Need a system for gun safety.

So this might sound like a weird question but I need help to remind me not to bring my EDC into my home. I take gun safety very serious but life has moments and I admit I have left my EDC “out in the open” with little kids in the home.

I guess I don't really understand why your carry gun isn't holstered and on your body when you leave your bedroom after getting up or on you until you go to your bedroom and put it in a handgun safe when you get home. It doesn't seem that complicated to me as I raised two boys with no issues.

You have to stay focused and not get distracted like my wife does multitasking every minute of the day because she thinks is more efficient. But then she loses all the time she gained by having to hunt for where she left her keys or glasses while doing multiple things. You just need a solid routine.
As soon as I get home, I always unlock my gun safe so I have access to my home defense weapons. Then (this is the important part) I leave my car keys and wallet in the safe. I do this so I won't forget to lock up my guns when I leave. I'm not going to leave without my phone, keys and wallet.

You could do something similar. As soon as you come home, lock up your EDC with your keys and wallet in a pistol safe like Pistoler0 shows above (bolt it down somewhere convenient to access). When you leave, unlock the safe, retrieve your EDC, keys and wallet and go. When you get back home, you need a place to put your keys and wallet. That reminds you to put them (and your EDC) back in the safe. It gets to be habit very quickly.

You need to mentally associate securing your weapon with something you already do every time you come home.
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Thank you for your comment. To answer some of the other posts: I have several hand guns in my home for home defense. I am trying to figure out a way to keep my EDC pistol on my person when I am out or locked in my car safe (which is bolted to my car, out of site, and I keep my car in a garage). I take gun safety very serious (the reason why I am asking for help) but life does happen and I get distracted with everything from time to time. If my only option is to either “use my brain” or stop carry then I might have to stop carrying. If anyone has a suggestion that isn’t either of these I’d really appreciate it.

Products, equipment, and tools can all fail. Humans can fail too, but even with a system, you will still have to monitor the system to make sure it is working properly.

In short, you are going to have to use your brain either way. When dealing with firearms, in my opinion, using your brain is always mandatory.
A reasonable test would be in order now . If you forget to drop your pants when using the bathroom (toilet) you do not need a FIREARM .
Normally one could say this is a little harsh but in this case it's best not to sugar coat the situation and I agree, op needs to take a long hard look in the mirror, carrying a deadly weapon is not for everyone.
Post from retg,
"Strange question. Your problem is not with finding a way to stop yourself from carrying your weapon into the house, your problem is not knowing what to do, and not doing the right thing, when you bring your weapon into the home.

However, I do wonder:
Will you be confronted by a criminal only when in the car and never have to encounter one in your home or on your property?

Saying that you need a way to remind you that you are bringing your weapon into the home vs. leaving it in the car tells me, you probably are not responsible enough to carry a weapon like a handgun.

If you cannot realize the weapon is on your body when entering a home and you have admittedly unholstered it and left it for easy access by a child what will you do if you are wearing a weapon and attempt to enter a federally secured area, or possibly just a local non-Federal area where guns are illegal; post office, police station, etc?

You asked on a forum for suggestions, and being the type of person I have always been, I'm going to be honest. It might hurt, but it is better than reading in the paper about a young kid picking up a gun and shooting themself, a friend or a parent. Or reading about the guy who forgot he had a gun and entered the secured area of an airport and is now in a holding cell explaining how his act was not intentional but due to ignorance.

It is the hard truth, but some people should not carry a weapon like a handgun. "
I always left my pistols laying around all over the house, and taught my kids not to touch.
We are all still here.