need Help CCW DENIED

NY has some of the worst gun laws in the country, not being a shall issue state they can deny you for as little as the person taking your app didn't like the way you looked. I don't belive you will ever leagally be able to own a handgun in NY, as in NY being denied once is reason enough to deny a second app.:barf:
i have been a model citizen since without even a speeding ticket.

Just because you were never convicted of most of the things on that LONG list of charges involving dope, thievery, and bad behavior in public, does not mean people in positions of power will consider you a "model citizen".

In fact I'm pretty sure they consider you to be a seriously antisocial dopehead thief after looking at that list of charges.

I'm not saying it's right, but them's the breaks.

I wish you the best of luck, though, as long as you have left your wild days behind you. You may want to consult a lawyer for the appeal process, it never hurts to have somebody on your side who is familiar with the people and routines involved.
About the only thing you can do (besides moving) is to consult a firearms attorney. Maybe he can help you put the best light on your past transgressions and help show the judge how you have reformed your life.
In many states where the AG runs the show, the local authorities (Sheriff/Chief of Police) are allowed to weigh in against any particular individual. Their comments can sink a less than stellar application.
You might want to talk to an attorney familar with the process, but keep in mind if this is an administrative proceeding then the rules are a lot looser and the fact that you were not convicted of many of the things on your list of former charges has little to no bearing.

Frankly you would have a hard time doing many things in life, getting a security clearance, getting a medical license, FFL or real estate license for that matter....

In all honesty with a list like you have I'm not sure I feel bad that you are not getting state permission to carry a gun around. For one thing few people have the arrests you have even if you have managed to get many charges dismissed.

Furthermore I call attention to 2 things, 2 of your charges are for making out in a park, and loud radio.... now in my experince working closely with LE in a number of jurisdictions across a few states, it's rare for any officer to want to write paper on offenses such as this unless the individual is really a problem.... or the officer has some sort of issue.... so either you have very bad luck or your interactions in public tag you as someone LEO's feel "needs to be taught a lesson".

Think long and hard about this, maybe that was you then but is not the case now, great is so I congradulate you but it's going to take some time to sort through this, prove what your are here and now and maybe being in a state friendlier then NY.
Carry of any kind will not be an option since in NY you cannot even buy a handgun without a permit.

What about your references? Are you sure they all gave a positive response to the questionaire?

There is an appeals process. Check the law and start it. The Judge will have to explain to you and others why you were denied.

Since NY is a may issue state you are probably SOL but I would at least go through the appeals process before giving up.
Since NY is a may issue state

I'm just curious, isn't that pretty much it in a nutshell?

If it were a shall issue state he would probably get a CCW, but as others have said in a may issue state it is up to the discretion of of those who examine each applicant.
if i was the judge i might not approve your application, based on the pattern of various legal entanglements you've had, and given that you were guilty of disorderly conduct... what the hell do you have to do to get charged with that, anyway? harass some girls while you're drunk? pee on the street? verbally accost some elderly pedestrians?

in any case, it probably suggests to the judge that you don't have the best, um, judgment, and perhaps might not be the best person to carry a concealed pistol.
Don't waste your time here on the Internet. You need to consult a lawyer who knows about these matters and pursue your available appeal rights. As you can see from the broad range of responses, no one here can give you any definitive help.

It sure looks like NY, even a county that you say issues CCWs, can be very strict. Only a competent, local lawyer can tell you what your chances are with your background. And you should have a lawyer if you choose to pursue an appeal.