Need help training my dog

As a Dobie owner, before they were recognized and destroyed by AKC; as an Aussie Shep owner, before they were recognized and destroyed by AKC....I can tell you that you have one helluva a dog.

Catahoula's are nothing mysterious. They're natural nose hunters, workers and extraordinary testers of their owners. They're also really loyal.

Yes, you need to find that 5 year old pup a job. He'll tear up your life if you don't. So many good suggestions already. Listen to them...especially those who argue that his jobs should be centered around things he does naturally....not necessarily things you'd like him to do.

They are, as you point out, cattle and hog dogs. And I share your concern that a single hog Bay Dog is in enormous danger in the field. I've found that the Mighty Miko Wattah has a real penchant for tracking, though. If you're a hunter, you can always use a tracker for wounded or killed game.

Think about teaching him to track. Footsteps, hog scent....doesn't matter. They're both readily available. But the fact is, that pup will not be dissuaded from doing what is atavistically natural. Best you can do is direct it.

I may loose this 9 month old pup to the wrong Boar; but I'd be doing worse by giving him 15 years on a couch.
ahenry my cat is yellow. He's a good looking dog! Till you look at his face! Looks like someone went crazy on his face with a Marks-a-lot. I got the dog from a rancher who has a working Catahoula. My boy Rocky looks just like his mother. But the mother has blue eyes and rocky has brown. and the places where the female is white rocky is black. On the face!

Rocky's dad was a AKA German Shepherd. The Female is a ACA Catahoula. I chose the puppy that looked more like the mother hoping to get more of a Cathoula. But I can see the German Shepherd blood in him in his size. I'm 5 foot 11. when I let Rocky out of the kennel he likes to jump on me. He puts his paws on my shoulders and smells my face. He is a big dog! I don't think Catahoulas get thet big? But other than that he looks just like a Catahoula.