Need a system for gun safety.


So this might sound like a weird question but I need help to remind me not to bring my EDC into my home. I take gun safety very serious but life has moments and I admit I have left my EDC “out in the open” with little kids in the home. Before I decide to stop carrying and just keep everything locked up (which I am doing now until I figure this out) I’d like to find a system to keep my EDC in my car gun safe and never walk into the home with it. I am thinking about some type of small sensor I could attach to my holster that would “alarm” me if I walked into the home. This seems like a hard system to purchase as most searches end up with retail style systems costing 1K+. Anyone have an idea that is “fool proof” to help me keep my EDC in the car?
So this might sound like a weird question but I need help to remind me not to bring my EDC into my home. I take gun safety very serious but life has moments and I admit I have left my EDC “out in the open” with little kids in the home. Before I decide to stop carrying and just keep everything locked up (which I am doing now until I figure this out) I’d like to find a system to keep my EDC in my car gun safe and never walk into the home with it. I am thinking about some type of small sensor I could attach to my holster that would “alarm” me if I walked into the home. This seems like a hard system to purchase as most searches end up with retail style systems costing 1K+. Anyone have an idea that is “fool proof” to help me keep my EDC in the car?

You shouldn't leave your gun in your car. All that will accomplish is getting your gun stolen.

What you should do is take some adult responsibility and walk into your home with your gun and lock it in your gun safe IN YOUR HOME.
There is no fool proof system to remind you of anything,(IMOHO) as all systems have one fatal flaw. They require you to use the system. You can however form good habits and habits remove the thought process from the equation, (a bit of a double edge sword). I would use a gun safe inside and form the habit of placing the firearm in the safe and lock it before any interaction with anyone upon my arrival home. I would commit to forming that habit as it would reduce the risk associated with ownership of a firearm as well as keeping it out of the hands of thieves. Can’t wait to see what other have to say!
Strange question. Your problem is not with finding a way to stop yourself from carrying your weapon into the house, your problem is not knowing what to do, and not doing the right thing, when you bring your weapon into the home.

However, I do wonder:
Will you be confronted by a criminal only when in the car and never have to encounter one in your home or on your property?:confused:

Saying that you need a way to remind you that you are bringing your weapon into the home vs. leaving it in the car tells me, you probably are not responsible enough to carry a weapon like a handgun.

If you cannot realize the weapon is on your body when entering a home and you have admittedly unholstered it and left it for easy access by a child what will you do if you are wearing a weapon and attempt to enter a federally secured area, or possibly just a local non-Federal area where guns are illegal; post office, police station, etc?:confused:

You asked on a forum for suggestions, and being the type of person I have always been, I'm going to be honest. It might hurt, but it is better than reading in the paper about a young kid picking up a gun and shooting themself, a friend or a parent. Or reading about the guy who forgot he had a gun and entered the secured area of an airport and is now in a holding cell explaining how his act was not intentional but due to ignorance.

It is the hard truth, but some people should not carry a weapon like a handgun. :(
The only way to do it safely is to change your habbits.
Walk in the door and don't do anything untill you put your gun away.
Have the wife remind you everyday after greeting her for you to put it away.

Car is the worst place to leave a gun!

When i was turning wrenches it was truly amazing how many guns we'd find in unlocked vehicles!
Some of the worst offenders were cops!
personally, it is all going to come down to habits and training.

Might I ask why you do not want to being your EDC into your home? and what age kids?

I have trained my kids from a young age on gun safety. they are 6, 7, and 11. although I don't, I would trust the, around a loaded gun unsupervised. You never know what they might find at a friends house... I always told them they could look at any gun any time, they just had to ask and i would get it out and show them. They did a few times then the curiosity was gone. Showed them basic safety, treat it like its loaded, safe direction, never point and to tell an adult if they find one and not touch.

I would suggest getting a quick access safe and putting it near where you hang your keys. especially if your car is not in a garage. You can put your keys and gun up at the same time, easy to remember, still secure.

Another options would be getting in the habit of giving yourself a pat search. I have been in law enforcement for a number of years, and i always pat myself down and make sure I have all my gear before leaving the house. I do the same if I have to go into the jail when putting my stuff in a locker. I also do it before I get out of my car to make sure I don't leave my phone or other things in it when coming inside. I have caught myself missing things on several occasions, it helps and is a good habit to get into.
The only thing that will make a "system" work is a responsible human being.

When YOU make the choice to carry a weapon,you commit to that responsibility.

If you keep your weapon in a holster ,on your person,you are supervising it. The kids are safe. You can defend your family.

If you want to take your weapon off,in a household with kids, here is your system: Take it off and put it in a secure,locked steel box in your house.

Never set it on a table or cabinet,If you need a small handgun security box,get one.

If you cannot live up to that, stop carrying. Put your gun in the safe and leave it there.Or sell it. You do not have enough Warrior within you to secure your weapon.

Thats your system. There is no "thing" (or your wife) to abdicate that responsibility to.

Remind yourself as you arrive home the price of failure may be your child dying in your arms.

You don't get to be "Too tired" . You don't have that luxury. Just put it away.

How is it any easier to do the same thing in the car?

The poet William Blake wrote "All attempts at foolproofing are folly. The genius of the fool is infinite"
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MY "EDC" does not like riding, in my stolen "CAR"

I’d like to find a system to keep my EDC in my car gun safe and never walk into the home with it.
First off, what is EDC? I have just gotten past OMG and not familiar with this new language and a "VS", "Vintage Citizen". ..... :rolleyes:

I'm reading some very good replies and have to agree that the further the distance from your protection, is not serving you. Sadly too many folks are finding out, that cars get stolen, along with other property... :eek:

There have been times when for a very short period, I may lose track of my protection but never has been a serious problem. If you do your homework and are consistent, you will come up with a good procedure. :)

Be Prepared and;
"Be Safe !!!
Anyone have an idea that is “fool proof” to help me keep my EDC in the car?

I work in an educational institution. My state does not allow conceal carry in such places. So while at school during work hours, I use this hidden inside my LOCKED car in the parking lot (which is under close circuit tv supervision) to store my EDC:


Its a V-Line 2912-S, push buttons (no electronics or batteries), priced around $190.

At home, since I have kids, I keep it in a dresser drawer or under my bed, pistols have a chambered round but safeties on (the DA SA in addition has its hammer de-cocked).

They have smaller models available, this one is very spacious:


You could slide it under your truck/car seat if you wanted to, then when you get home take the whole thing into the house and keep it under your bed or in a big drawer or dresser.

You can easily operate the buttons in the dark. No need for batteries means you'll never be locked out of your gun. Access is very quick as the push buttons only take a second to operate. It is a great way to keep handguns ready for use but away from kids, if you are not going to have them on you.

If I leave the house and leave the kiddos with a trusted babysitter (say to go out to dinner with the wife), I take one of the pistols with me as my EDC and I leave the other one in the mini safe, locked away inside a dresser in my room, whose key I am taking with me. The door to my room is locked too.

Nothing is 100% fool proof though, every solution is a compromise. Hopefully this helps and gives you some ideas to think about.


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In your situation, I think you have 3 things that need addressed.

First your system. Like others, I agree that a gun in the car is worthless when you are in the home an encourages theft. I would suggest a “quick safe” in your entryway closet. Come home, put in safe in closet which is both high reach and locked.

Second, gun left on counter, fridge, etc issue. This seems to be related to a lack of seriousness around firearms.....I’m guessing. You really need to dig into how you are thinking about your edc that it has lost that level of seriousness in handling that doesn’t allow you to lose control of your firearm mentaly until secured in the safe.

Third, is this a firearm issue or are you exposing your young children dangerously to fire, electricity, sharp things, cars, chemicals....seriously do you have a basic protocol for how to secure these things and kids separately?

All that said, kids are very resilient as long as parents are sharing good messages regularly about all of life’s special cases. Seems like some cops will put a duty belt on the counter coming home and it is just known by the whole family that there is a loaded gun there and we leave it alone.
I could attach to my holster that would “alarm” me if I walked into the home.

If you need that type of system you shouldn't carry a gun. I'm not trying to be a jerk, and maybe you're new at this. But if you need an automated reminder to secure your weapon then pepper spray might be a better choice.
If you need that type of system you shouldn't carry a gun. I'm not trying to be a jerk, and maybe you're new at this.
He's obviously in the early stage of the learning curve, and I think that he is to be commended for posting here and trying to seek advice.
He's obviously in the early stage of the learning curve, and I think that he is to be commended for posting here and trying to seek advice.
Thank you for your comment. To answer some of the other posts: I have several hand guns in my home for home defense. I am trying to figure out a way to keep my EDC pistol on my person when I am out or locked in my car safe (which is bolted to my car, out of site, and I keep my car in a garage). I take gun safety very serious (the reason why I am asking for help) but life does happen and I get distracted with everything from time to time. If my only option is to either “use my brain” or stop carry then I might have to stop carrying. If anyone has a suggestion that isn’t either of these I’d really appreciate it.
Picture foremost in your mind your dead child in your arms as you cut yourself slack with "Life happens" and you "Get distracted "
Death happens,too.

You might as well ask "How can I have my kids ride in the car with me as I drink,text,and eat a cheeseburger as I drive"

You aren't going to get an answer that validates leaving a loaded gun where a child can access it.

However,Yes,you can buy steel lock boxes to secure a firearm in your car. Typically,the lock box has a provision to cable and lock it in the car.

Inside a locked car in a locked garage ... It would be pretty secure. Unless "life happens and you get distracted"

Is that easier than
1) Have a conversation with Wife and Kids that taking a private moment to secure your firearm is not abandonment. It CAN become the normal ,expected routine. 30 days and its not a new thing.
2) Get home
3) Hug the Wife and Kids.
4) Excuse yourself. Disarm and secure. Put on something comfortable
5) Rejoin the family,relaxed,knowing your firearm is secure

Without telling you what to do, if I could not live up to that,I'd have to take a hard look in the mirror.
Carrying a concealed firearm IS NOT for everyone. Its a heck of a responsibility. If you are not up to it,don't carry
Luke, just take it easy, get some ideas and see what works.

Nothing in life is 100% safe, from the water coming out your tap to the car you drive or anything else. EDC is just the same, it is a matter of carefully weighing the options.

Two options that I humbly suggest, as they work for me and I think they are good at balancing the convenience/risk factors:

1) If you want to have access to your firearm at home but you have young kids:
- carry your firearm at home.
- when it is too uncomfortable (my case) stow your handgun in a quick to access push button portable safe like the one I linked above.
- when leaving the house take your EDC with you. If kids are in the car with you, wear it in a holster or put it in a portable safe like the one I linked above.
- All other firearms must remain locked and un-loaded in your firearm safe.

2) If you don't care about having access to your firearm at home, where you have young kids.
- Store your firearm in your firearm safe in a locked room
- when leaving the house take your EDC with you. If kids are in the car with you, wear it in a holster or put it in a portable safe like the one I linked above.

3) if you don't have young kids and you are the only one at home.
- liberally leave your firearms all over the place :D (just kidding)

One last thing: you will not forget about your firearm in you carry it in an IWB holster, and if you do, it is not a problem because it is in your possession. The firearm is most secure there. As you take it off, wherever you are (car, home wherever) immediately put it in the safe. Again, portable safes are convenient for that.
I’d like to find a system to keep my EDC in my car gun safe and never walk into the home with it.

If you can't or won't establish and follow a routine in the house, why do you think you will establish and follow a routine in your car?

Also, your gun is at greater risk of being stolen from your unattended car, and your gun is useless for defense of your family in your car.
I've got kids in the home. 4 for now, youngest being 1. This is a large reason why I pocket carry. No I won't be winning any quick draw competitions this way, but having the firearm completely enclosed, secure, and light / convenient enough to be on me all day long is unbeatable in my situation. It comes off when I change into sleeping clothes, and goes on when I'm in daytime appropriate attire that can support weight (has a belt). The firearm consistently goes in the same spot overnight.