Need help Identifying my K-98

I really don't get into the collecting end of Mausers, but now I am curious. Somebody said, "It should have a Mod. 98 stamped on the left side of the receiver". I can remember using a lot of K98's that were not stamped like that. I always thought they were re-worked Mausers from WWI. (Shortened, bent bolt, ect.) They were German manufacture.
What is your take on the m48bo. What is the reputation of these rifles?
They are by all accounts well made rifles. If you want a Military Mauser for a shooter, they are probably good candidates.

If you are looking for a WW2 artifact, you may want to return it and keep looking.
I also have an intermediate length Mauser with a V serial number prefix that looks like the OP's. I read somewhere that they were made in Yugoslavia for the Egyptian Army.
I agree 100% on it being an m48bo or scrubbed, but I am still puzzled by the Eagle stamp which looks very much like the German imperial eagle. the bolt , upper barrel and receiver all have this stamp. Could these have been from a german rifle from pre nazi days that was reworked into an m48?