Need help for final choice from four handguns


I've narrowed it down to four choices.
Para Ordnance P14/45
Glock 21
HK USP .40
Sig Pro 2340
My main concerns are reliability and longevity. When available should I get Stainless Steel? Regarding the P14 thoughts on the LDA or limited models. Last, considering cost and accuracy which is better .40 or .45. Thanks for any insight you guys can share with me
Given your "main concerns are reliability and longevity", the Glock 21 is the best choice.

It also offers, durable finish, ease of maintenance, accuracy, and it's easy (and inexpensive) to adjust to individual tastes.

Good luck.
Of the guns you list, probably the Glock. Why have you narrowed it down to these four? What is your intended purpose - plinking, defense, competition? There may be other options.

As to the choice between .40 and .45, I'm not sure there is a significant accuracy difference; the .40 will be slightly cheaper to shoot.

Stainless steel offers easier cleaning and better wear resistance. Many people don't like shiny guns for carry purposes.
<B>HK USP 45 (Variant 1)</B>
1. You have the option of DA/SA or SA Carry.
2. The USP has above average accuracy and excellent reliability (Same with the Glock 21)
3. 10+1 rounds of .45ACP

1. The fullsize USP is a large gun. That should not be
a problem if used for a dedicated home defense gun. If you want to carry it sometimes, it might be a little uncomfortable if your not a large individual.
Definitely get the Glock 21. It is a very soft shooting .45, which combines superb accuracy with hi-capacity (if you get the hi-caps). With practice, one can hit a man sized target out to 100 yards with the Glock 21--many of my friends who also own the G21 have done this. I can hit out to 50 yards easily with my G21.....I am just not a good enough shot to hit consistently @ 100 yards. It is very durable and reliable.

The H&K is also a very good gun, but .40 caliber has a sharper recoil than .45 IMO. The HK is also very durable and reliable.

The Sig Pro is a good pistol....but it is not as good as a classic Sig. The Sig Pro is too new of a design to predict durability. From my experience shooting them, they are reliable, but not as accurate as classic Sigs.

The Para-Ord is unreliable out of the box. Of the models you listed, the Para-Ord is the only one I would NOT recommend.
Glock 21

Of course there is a choice in that realm too.
You could get the Glock 21c, factory compensated.
Decisions, decisions. :D

HK USP 40.

Hands down in my book.

Glocks are coyote ugly. HK's are sleek, well thought out, accurate, and have a great manual of arms.

Mine is my favorite plastic body gun and a joy to shoot.
Glock 21 or HK USP 45. Both of these are accurate and reliable. For a feild gun I favor the HK in Variant 1 because of the manual safety (may afford me just a little more time in case of gun grab).

Thanks for all the input guys. I'm going to rent all the guns before I make my final decision. Just wanted some input. People who thinks it's a bad list I would appreciate it if you could list problems with the guns. Maybe you'll point out something I haven't thought about. The Sig, Glock, and HK I chose because of brand reputation and the prices seemed good for the qualtiy. The P14 is on there just cause I think it's a beautiful gun and I like 45's.

[Edited by KrispyKreme on 01-12-2001 at 03:50 AM]
Hey Krispy,
First, LOVE those donuts, man. Keep 'em comming. :D
Second, I would endorse the Glock 21, although it is to big for my hand. I prefer the Glock 30. With the present law, buying a pistol made to fire 13 rounds, when all you can buy is 10 round mags is kinda pointless IMHO. With the G30, you get a gun that is at home both on the range, as well as concealed under your suit coat. Kinda like the best of both worlds. ;)
The HK gets my vote.

It's FUN to shoot.
I've had NO problems with mine.
No where near as funny looking as the glocks.
I've never shot the Sig, or the Para Ordinance, so I can't vote for them.
It's fun to shoot.

Well, Im not crazy about anything on your list but if they were the last four on the planet I would go with the Glock.
Of those listed, I'd go with the Glock 21.

Really confused why you have 45 and 40 listed, because if you had listed an HK USP .45 I'd choose that over the 21, but only because it is rated for .45 Super.

The Para probably has the most accuracy potential, but you'll need to spend money on a gunsmith to get it. Out of the box all of these will/should be pretty accurate.

40/45 ammo is going to be about the same cost for good carry ammo, and in plinking ammo the edge will go to cheap .45 ball made in eastern europe. Accuracy is going to go to the "match" .45 ammo out there, but for practical purposes they are equal.