Software before hardware.
Considerations for Hardware I do recommend:
-Motion lights front and back near doors for sure, in other areas to discourage areas hidden in darkeness. If one
Appears prepared, BGs "might" seek easier prey.
-Solid metal doors, better locks with longer throws. Heavy duty chains, putting a "v" shaped 2x4 under door knob...pushing heavy chair in front of door...
Note: have a plan in the event of a fire to EXIT if extra security measures are installed...[ reason I'm not a big fan of bars on windows...]
-Using timers for lights , TV and Radio. Even if asleep, if it "appears" someone is up and awake, perhaps maybe the BGs will go to where it is all dark outside ( no motion lights) and all the lights are off inside the house.
-Drill holes in widow guides, patio window rails - top and bottom. Using 'obvious' big long nails - BGs cannot lift patio door off track, nor windows, they will have to bust them.
-Dogs are good...
-Interior motion lights and/ or emergency lighting is good. If the switch is tossed outside, power is off, and BGs see emergency lights come on...
...Or they do get into a room unnoticed - interior motion lights may change their mind.
-Alarms are good.
All these things must be used. One should test and practice using them - all the time. Being complacent is a bad habit anytime with anything. Brain, firearms, locking the door...
THEN...then if all the above deterrents does not discourage BGs - the TRAINING and KNOWLEDGE of one' s Shotguns ( firearms ) and definitions of Legal Stats on the use of Lethal force comes into play.