Need some stats to silence a co-worker...

I wish we could stop using those arguments that say "pistols are better 'cause they are less lethal" or "had this guy used a 12ga rather than an assault rifle, more would have died".

We are setting ourselves up for a comeback that says: "ban hunting rifles and shotguns, as even the evil gun nuts admit they are more lethal than the mere assault rifles carried by our glorious police."

Cornered Rat Updated March 20
"Turn in your guns, get a a free tattoo on your arm"
Cornered Rat: I agree in principle, but we're talking here about a rather one-on-one type of situation. It is common for even a friendly type to say something on the order of "Hunting guns are okay, but pistols are terrible." Pointing out this sort of fallacy in the context of *their* "approval zone" can sometimes be useful.

When faced with a totally anti-gun type, who would indeed use your argument, I merely ask whether I am allowed to defend myself or my family, and if so, how? Anything else is a waste of time...

Regards, Art
I agree with Art about not wasting time on the totally anti-gun types. It seems that the "rule of thirds" which was operating as long ago as our Revolutionary War (1/3 of the colonials were for independence, 1/3 were against it, and 1/3 were neutral)is still operating. In my experience, today we have roughly 1/3 of of the population in the pro-gun camp, 1/3 in the anti-gun camp, and 1/3 in the neutral camp. Sparing with people in the anti-gun camp is generally entertaining but a waste of time - better to spend the time & energy educating people in the neutral camp, where the return on investment is greater.

Cordially, ...