Need to know something

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I learned long ago that when a thread "drifts" it's like a car on ice. any corrections attemped will just cause you to end up in the ditch and the only smart thing is just to hang on tight.

This thread began with the topic of the "evils" of the system that says you have to be one or the other. Or more speficly that this smae system what you to agree with one side or the other %100 of the time. On that note it has drifted almost from the start. But so far it has remained civil so why should it be locked? Should the direction change to being uncivil I'll be the first to play that card. but so far it has not come to that
Islam has been converting by the sword since its inception, and will not stop until Judaism and Christianity are destroyed.

Well now we are getting back on topic, sort. Seriously Islam the sword brandishing religion? Check the history. South America, North America, Africa, large swaths of Asia, and Australia all violently converted by Christians. Not to mention Protestant witch trials, Catholic Inquisitions, and other Christian sponsored ethnic cleansing with-in traditionally Christian communities. Now Communists have probably killed more, with Mao and Stalin racking up about 100,000,000 dissidents between them, but Christianity wins hands down on the use of force (and guns I guess) to forcefully convert to a Religion. In fact I would bet Christian churches have racked up more points on the killometer than fascist governments (real fascist gov'ts like Mussolini's Italy, not just calling anything restrictive fascist). Probably even if you use the "3/5 Compromise" scale (devised by a population dominated by Christians). Pick up a history book sometimes, I'll even count the bible. You might be surprised what you find.

Waiting for someone to claim these things never happened, or that the world is a different place now where organizations don't kill people to solve problems, disarm populations before committing genocide, and modern nations separate church and state (like two chief US allies, Saudi Arabia and Israel).
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