Need gun laws for OK,MO,IL, and IN

Be aware.. Kansas City has an ordinance against the display of firearms (long guns) in the window of any vehicle....confiscation and fine of $500.00 per gun.... passed here in 1974....and they do not care that the rack is lockable or not!
Yes, the locals can ruin your day, though not you life.
The K.C. law is what I mean by "you have to worry about the local gendarmes". But at least this is misdemenor type of stuff, not life destroying felonies.
The really bad suff revolves around nuances on carrying concealed weapons.
Well, I think we're just going to lock our handguns in their cases and put ammo in the glove box in MO and thru IL. Plus, (knock on wood) we've never been stopped while out of state, we usually stick to the speed limit and don't draw attention to ourselves.

I don't see how they'd give us a hard time if there's a padlock on the case. With the shotguns, that's another story. We don't have a case for them, so I dunno what we'll do about that. I'll definitely avoid St. Louis for sure, and we aren't going near KC.

"At last we shall reveal ourselves to the Gun-Grabbers, at last we shall have revenge at The TFL End of Summer Meet on August 12 & 13, 2000..."