nationwide concealed carry permit

Travel is commerce, interstate travel is interstate commerce. This is not too hard to comprehend.
It is because you keep ignoring the crucial issue here. Specifically the fact that carrying a gun is not essential to travel, does not facilitate travel, or is related to travel in any way. Thus no nexus to commerce.

kind of conclusory aren't you? Many people say they won't go to certain states because they can't carry there. It is a perfectly legitimate legislative function to find that uniform carry laws facilitate travel and commerce involving travel. Because you can't see, or simply don't want to admit to it, is not a legitimate reason to overrule the legislature on this issue.
I certainly feel less safe travelling to CA since my NV permit is not honored there. I'm trying to get the wife to plan trips to places other than CA, due to this fact. Unfortunately with Gas as high as it is, this is harder to do. I'm looking forward to the day when reciprocity is offered for NV permits in CO, NM, and WY. Hopefully that will happen someday.
Use of interstate commerce to justify a nationwide concealed carry has been done once already... LEOSA 2004.

That legislation covers carry by qualified persons of a concealed firearm "that has been shipped or transported in interstate or foreign commerce".

kind of conclusory aren't you? Many people say they won't go to certain states because they can't carry there. It is a perfectly legitimate legislative function to find that uniform carry laws facilitate travel and commerce involving travel. Because you can't see, or simply don't want to admit to it, is not a legitimate reason to overrule the legislature on this issue.

No, not at all. Because people say that they won't go to certian states because they cant carry there DOES NOT bring ccw within the purview of the commerce clause.

Again you are comitting the fatal error of saying that because it can be carried with someone across state lines, its within interstate commerce. That is not at all what the commerce clause was designed to regulate. Read the legislative history. Read the early judicial decisions. Read the notes of the framers. Its just not there.

And again, carrying a gun in no way facilitates commerce. It just doesn't. Unless killing someone or defending yourself is a part of commerce, you have no argument.

Again, your gunnykins are not the only important part of the constitution.
Carrying a concealed weapon is at least as commercial an activity as growing your own cannabis plant or being near a school with a gun, and is considerably more commercial than being an indigenous California toad.

Sorry, STAGE2, I really am, but it's over, and we lost.