Need Help on Deciding Between 3 Rifles For Deer Season


New member
I'm new to the forum, and this is my first post here so any and all feedback would be greatly appreciated. I'm buying a back-up/alternate deer rifle and my LGS has 3 used guns that fit the bill for what I'm looking for and all are priced from $275-$330. First up is a Mossberg branded 1500 (Howa clone) in 7mm REM Mag. This is the least likely buy, although it is the most inexpensive at $275. From a 24" barrel a factory 7 Mag load is not much more than a louder, stiffer recoiling.270 WIN, and the factory ammo is ultra expensive. Next choice is a Marlin XL7S (black/stainless) in .30-06. I love the X series Marlins and I had one in .308 that I could kick myself for ever getting rid of. It is a newer Remlin, not the original JM stamped Marlin-made gun but it is still new and only fired about 3x. A guy bought it for his son's first deer rifle and immediately took it back after the 30-06 pounded the poor kid. This gun still has it's factory stickers and looks like it never left the shop for $299. Finally my other option is a Savage 116 weather warrior (black/stainless) in 30-06 for $329. This gun is only in slightly more used condition than the Marlin. My only real concern is that although the XL7 is a great gun (best for the money in my opinion,) they are now discontinued and how would that affect parts availability in the future? I also love a good Savage and I've never been disappointed with one other than the terrible trigger on the Axis. Keep in mind I'm not trying to have a perfect match grade rifle. I'm not too worried about sub-MOA or having a nice safe queen. I want an accurate enough gun to shoot well and be reliable in the elements. Please offer your opinions!
My vote would be for the Savage. I've found Savages to be very accurate.

This seems like a great price for the Weather Warrior especially.

The Marlin would be my second choice, but I would definitely pick the Savage 1st.
For all that I've been an '06 afficianado for many decades and have killed many deer with mine, it's at the upper end of "good deer rifle". :)

I'd likely pick the Savage. Parts? Odds are that as a hunting rifle, it won't get used enough for anything to break. My Weatherby, over a forty-year period and some 4,000 rounds never had any part fail.

I'd guess that an ejector and/or a firing pin would be the only points of failure, so buy a spare of each and stash them for the next generation. :)
Out of those 3 choices id go with the Savage just because I prefer SS over blued.

I agree with Art on the odds of anything ever breaking on a hunting rifle.

Right now 30/06 and 270's are almost at rock bottom prices. Everyone is getting rid of "grandpas gun" for the latest and greatest.
I have watched at least a dozen on Gunbroker sell for under $300, or not even get any bids on them in the last couple of months.

CDNN has new X7's in 7mm-08 for $269. The 7mm-08 is a great cartridge for us in Alabama. Dont overlook it if you run across one.
I have a Howa in .270 win. It is the most accurate rifle from the box first 3 shots all holes touching. I'd be inclined to get that one. I'd also reload for it. I've shot a 7 mag before. It also shots the heavier bullets if you want. The action is really strong. Ammo all cost more than ten bucks a box any more. So I reload for everything.

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Thanks for the input! For reference, the Marlin and Savage are both stainless with black synthetic stocks. +1 For the 7mm 08. I have a buddy with a Model 7 in that caliber and he bags plenty of deer every year, most of which drop in their tracks or go no farther than 20 yards (combo of great shot placement and an adequate round from an accurate rifle.) If I could find a 7-08 in anything for $269 I'd jump all over it! Back to the choices, I've also heard that Savage has a clear edge in barrel quality over the X series Marlins. Anyone have that experience?
"...stiffer recoiling .270 WIN..." No 7mm Rem Mag recoils less than any .270. However, the 7mm Mag is far too much cartridge for deer anyway.
One commercial hunting rifle is pretty much the same as the next. It's really a Chevy vs Ford vs Datsun thing. Go try 'em on for size and buy the one that speaks to you.
"...I could kick myself for ever getting rid of..." That would be the decision maker for me.
The 7mm mag and 30-06's from equal weight rifles recoil almost exactly the same and inside of 400 yards there is no real difference in performance. The 7 mag starts to have an edge at longer ranges. I've used a 30-06 almost exclusively for over 40 years. I'd no longer recommend one for deer hunting. Nothing wrong with the caliber, but it is completely overkill until you get into moose, elk and large bear.

Of your options I like the Marlin the best, but would seriously consider looking around a little longer for something less powerful. If you never plan to hunt anything larger than deer a 243 is just about perfect. Ammo is just as easy to find, just as cheap and more than adequate for deer.

If you think bear or elk might be a possibility in the future a 30-06 makes more sense, but a 308 will give you about 97-98% of a 30-06's bullet speed with about 75% of its recoil.
I can't imagine any of the 3 not able to do the job. So the choice is yours to make but, I am willing to bet that there is one of the three that you think about the most, hat you remember the feel of, that speaks to you. That's the one.
Of the Choices, Savage.

Per others, I think 06 is more than needed.

Possible to get Savage re barreled but that runs cost up.

260 or so would seem a darn good deer cartridge. 243 etc
I actually am starting to consider a single shot 7mm-08 like a CVA Hunter which retails for $199 at my local Academy. If I still opt for one of the three I'm deadlocked on the 2 in '06 with a slight edge to the Savage. I just love an '06 for its versatility and wide range of loads and applications. To clarify an earlier statement, I was implying that with a 24" barrel, a 7 Mag is nothing more than a .270 EXCEPT a louder, harder kicking gun.
I'd forget the 7Rm, it's overkill for deer.
The 30-06 and the 7mm RM are close enough in power that it doesn't matter. Except maybe on those little Texas deer. (Not EVERYTHING in bigger in Tejas).

T.O'Heir posted: Go try 'em on for size and buy the one that speaks to you.
THAT right there is some sound advice. Which rifle FEELS good in YOUR hands? Which one comes up to the shoulder more naturally? Which one just feels RIGHT TO YOU?

These days..even inexpensive / budget rifles have a lot more to offer than in the past. Durability? Customer support? Brand backing??? ACCURACY? Yeah.. they have it.. which one FEELS right to you?
7mm rem mag too big for deer?

I can't get my head around why you fellas keep insisting 7 mag is too big for deer..???!!!??
I'd say any cartridge capable of swiftly dispatching your quarry is suitable. In some circumstances longer range cartridges are the only way to go. Now don't think for a minute that I don't know what it takes to kill deer cleanly, as I have done it yearly for over 30 years with multiple cartridges.
I like the 7mm rem mag for deer hunting because of dependability and confidence, and my 7 mag is a lightweight, accurate and all round pleasure to hunt with.
I like the .270 win as much though, and have taken multiple deer with it and it's big brother the 3006, and performance is what I want from proven cartridges like these three.
I also have a 6.506 which is Ideal for whitetail, but I can't see it being better than the other 3 forementioned.
7 mm Remington Magnum can be loaded with a lot of different style bullets to cleanly take any game I hunt so stymatizing it as too much for whitetails is hogwash.
The HOWA is the best rifle but the caliber may be the deal breaker.
The Marlin? I wouldn't go there at all.
The Savage will be heavier and not a nice looking as the HOWA but still a better choice(due to caliber).
Back in the day, I shot a bunch of deer(and coyotes) with a 7mmRM because that's what I had.
Go for the Savage.
It'll be more accurate, more aftermarket support, and should you ever want a different chambering, it's a simple DIY project.
Never owned a Savage bolt gun, but I have three '06s and love them all (2 Rem 700s and a beautifully sporterized M1917 Eddystone). Not everyone is selling "grampa's gun," especially grampas that still hunt and love the ol' '06. And, I are a grampa, BTW. For deer, I use my 6mm; priceless.

As one of my ODG, iconic heroes once proclaimed, "The 30-06 is never a mistake." Townsend Whelen's words will always ring true. I've seldom heard anything bad about the Savage rifles, so my vote would be that one you've got your eye on, and thinking about.

Evidently you're not reloading (yet)? As has been noted many times before, if you can't get '06 ammo at the corner store (or 30-30 shells, or even 270's) they probably don't have much of anything else, IMO.

+1 on the Savage.