Need Info on Browning Hi Power

Nice. Like I said there are exceptions. If you're patient and a bit lucky you can always snag a deal. That's never changed.

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I would say its more about knowledge, patients and discipline than luck. First you have to know enough to determine the value of what you are looking at. Then you need the patients to only buy something that has "real" value. Then you need to have the discipline to not over pay. For me luck has nothing to do with it but I understand your point.

I've bought a number of firearms from GunBroker. When I say "luck" I mean a seller that doesn't have the "knowledge" of the value of what he's selling, or at least what he could get if he was "patient". I've also seen auctions end for prices that are low simply because the post was keyworded in a way that there was low traffic or timed so that it ended at awkward times. If you want to go the Obi-Wan Kenobi route of, "In my experience there's no such thing as luck", and argue it's all preparation meets opportunity, more power to you. Course we might need a different forum for that discussion.

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Once again I reminded my I don’t post here much anymore. Same people same round and round pointless discussions. Oh well keep up the good work.
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Limited data is what it is. It's hard to make definitive conclusions from people on forums as what percentage of gun owners go on a forum? My point was there are examples having gone higher round counts without cracking. Like you say, the QC isn't as consistent as many other manufacturers. I'm not denying it's a bit of a gamble. My point is for a person that doesn't want to go through the work of refinishing and refurbishing a surplus model I can see why someone would go the Tisas route. For myself I don't own won, but I wouldn't mind trying one. There's an Argentine FM90 that's pristine for sale near me locally for $400. I'd probably just go that route.

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Am I reading this right that you do not own a BHP? I thought you at least had one. IIRC you bought a surplus gun off of GB sometime last year. If my memory is correct you had a few questions about them back then. I guess you are an expert on them having since you owned one for about a year now.

I find is odd that you are able to knock out expert level advice on a gun and a platform you have very little experience with. How many have you owned in your lifetime? How many rounds down the pipe out of how many different BHPs? How familiar are you personally with BHPs? Anyone can read others peoples posts and parrot information but what I am asking is how much personal hands on time do you have on the BHP. Again IIRC just about a year ago you had not personally shot a BHP in years prior to your GB purchase. Yet here you dolling out advice about how to buy and what to buy when it comes to BHPs . Seems odd and out of place for someone who has bought 2 in their lifetime. :rolleyes: In the end you always like to present yourself as expert in all things. On the BHP I call BS. You are out of your depth.

As to the Tisas have you shot one? Have you even held one? There are not many high round count reports for the Tisas BHPs. The highest one I have heard about is the BHSS gun which was modified with their parts before the test was conducted. Outside of that from forum data I have not seen one over 2500. Even though we cannot draw definitive data from forums you can look at the number of issues reported vs the number of guns owned by people who post in that forum. Again looking at the 1911forum and other places the number of problems vs number of owners has been high IMHO. There have also been reoccurring problems. Now that the guns have been in the US for over a year some shooters warranty is expiring. So the buyer beware. IMHO
Seems odd to me to chastise the forum members for pointless behavior and then go back to previous posts to do what exactly, score points because you're upset? Okay.

I've owned 5 Hi Powers (Edit: finally checked my logs). 2 Browning commercial models (including the one I have now), a Charles Daly, and the import you mentioned (Edit: it was two imports, I owned one in 2016 from CDI Sales, before the fire in 2018, and then the Mach1Arsenal import; I finally found the email from CDI). I don't own a Tisas. I don't ever remember calling myself an expert, but I don't remember that being a requirement for having an opinion based on my experience and it's not as if what I said differs radically from your own comments (I admitted the seemingly inconsistent QC and noted that they'll be more appealing in years to come). I've actually directed members here to contact you personally because of the knowledge and experience you've displayed on the Hi Power (though I find someone describing himself as an expert a tad distasteful; I haven't even read posts from the late Stephen Camp of him saying as much). Take it to PM if you want to get personal (which you should know after having been here so long).

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Seems odd to me to chastise the forum members for pointless behavior and then go back to previous posts to do what exactly, score points because you're upset? Okay.

I've owned 4 or 5 Hi Powers (I can check my logs if you'd like). 2-3 Browning commercial models (including the one I have now), a Charles Daly, and the import you mentioned. I don't own a Tisas. I don't ever remember calling myself an expert, but I don't remember that being a requirement for having an opinion based on my experience and it's not as if what I said differs radically from your own comments (I admitted the seemingly inconsistent QC and noted that they'll be more appealing in years to come). I've actually directed members here to contact you personally because of the knowledge and experience you've displayed on the Hi Power (though I find someone describing himself as an expert a tad distasteful; I haven't even read posts from the late Stephen Camp of him saying as much). Take it to PM if you want to get personal (which you should know after having been here so long).

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Everything is just fine. I am just pointing out that on this particular topic you are an emperor with no clothes. You first hand knowledge is self admittedly limited.

Hi all,
All the talk about Hi Powers in the recent Tisas thread finally motivated me to buy another Hi Power (I owned one many years ago as one of my first semiautos). I picked up a surplus MkIII being sold by Mach 1 Arsenal on GunBroker and was lucky enough to not have my auction bid up overly high. The sample I got appears to have been made in 1995 and while used doesn't appear abused.

One thing I noticed was that while the full serial number is on both the barrel and frame, on the slide are only the last 5 digits of the serial number (in a larger font, but stamped and not with an electronic pencil). The pictures I browsed on Google showed US commercial models with no serial number on the slide and European models with the full triple serial numbers. I wasn't sure if this meant the slide had been replaced or something.

Lastly, I'm planning on this being a sort of project gun. I did the same with a few CZs in the past and really enjoyed the process. I may get it refinished, but I was considering a safety replacement for something a bit more extended and maybe any other parts, polishing, or mods folks recommend. I see parts available from both Cylinder and Slide and BHP Spring Solutions. Yes I will shoot the pistol first, but working on the CZs gave me an appreciation for how they functioned and I'd like to do the same here.


I have never referred to myself as a BHP expert. I have owned many over the years. I still own over a dozen. I like the platform. The info I post on BHPs is based on my personal experience and my time buying selling and shooting them extensively. Some people's opinions are carry more weight on certain topics than others. Others don't state opinions but state facts. Some people like yourself just like to debate for the sake of debating. You seem to do that often here even when your knowledge of the subject is somewhat lacking. Either way carry on and ave a good rest of your weekend.
If I'm an emperor, that's odd as I never claimed to be one or claimed to be the height of fashion, nor to my knowledge has anyone else said I am or treated me as such. I remember the post, but you're welcome to quote it and any other of my past posts.

WVsig said:
I have never referred to myself as a BHP expert.


WVsig said:
I find is odd that you are able to knock out expert level advice

Okay then.

WVsig said:
Others don't state opinions but state facts.

And here I thought you weren't calling yourself an expert? I've sent people your way on this topic, I'm aware of your level of knowledge nor do I remember expressing skepticism of it.

WVsig said:
Some people like yourself just like to debate for the sake of debating.

The irony of you saying that is impressive.

WVsig said:
You seem to do that often here even when your knowledge of the subject is somewhat lacking.

And you like to use ad hominems and appeals to authority to stifle discussion on what is a discussion forum.

I'm sorry my contribution on this thread has bothered you to this extent. Like I said, if you have something personal to add take it to PM. To keep discussing here would seem to be in danger of the following:

WVsig said:
Same people same round and round pointless discussions.
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Hey just ask me any question, I have some Hi Powers so I must be an expert.:)


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Girls, girls, you're both pretty.

I'm no expert. I only have one HP. It's an FN low number that I don't know much about and read here to maybe learn something about it.

Edit: The stamp on the slide says
"Fabrique Nationals D'Armes De Guerre
Herstal Belgique
Browning's Patent Depose"

Sn 34xxx on both slide & frame
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On a more serious note, of my seventeen Hi Power pistols I have attempted to get an example of many of FN’s offerings as well as some others. Currently they include four consecutive numbered FEG pistols, an Argentine, first year of production Belgian Army issue tangent sight, post war 1950 & 1951, E series, T series, several 60 &70’s era, a 1979 Belgian Police marked Light Weight, MkII, MkIII and a 90’s Browning marked Capitan tangent sight. I am still looking for a representative Nazi marked pistol ( had several in the past) that is not on the endangered list price wise. My favorite must be the Light Weight with a BHSS buffered guide it is fun to shoot.


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Where would you send (my) box stock MKII for sights & trigger work?
I do stand by what I said about WVsig. He has some excellent posts and threads about custom work on the Hi Power that are worth viewing if you're interested in that route. I'd like to hear what Mikey has to say too.

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Ha thought you would catch me without an expert goes: I leave all of my Hi Powers in stock condition. Oh I do place extended safety’s on shooters and change grips on those same pistols for a better hold (Hogue makes a $55 set of checkered exotic wood grips that I really like). My pistols that I recognize as having some collector value are caused to remain bone stock without any of the aforementioned changes.