neighborhood going downhill

This has been an informative post. Are there any other self-owned business people with similar problems that have come up with solutions?

Also, USP, what situation made you show your weapon? Just curious, as my apartment complex used to be sort of bad and now it's been getting better. I never had to draw, but was glad I had my CC with me all the time.
Most effective methods have already been discussed. And most are right. But it won't do any good to bankrupt your business trying to keeo it safe. I would suggest the 1st thing would be to plan a meeting with the other business owners. Host a nice BBQ or something at your house and invite them all over to address these issues, and get their input. If you can get them all to contractually agree to contribute to defenses, it would be great. You want just enough to keep baddies away, but not so much that your business looks like an armed compound, because that will scare customers away as surely as the criminal element. Good luck and keep us posted....
Some here have advocated moving, and I suppose that's the sane and logical thing to do, but, ya know, there's just something about doing that that sticks in my gut. Call it an emotional response, but I'd imagine there's some history and memories there that make it worth fighting for. That's a personal decision for you, I guess, but before I'd let a bunch of low lifes push me off of a business that I'd put money, time, sweat and tears into, I'd fight, logical or not. :mad:
Most police departments can't afford to go after such stuff, especially when they are made to spend so much of the budget on items such as biochemical suits and so on that just drain it. Of course the only real way they are going to deal with the gangs is to deal with the rapidly increasing poverty. When all the jobs are going abroad and the taxcuts go to the wealthy who just wall themselves off more and more from society. If they dealt with this crime, abortion, gangs all decrease substantially.

Neighbourhood watches are good practice in an area. Lights do work, but they can also have the opposite effect that they allow criminals to see easily. Cameras, fake or not work really well as do large signs pointing out security in the area works. You could even pay for a security guy to drive past every now and again and wouldn't be too expensive if you join up with the others. Dogs can work well if thats what they are train to do. A number of times the more peaceful dogs will be happy to have someone to play with so make sure you have them well trained. A burgular system and locking up the expensive tools work well should they get in. Perhaps shutters on all doors and windows.

Unfortantly beyond that theres not alot you can do.
Of course the only real way they are going to deal with the gangs is to deal with the rapidly increasing poverty. When all the jobs are going abroad and the taxcuts go to the wealthy who just wall themselves off more and more from society. If they dealt with this crime, abortion, gangs all decrease substantially.

I'm curious on what information are you basing this opinion. Not flaming or trying to agitate. Just wondering.
Wow. Lots of replies. I appreciate that.

I subscribe to the "broken windows" concept of crime prevention which is basically that if you allow a small problem (i.e., broken windows in abandoned businesses) to go unaddressed, the problems will worsen and eventually become out of control.

For some psychological reason unknown to me, it's a proven fact that litter encourages crime.

You guys hit the nail on the head. I don't think the problem is gangs so much as it is riff-raff. Small stuff is just now starting to attract the more serious stuff.

I talked to Dad's boss today. He says the landlord is going to "do something." Sounds to me like an empty promise. The riff-raff hang out in a treed lot next door. Boss is trying to get the county to get the vacant lot cut clean, which I think is a real possibility. Talking to him today, I think he's ready to sell the business anyway.

Selling the business? That has me thinking about buying it for the right price. Which also has me thinking harder about how to deal with the problem. If it were me, I'd get better insured for the property. And take some of the more preventative measures, to deter crime (I've gotten a lot of those from this thread), rather than focusing so much on what to do to stop a criminal who has made up his mind to victimize me.

As for moving, I don't think there really is anywhere to move where they would be safer for the same rent. Besides, these two guys aren't the type to let people like that run them off.
I suggest NO fake exterior cameras - bad legal precedents.

Personally, I'd never buy a fake camera. Real ones are so cheap nowadays, I have one on my house. But bad legal precedents? How so?
No Fake Cameras

A number of successful lawsuits have been brought over "providing an expectation of security without providing it" when fake cameras were installed outside. If you tell people that the cameras are fake (to avoid any expectation of security) what good are they then? Often a problem is better left unaddressed than poorly "fixed". A battery powered "fake" camera that pans and appears quite real is about $50; a decent quality exterior "real" camera can be bought for about $90. The camera is only part of the system, but I don't think you will find a security professional that will recommend a fake camera for exterior installation. Obviously, the decision is that of the user, but that was (and is) my suggestion.


When I was in high school, I worked afternoons and Saturdays at a Studebaker dealership. We had winos and other non-working types hanging around. As you can imagine, this was long before it became fashionable in certain circles to blame proverty on someone in government. Proverty causes crime about like flies cause garbage!

Charlotte, NC
USA and Damn proud of it.
The best thing to do is to hire a security outfit that specializes in dogs. Leave one locked inside the building at night. The only problem with this is that the outfit will have to put the dog in every night and take it out every morning before work.
Illegal aliens causing crime in America???? :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: I thought they just wanted to earn a decent living here........HA..HA..HA...HA..HA..HA...HA...ha...ha....ha.....ha......ha.......ha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
A number of successful lawsuits have been brought over "providing an expectation of security without providing it" when fake cameras were installed outside.

Oh, O.K., thanks.

When I was in high school, I worked afternoons and Saturdays at a Studebaker dealership.

Sounds like you've been around long enough to know what works. ;)
The instructor of my CWP/self defense class was a retired LEO. He also does security consulting, etc. He said that when you ask the scumbags themselves, they say that the deterrent that most makes them go looking for easier pickings is a loud dog. Doesn't have to be ferocious, just has to be loud, and not the type to friendly up to strangers. I'd start with that and then continue with lights, then cameras, and the other good suggestions on this thread.

Good luck to your dad and partner, and kudos to them for not wanting to be run off. This is still our country...if we can keep it.
You can't solve any problems by just throwing money at them. The Federal government proves that fact every year.
Ever notice how many of the rural areas where Johnson kicked off the "War on Poverty" are STILL dirt poor, some 3 plus decades later?
In the meantime nationwide the violent crime rate has gone down, and the govt. is scratching its head because it cannot bring itself to admit the real reason - Because 33 states have right to carry laws, and there is no way the feds can take credit for it.
[Dons flame retardant clothing]

One thing that has been proven to repel some undesirable elements is Classical Music. Some mini-malls have started playing ‘Muzak’ style music and found it repels the winos, etc.

So when you put up the extra lights, install some outdoor speakers in shielded housings. Then play classic and/or smooth instrumental music to repel the goblins.

[Climbs into dugout to await the flaming]
Ooo ooo ooo! Put on some Wagner! :eek: Not only will it drive the winos away screaming, but "Ride of the Valkyries" will call in Air Cav for mop up! :D :D

Hi, I bought a Lark in 1963, 289 4 spd trans. fast little car.
But They went out of business like within the week LOL.. No biggie I really liked that car.

The using of security is the best way, as in patrol and lights and checking on the people hanging out. They will move on.
