Nearly half of gun owners keep them loaded


New member
AYAP (and yet another poll)---Newsweek is reporting:
Nearly Half of Chicago Parents Who Own Guns Keep Them Loaded While Stored, Study Finds

I'd be REAL interested in their survey selection process. I kind of suspect many inter-city, single parent households didn't get polled in this survey. But that's just me. For all I know they corrected/allowed for this.

I have said many times I know many people that just plain lie to pollsters for sport and even more people that just hang up on pollsters. I seriously doubt you could get reliable information if you just asked people if they had a gun in the house, let alone how you stored it.

There were very few comments yet about the article but the majority of them were NOT anti-gun. Don't know if the trend will continue as the story ages.

Note (added very shortly after I posted the above): One of the comments says the survey was done among patients at the hospital, that is, people with children that came into the hospital for any reason were given a survey and this was one of the questions. IMhO this really blows the credibility of the survey out of the water.
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I'm not sure what the issue is. Between us my wife and I have four carry guns. They're all loaded all the time.
The headline of that article is phrased to maximize the alarm and exaggerate the risk. The actual finding is that 46% of the parents who own guns that were surveyed store them loaded, not necessarily 46% of all parents in Chicago who own guns. There is no mention of the margin of error in this survey; if you run the numbers provided there were 152 parents who said they store their guns loaded, out of probably several million parents living in Chicago.

They also don't determine if the storage method used is appropriate for loaded weapons, such as a bio-metric lock box designed for loaded weapon storage. The implication of the study is that any firearm in the home is bad.
Survey a couple hundred people, some of whom are going to LIE, then pretend your results are hard and fast facts that apply to everyone in a city of millions, or worse, the entire country.

"We know that the very best way to keep children safe from guns is to not keep guns in the home." so said Dr Davis in the study.

Seems to me he's got it backwards. It's Chicago, don't most of the shootings happen "on the street"?? Wouldn't kids be safer if they kept guns at home, and off the streets?? :rolleyes: (intentional sarcasm)

No, they wouldn't be, thinking people realize that.

We also realize that guns don't load, aim themselves or pull their own triggers. PEOPLE do that.

If you really want to make it safer, catch the people who are doing the shootings, and remove them from society, as rapidly and as permanently as humanly possible.
I have a couple that are stored loaded. That doesn't mean they aren't secured from unwanted grubby paws. ;)

Nearly Half of Chicago Parents Who Own Guns Keep Them Loaded While Stored, Study Finds

I put this headline in the "Dishonesty by omission" category.

Half of the parents SURVEYED...NOT half of all Chicago parents who own guns...
As Mark Twain said, “What good is an unloaded gun?” If a pollster calls, or anyone else asks me about guns, I don’t have any.
The powers that be in Chicago would certainly like to see fewer people own guns at all, and those that own them to keep them stored locked and unloaded and inaccessible. If Mayor Lightfoot owns any guns personally I have no doubt that they are unloaded, in a safe and likely with a trigger lock inserted as well. Of course she has armed police guarding her 24/7, but that's just irrelevant I am sure.

I live in IL, and avoid Chicago as much as possible. I dread going there next week but I have promised my wife that I would take her to her beloved Art Institute of Chicago. Of course I will go armed, and loaded, because I am not an idiot, but I would much prefer to not go at all.
If you have a voice, you can promote a lie

Nearly Half of Chicago Parents Who Own Guns Keep Them Loaded While Stored, Study Finds
I put this headline in the "Dishonesty by omission" category.

Not a credible study or source. ..... :rolleyes:

Reminds me of the time that Senator Manchin stated that 80% of gunowners, in his state, are for "extended background checks". ..... Really ????

Be Safe !!!
If Mayor Lightfoot owns any guns personally I have no doubt that they are unloaded, in a safe and likely with a trigger lock inserted as well. Of course she has armed police guarding her 24/7, but that's just irrelevant I am sure.


I live in IL, and avoid Chicago as much as possible. I dread going there next week but I have promised my wife that I would take her to her beloved Art Institute of Chicago. Of course I will go armed, and loaded, because I am not an idiot, but I would much prefer to not go at all.

Understandable. There are places in the Twin Cities, MN that I just totally avoid now as I would rather not become a member of the Community Car Club. (Community Car Club---Want a car? Take a car! Use it, abuse it, leave it. It's just "Got Glock?" and you're good to go!)
How is this even a headline?

What is the point of owning a defensive weapon if it's locked away and disabled?
What is the point of owning a defensive weapon if it's locked away and disabled?

You missed the "scary" part, tis not gun owners, its PARENTS storing LOADED GUNS at home, so, obviously its "loaded guns in homes with children!!:eek::eek:"

I put this headline in the "Dishonesty by omission" category.
Why? I believe it to be accurate. In a city with one of the highest crime rates in the country, why would people keep a defensive weapon unloaded at home (where they may need to defend themselves with little or no warning)? Gun-owning parents are a subset of all gun owners, so not a dishonest poll. I bet the gun-owning parents are not far off the practices of most gun owners, whether they have children or not. There is the "fear-mongering" issue because guns are so scary around children.
I hear they aren't much use as a throwing weapon.

Remember the old 1950s Superman TV show? The bad guy would fire at him and the bullets would bounce off his chest. When the gun was empty, the bad guy would throw it, and Superman would duck. So, if you're ever fighting Superman, a pistol might be useful as a thrown weapon.

That said, the title is deliberately manipulative. A couple of years ago, there was a hysterical article on Vox about a city in Georgia that had more gun stores than Starbucks locations. The readership was somehow supposed to accept that as a bad thing for some reason.
The town adjacent to me here in GA (Kennesaw) has a city law that requires the primary member of the household (or whatever it's called) to possess, and be competent with, a firearm. It was put in place in response to one of IL's ridiculous restriction laws many years ago.

As to kids, my daughter has been able to out-shoot me since before she was a teenager. We've competed in USPA and more recently in 3-position off-hand rifle (iron-sights, 100yds.) She's kept her loaded, chambered, match pistol in her nightstand for years, but she carries a Shield. Mo better in her purse.

She earned Expert at BCT a couple of months back.

Ja, we're part of the problem.