Need Help To Determine Value of A 1903A3

1903 Springfield

Well boy's and girls I did it, Mil Tech got my order, I wanted a rebarrel on my Honolulu special, but due to you know what they just didn't want that old liaibility., can't blame them with all the bad press. Personally, just my opinion now: so you'all don't get excited, I feel it was all about ballistics, and how the weapon was cared for that caused the problems. Millions were built, sent to all kinds of country's and used in all types of weather conditions. I will retire my original, when I take delivery of my MIL-TECH. Be careful and shoot clean Sunny
Look on the front of the barrel on the bottom below the sights. If it has a star stamped on it. Then it is a 4 grove barrel with a faster twist rate. The rear peep sight in it makes it much easier to pick up the sights.

Oh and if it is a star stamped barrel add 200 to 400 dollars to the value of the rifle. Star barrels are rare but not unheard of.
You aint going to find a star barrel on a 1943 Rem. Its a DCM sold gun that sat in storage from 1943 till 1962 or so and is worth about 1200 to 1500. would be worth more but the stock has had the cutter groves sanded out of it.
I would check that bolt though as it looks like it may have got swapped when they where boxnig them up in 1962 as it should not be blued. that will knock about 600-800 of the value.
Just make the guy an offer of what you want to pay for it. If you like the gun more than the money and he likes the money more than the gun you will trade and both be happy. It's that simple.