Need some advice on .22 pistols

I have a ruger MKII stainless slab side and have owned two others in the past. All great guns, accurate, well built, etc.
That said, if I wanted a high standard later I might prefer a neos now and some change in a piggy bank to go toward the HS. I fired a neos right after they came out and was very impressed. Except for aesthetics and polymer v. Steel I dont think the stock ruger has anything on it and those are both personal. Maybe in competitive shooting, but certainly not plinking at the range.
The Ruger .22 pistol has been around in several incarnations since 1949, and has an excellent track record. In my former life as a gunsmith, I never encountered any serious problems with the Ruger other than major cleanings and the occasional recoil spring replacement. (Usually after thousands of rounds had been fired.) Also, unlike some other .22 autos, they are all steel. (With the exception of the 22/45s.)

The Ruger would definitely be my recommendation.
I love my high standard sport king with the 6 3/4" barrel. 1957. Odd enough it is the only .22 pistol I have ever owned.
I love my high standard sport king with the 6 3/4" barrel. 1957. Odd enough it is the only .22 pistol I have ever owned.

Nothing odd about that; High Standard always made an excellent .22 pistol.
I had two 22/45's. They were fine, but I had a LOT more fun with my friend's Walther P22 which is similar to the Ruger SR22. I vote for the SR just for the fun factor. I found the 22/45's to be quite top heavy and unbalanced.
Get him a gift certificate instead.

1. If he would like to have a gun that is just above your price point, he can toss in a few dollars of his own, and he will still know the gift is from you.

2. I believe there is now a Federal law that prohibits one person from buying a firearm for another person. It is called a straw purchase for what ever reason. If you make the purchase through a gun dealer, you will have to sign a form that says the gun is for you, and not someone else. If you lie, it can really backfire on you later. Should he have a felony record that you do not know about, you could be in deep dooo dooo giving him a gun, (furnishing a felon with a firearm). It doesn't matter if he already has a closet full of guns.
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I believe there is now a Federal law that prohibits one person from buying a firearm for another person. It is called a straw purchase for what ever reason. If you make the purchase through a gun dealer, you will have to sign a form that says the gun is for you, and not someone else.

Unless it has changed recently - very recently - buying firearms for gifts are not straw purchases and completely legal.
I've seen a lot of people recommend revolvers as good fun, so that's something to consider. When I went looking for a .22, it came down to the SR-22 for reliability or a Walther/Bersa .22 PPK style for fun and compatibility with concealed carry practice. The slide materioal on the Walther made me nervous and nobody had the Bersa, so I ended up with the SR-22. It chews up everything. A buddy of mine did have a .22 Walther PPK he wanted me to break in and it was pretty darned good.
The 4473 form has to be filled out by any one who is purchasing a gun. It has a question that specifically asks if the gun is for the person filling out the form or if it is for someone else. Crenshaw said that lying on this form could land you in jail for up to 10 years.

Read more:

My concern is for the young lady who is making the gift. If her boyfriend got popped years ago for anything like drugs, that would make him a felon. She has a problem. If she gives him a gift certificate for Cabella's or such, and he buys a gun with it, she is completely safe. The gun dealer can background check him much easier than she can.

Unless someone here can vouch for the boyfriend, and offer legal support in case they are wrong, I think it a bad idea that we say go buy this or that gun for him.
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Gift Card

I agree with getting him a Gift Card. If you are within easy driving distance to a Cabela's or Bass Pro -- well, a gift certificate would be perfect. Both places handle most of the semi autos that have been mentioned. Both shops back what they sell as well.


David :)
The 4473 form has to be filled out by any one who is purchasing a gun. It has a question that specifically asks if the gun is for the person filling out the form or if it is for someone else.

Not quite. From the 4473 form: "Are you the actual transferee/buyer of the firearm(s) listed on this form?"

You can be the "actual buyer" of a gift firearm in the same way that you select, buy, and give other gifts. At least, the law has been interpreted that way in the past. Gift cards have their advantages, but if you want to give a gift of a firearm, and you have no reason to think that the recipient of your gift is legally prohibited from firearm ownership, current law does not prohibit it.