didn't want to make a stupid mistake.
It may not be firearm related but it is sure "fire related", I wish they would ban all fireworks except organized, have become a nuisance over the years with idiots with no brains lighting or shooting off with out any regards to anyone around or to someones property. :mad:

it must be an age or 'growing up' thing.... when I was a kid, we could buy those thunder bangers (the size of your thumb, or a bit bigger) I used to save all year and gave new meaning to the word 'hoarding' :D There wasn't a letterbox, trash can or anything safe from this little 'fireworks ninja' We could also get rockets, of course I taped bangers to the rockets..... I was a 'cracker addict'

Now, I couldn't be bothered.... here in Canberra this weekend is 'Queens Birthday' long weekend.... Canberra is one of the only places (Australian Capital Territory) where you can buy fireworks, but only this weekend, from this friday, til sunday only..... but still, I cant be bothered.

IMO, you should just enjoy his antics from your front porch.... if the cops turn up to bust him, just go inside. I wouldn't be over there foolin' around with him if the leo's turn up..... but just chill, enjoy (unless he does anything really stoopid.....)

If you arent on his property or assisting him, I don't think you will be able to be held in any way responsible for his actions. You dont want to dob him in to the cops.... just let things be.... Bad news when neighbours get the poops with you.... just leave it alone, IMHO :D
Personally I find them mostly annoying, and I know that he will be out there drunk doing dumb **** (not that I won't be drunk myself most likely, but i won't be effing with fireworks while drunk). I plan to park far away from the house so wayward fireworks don't hit it.

What really spurred my concern is that before we talked he had gone outside and set one off. I have a neighbor who dislikes me and knows that I have guns and I was like "what if she had been inside and called the cops saying it was me?"

Then I go outside and he's sketchy saying "c'mere, wanna buy some fireworks?". Just got me thinking. How illegal are fireworks, and what kind of scenarios can my sketchy neighbor get me into?

This is attached to a long history of my neighbor doing sketchy stuff. He's not a normal neighbor just trying to have fun.
Even if you're neighbor was running a crack house next door, I don't see how his actions could affect you in a legal sense. I'd hate to think what the country would be like if they punished the offenders and their next door neighbors for every crime committed.
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It is a non-issue. So long as your guns aren't involved in the firework show I wouldn't worry too much.

However, if you are worried about it, stay inside, with your doors and windows shut with the blinds drawn. I'd keep the lights off too.
This happened in Florida a couple of years ago, so take it for what it's worth, but cops are pretty lenient on the 4th as long as you are decent to them.

I was at a friend's 4th party where a huge amount of illegal fireworks were being shot - in town. Police show up, I end up talking to them, why, I don't know:

Cops: You guys been shooting fireworks?

Me (standing behind a table FULL of fireworks): Well, yes we have.

Cops: Oh. We're gonna come back buy around midnight, think you guys can be done by then?

Me: I believe so.

We were also cooking barbeque, so I offered the officers a plate, they grabbed some ribs and a bottle of water apiece, and were on their way.

I can't speak for Maine specifically, but anywhere I have ever lived is pretty lenient on the 4th about fireworks. I wouldn't worry about it.
I have a neighbor who dislikes me and knows that I have guns and I was like "what if she had been inside and called the cops saying it was me?"

Make sure you're squeaky clean in regards to this and it shouldn't be a problem. Bad neighbors who complain all the time are a common occurence. If it ever comes down to that, be polite and civil. We can't always be protected from harassment, but unfounded accusations don't usually hold much weight in legal matters.

I'm not in your specific circumstance so I can't dismiss your concerns completely, but I don't think you should worry so much. You'll get an ulcer.;)
Hmm, I guess everyone has their spin on this. In 1988(the year Yellowstone burned), I happened to be part of a 30 person(20 active) volunteer fire crew in the Cheyenne area. After a early summer drought, and half of the State allready burning, we approached the county commissioners about banning fireworks. They refused, assuring us that it would be fine. From about 8AM July 4 until 9AM July 5, we ran 47 fire calls. To this day, I am more than happy to sit back and watch the City sponsored show, and have a hose running in my back yard for most of the evening.
Having been on the kind of losing end of everyone elses' fun, I still cringe when I see fireworks going off in the desert, prairie, county, (pick one)
Kinda find it funny when someone says that "It's no big deal, it will be fine." Back to your question: it's not really your problem, Just keep a hose running.
I've set some of in MI but I was in the middle of a frozen lake with nothing that could burn within 2 miles. So even with breaking the law I am pretty sure no one would have made a big deal about it.

But just don't be the one lighting it and you won't get the fine.
I think your neighbor would get in more trouble for making false accusations. If your neighbor reports gunshots on the 4th of July, the police will likely blow it off as fireworks, unless your neighbor claims to have seen you firing a gun. The police possibly question you and possibly take you down to the station to check you for gun powder residue. I'm not sure if the gun powder in fireworks can be distinguised from regular gunpowder.

If you are that worried, make sure you aren't carrying and stay on your own property. Its annoying having jerk neighbors though.