Nearly half of gun owners keep them loaded

I often wonder why Superman ducked. Anyway if there were any guns in my home I am pretty sure they would be ready to use.
carry guns are always loaded. hunting guns are not, but that's cause they are sitting in the safe. Loaded mags for the AR in the safe.
Gun-owning parents are a subset of all gun owners, so not a dishonest poll.

I didn't say it was a dishonest poll. My problem is with the headline.

Its a simple matter of English comprehension and not accepting a tiny sample of a non-homogenous mixture as accurately representative of the entire material.

They did not say "nearly half of the people we polled" they said "nearly half of Chicago parents who own guns...."

Did they poll all the Chicago parents who own guns? No, they did not. They are stating their conclusion as fact, and it is not fact. SO that's my biggest problem, and why I find the headline dishonest.

Lets look at the numbers they give in the article. They said they surveyed 1505 parents. 22% said they had a gun, so that's 331. 89% of that 331 said they stored it at home, so that's 295 and 46% of them stored it loaded so that's 136 (rounded off).

That is less than 10% of the people surveyed.

Do you think it would be big news if they reported "Less than 10% of people surveyed store loaded guns at home!"

It is FACTUAL, to say that, based on the numbers they used. But it doesn't send the message they clearly want sent with the headline they chose to use.
Carroll D Wright (US Gov't statistician in 1889) said "Figures don't lie, but Liars can figure". When I took a Masters' level statistics class, the teacher asked "what point are you trying to make?" so that you can use pretty much any data set to prove your point without lying about it. Not really sure what point the survey was trying to make, but my come-away is keep your guns loaded if you live in Chicago.
Still waiting

Not really sure what point the survey was trying to make, but my come-away is keep your guns loaded if you live in Chicago.
Just your standard issue BS, to provide talking points to those that follow this distorted crap. ....... :p

Our area has two newspaper distributors. I cancelled them both as they were to biased and I would start back up when they became more balanced and objective. However, I do miss the store adds and TV listing. ....... :)

Be Safe !!!