Need help. 243. or .308 for deer


I think you misunderstood Harley's statement,
He said

"Generally the good shots and better hunters go for the single shot and placement is the thing" Single shot referring to accurate shot placement from any type of firearm, to the vital area of the target. IE the one shot kill.

He did not say:

"Generally the good shots and better hunters go for the single shot Rifle and placement is the thing" or anything about type of firearm

There are many types for firearms, I enjoy shooting all of them. My rifle favorite to hunt with is level action, then single shot, then bolt action. I also hunt with revolvers, shoot pistol matches with auto's. :)
I think Harley's point is no matter what you hunt with a good/confident hunter knows when to take the shot and when not to, and one shot should be all thats normaly required
If I'm wrong I'm sure Harley will set me on a straighter path.;)
I'm not entirely unskilled when it comes to hunting OR shooting. I've taken some pretty respectable trophy's on 3 continents, and won a couple dozen shooting competitions. I wouldn't pay money to buy a single shot rifle for hunting on a bet, and wouldn't use one unless there was no other option. This is a personal preference, and has nothing to do with skill at either hunting or shooting. I PREFER a rifle that I can reload quickly for follow-up shots. I don't know many great shots or great hunters that PREFER single shots.

I'm not entirely unskilled either, but I do prefer the single shot (falling block.)
My father-in-law has a resume that mirrors (or exceeded) yours and also prefers falling blocks. Don't confuse your dislike for the general consensus.