Ranger T is hard to find for sure. But I leave the 16 rounds in the G19 for a year? Swap it around.
Visit to the range, fire a double tap, sitting, walking, turning from left, right.
Then close, single head shots from as fast as I can draw! 2" black circle at around 7 yd's, max range in our town house. Swap to the G17 spare magazine, my 124g NATO hard ball. Verify same point of impact at 7yd's.
Clean at home. Careful examination of replacement Ranger T, drop every round into dissembled barrel, both Ranger T and NATO rounds.
Holster a nice, very black slide, gleaming Glock19gen4. A happy man.
The Glock 19 I carry, and use, if I ever shoot IDPA, feels like an extension of my arm. It is said to be the most popular carried pistol in the World? I do not doubt it.