Need help

Art I've spent a lifetime here in just a few short years. We plan to be living in either Texas or Arizona when she finishes with school. Las Vegas has always been home but with the current anti gun laws being pushed through it won't be home any longer. Our short list has gotten shorter.
hunters education is a great place to start, during the recesses and breaks take the time to talk to a couple of the administrators most are volunteers that have spent years hunting and learning the area, the wild life, the terrain. they are the ones with the best hints, tips and tricks.

after you have your license you may also invest in guided trips.. nothing fancy just ducks, geese, turkeys, coyotes that kindof thing, they can give you a great education as you go.
Depending on your location Cabelas, Gander mountain and small gun shops usually have dates of hunters safety classes also sounds like your possibly close to U of M there is Washtenaw sportmens club in the area that also does hunters safety class also said on Sundays they are generally open to the public for different shooting sports skeet, rifle matches, black powder, pistol ,and archery. They have a web site with a calender of vents if that helps.
First off. Its great that you want to explore hunting. Especially with your family. I have many fond memories hunting with my father and I hope my children will have the same to say of me one day. My 15 y/o has likely surpassed me in skill at this point. I like to win, but what a great feeling it is when your son is better.
As some others suggested, game farms/hunting guides are a great way to get top notch hands on experience. Also any hunting related club in the area will likely have someone willing to mentor you along the way. It is a daunting task to take prey, then you have the carcass to harvest. Gutting and butchering require as much skill and practice as the hunt. You may want to start buying whole cuts of meats and de-boning/butchering them yourself to help gain some skill. Be alert, and above all else be safe.
Edit: and more of the greatest thing in the world. Time spent with my wife and sons!!

I disagree.

As I have gotten older, I have found that the "Greatest Thing in the World" is watching your childen do things well that you taught them to do ...... especially when their skills surpass your own....... when your kid stalks a deer on their own (that you swore they could not sneak up on) and kills it, and has begun field dressing it before you even get there ....... it'll bring a tear to your eye .....