Need advice asap!

I'd jump on the axis II assuming it's in good shape and the choices you've listed. I have the ruger American in 270 and it's a very nice shooting rifle, but savages almost always shoot better in my experience in comparable priced budget rifles.:D
Do you actually need either one of them? Do you already have a bolt-action rifle in the 270/30-'06 class? The only reason I can see to get either one is if you actually need such a rifle ASAP and your budget will simply not allow a better/nicer one. I get that you want a 270; it's a great caliber. My advice would be to save up your sheckels until you can afford a Winchester model 70 with real Walnut for a stock. But there are a lot of other nicer rifles out there too. I personally have no qualms about a 2nd-hand rifle if it's good; in fact I prefer the bargain that a used rifle can be.
I must admit that right now, For hunting I like the economy rifles better than the high end ones.
Between the 3, I'd favor the Axis but not for that price. I personally wouldn't pay that much for a used one even with a scope. If you could talk the price down a bit, maybe. I'm sure the wood stock increases the value so maybe it's not that bad. Looking around online, they're running $380ish brand new for the wood stock version w/scope, so I'd try to talk it down a little bit.

Between the other two, if you like that scope I'd go with the Marlin but if you are going to switch out the scope anyway I'd go with the American.