Nebraska requires permit to BUY a handgun?


New member
On the NRA site today was an article about the number of handgun permits increasing in Nebraska in response to the mall shootings. I was not aware that in that state you need a permit just to buy a handgun. Here in Illinois we have no carry law, we have Chicago as anti-gun as anyone could imagine, but at least I am not subject to scrutiny by a county sheriff just to purchase a handgun.
In NY it is the permit, no handguns at all...heck, you can't even transport though NY if one is in your trunk and locked up, and unloaded. Don't even get me started on NYC....that are 10 times worse than upstate. The only plus is that all permits to own upstate are CCW permits with only a few counties imposing other restrictions.

back in the day the only way you could get a permit was to actually go to a shop, buy a gun that you were not legally even allowed to touch, put it on layaway and start the 6 month paperwork and review process. After the permit is approved you get to go and finally pick up the handgun.

I am glad that they got rid of that ridiculious rule years ago.
mikejonestkd said:
In NY it is the permit, no handguns at all...heck, you can't even transport though NY if one is in your trunk and locked up, and unloaded. Don't even get me started on NYC....that are 10 times worse than upstate. The only plus is that all permits to own upstate are CCW permits with only a few counties imposing other restrictions.

NY is a pain, glad I moved away. You can transport through NY, or any state for that matter, under Federal law (cited below). If you are outside of NYC and the surrounding counties you are unlikely to face any problems at all if you are transporting in accordance with the regulation (suggest keeping a copy of the regulation with you). Closer to NY they will likely arrest you and let you argue it in court. If you get stopped for speeding and you are nervous and the officer asks to search your car, say no. Make them get a warrant to look for the drugs they think you have. It's unlikely they have enough probable cause to get one and it's probably more trouble than it's worth on their side. If you are transporting a handgun through NY you cannot spend the night there since staying in a hotel is not transporting the firearm. The hotel would be considered a destination and since you cannot legally own the handgun at the hotel in NY you would no longer be protected by the federal regulation. You need to be driving straight through the state with stops only for gas, food, and bathroom. My recommendation is to stop at the very first gas station you encounter after crossing into the state and buy something with a credit card so you have proof of the time you entered the state. I would make all other purchases for other gas stops with the same card so you have a paper and electronic trail of your journey across the state. I would also get the heck out of NY as fast as possible.

Code of Federal Regulations
Title 18 > Part I > Chapter 44 > § 926a
§ 926A. Interstate transportation of firearms
Release date: 2005-08-03
Notwithstanding any other provision of any law or any rule or regulation of a State or any
political subdivision thereof, any person who is not otherwise prohibited by this chapter from
transporting, shipping, or receiving a firearm shall be entitled to transport a firearm for any
lawful purpose from any place where he may lawfully possess and carry such firearm to any
other place where he may lawfully possess and carry such firearm if, during such transportation
the firearm is unloaded, and neither the firearm nor any ammunition being transported is readily
accessible or is directly accessible from the passenger compartment of such transporting vehicle:
Provided, That in the case of a vehicle without a compartment separate from the driver’s
compartment the firearm or ammunition shall be contained in a locked container other than the
glove compartment or console.
Speaking as an Ioweigan, I don't THINK you have to have a permit to buy a handgun, but I know that in Omaha and maybe the rest of the state your handgun purchase is "approved" or run past the local police department. That's probably a municipal law in Omaha. Nebraska did recently pass CCW laws.

I wonder what Ernie Chambers had to say about the mall shootings? He singlehandidly kept CCW from being passed in NE for years.

mikejonestkd said:
back in the day the only way you could get a permit was to actually go to a shop, buy a gun that you were not legally even allowed to touch, put it on layaway and start the 6 month paperwork and review process. After the permit is approved you get to go and finally pick up the handgun.

I am glad that they got rid of that ridiculious rule years ago.

It still worked this way when I got my NY permit in 2003. One of the small local gunshops used to keep some cheap old Jennings 22's in the case for $100 for people applying for their permit. He would let them buy the Jennings for $100 and if they were approved for the permit would give them $100 for it on trade. The Jennings never left the store but it saved people from having to tie up a bunch of money in a gun while they were waiting.
>>It still worked this way when I got my NY permit in 2003. <<

Interesting, It may be a county specific procedure now. My father got his permit in Monroe County in 2000 and they had done aways with the ' buy a gun and then apply for your permit and wait and see ' rule.

Straight through transit is legal in all 50 states ( although getting to Hawaii and Alaska might be tricky :D) but, as mentioned above, you had better be darn sure about how you are transporting and have some documentation that you are in transit.

We were cautioned about transporting through NYC if headed to the Island. The advice given me was ' Gas up in Westchester, and don't stop till you get to Nassau ...'
NJ has been doing this for a while. I heard it's a permit to buy for each gun with about a three month wait. Hollowpoints are illegal for citizens as well. Even though most of my family lives there, I won't live under that kind of control if I have a choice.
You do have to have to have a handgun permit to purchase a handgun in NE, very easy to get, $5 drop off the app at the sherif dept, and permit showed up a week later, the only good part about this is that after you have the permit, buying a handgun is simple, most of the time i am out of the gunshop in 10min or less. unless of course you are in Omaha I avoid trying to buy a gun in Omaha.
same thing in Iowa. need a pistol purchase permit. having the card bypasses waiting around for call in to nics just pay fill out 4473 and go about your other business.
At the other end of the spectrum, ask the folks from Oregon what they think of "Permits" ?? !! Can't repeat what one dealer expressed. Not only that but if you are from an bordering state, you can buy there as well although they are not to fond of California folks.

Heck, they don't even pay any sales tax and on a $1249 Kimber!! Well, you do the math!!

In our state, you can buy with a permit or stand around while they call it in. The permit is $5.00 and three day wait, good for one year and a no brainer!!

Hey, It is what it is !!! ..... Be safe.
The Nebraska purchase permit is now called a Firearm Purchase Permit, not a Handgun Purchase Permit as before. I noticed it was different when I renewed mine back in September.

It still costs $5, comes back from the county sheriff's office in about three days, and is good for three years.

Look for Sections 69-2401 through 69-2425. I find it interesting that they changed the permit to read "Firearm" instead of "Handgun" when the state statute clearly exempts long guns from the requirement.
North Carolina, my permanent residency, is a purchase permit state as well. I had to go to the local sheriffs office, fill out an application, state why I wanted a handgun (always just target practice:)), and wait. I then had to go back a couple weeks later and pick up 3 individual pieces of paper @ 5 bucks a piece stating that the counties sheriff deemed me eligible for ownership. They require that I use one for every purchase, including private sale. When I'm out of permits I can pick up additional ones without reapplying for a certain no. of years. Whether or not people use them for private sale in real life probably varies.

Also, the application is different for every county. My friends from a much more urban county had 4 or 5 pages compared to my one. They also were required to list three full references of people not related to them. I was not.
Along with what others have stated it is to your advantage to have said firearm permit when purchasing any long gun. It saves you the hassle of the shop calling you in for approval. As for now longs guns are exempt...although you have always been required to be called in and approved. You just didn't need a purchase permit to do so.

I am not aware of any effort to require a purchase permit for long guns...yet.
Here in Pa you don't need no stinking permit to buy a handgun, long gun or an Evil Black Rifle. no waiting it's instacheck using the PICS system. the PA version of the Federal NICS system. Buying a pistol requires an extra form that goes to the state police

Last time I bought a gun at my local gun store he had the check done before I had the 4473 filled out. The state by law cannot keep a registry, However, they do keep a sales record of handgun sales. Our illustrious PA supreme court ruled the sales record is not the same as a registry.
In Michigan you need a permit to purchase a handgun. Take that to the dealer fills out the info (make model serial #) you take the gun back to the issuing police dept for a safety check then of to the range. If you a CCW you can use that to purchase. When the police dept issues your permit, it goes derictly to the NICS for a back round check, the dealer doesn't even have to call them anymore
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don't ya just love how what was once an inalienable right is now guilty before innocence and pending authoritarian approval oh yeah don't forget the fee.
most people take a statist approach and side with blissninies rather than the side of liberty personal or group. tried getting word out and educating but its a dead horse.

btw in Iowa can go on buy a shotgun rifle with 4473 and nics check but have to wait for phone in. don't think we have a waiting period lucky us.

Illinois would probably be a pretty nice state if it wasnt for that cancer known as chicago.
same could probably be said for most states with dense anti gun urban centers that wind up having more sway with state government than the actual state capital and rest of the communities in the state.
Illinois would probably be a pretty nice state if it wasnt for that cancer known as chicago.
same could probably be said for most states with dense anti gun urban centers that wind up having more sway with state government than the actual state capital and rest of the communities in the state.

Very true! It appears that there is a very strong correlation between anti-gun sentiment and city-states (eg: Chicago, LA, NYC, etc...). The city of Filthidelphia is trying desperately to become autonomous (ie: city-state). If they do, they may take measures similar to Chicago (which will accomplish nothing in combating violent if we all didn`t know that). When you think about it, if one could sever NYC from NYS, the state could be a lot like for thought.

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