Nationalizing concealed carry permits?

Do you "carry" one in your vehicle??

A copy of the U.S. Constitution, that is. SHOW IT TO LEO AS YOU HAND OVER YOUR PINK-LICENSE. Have the page and article highlighted pointing out the 2d amendment. We already have our "permit", our God-given RIGHT to "keep and bear." Why not seriously push HARD for states-wide recognition of our rights?? We need several Apple-seed conventions (maybe an on-line course) in EXACTLY what the Constitution means. It DOESN'T mean that any admin. can take over General Motors, by the way. Arms manufacturers may be next. Just my $0.02
SHOW IT TO LEO AS YOU HAND OVER YOUR PINK-LICENSE. Have the page and article highlighted pointing out the 2d amendment. We already have our "permit", our God-given RIGHT to "keep and bear."

Drive to Washington DC, get pulled over carrying a handgun and see how well this works out for you.

Why not seriously push HARD for states-wide recognition of our rights??

Because the federal government would control it and they pretty much screw up everything they control.

Also because my STATE representatives will talk to me on the telephone. My FEDERAL representatives give me form letters in the mail. I'd rather have someone I can talk to making my CCW laws instead of Diane Feinstein.
Try reading Amendment "X", as in TENTH.

Then read it again, and again, until it is memorized. "The powers not delegated to The United States ((capitalization in original)), nor prohibited to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, ((Caps mine:)) OR TO THE PEOPLE." "...not delegated to the United States..." includes the God-given right of amendment II. I don't have the $$$ to challenge D.C., but Heller et al did!! Because 2A was right, directly to the core. The Civil Rights Movement didn't run on $$$, it ran on PEOPLE who were pi$$ed enough to march. How do we get 90,000,000 gun owners mobilized before it is too late? How do we get them to realize that "it's too late" is right around the corner? "" .....My FEDERAL representatives give me form letters in the mail. I'd rather have someone I can talk to making my CCW laws...." How long have you parked on their door-step? We are MANY; we need to organize like ACORN, but for Constitutional reasons. Not enough are aware, and some don't have the guts. (Don't take that personally; I don't know you.)
We are MANY; we need to organize like ACORN, but for Constitutional reasons. Not enough are aware, and some don't have the guts. (Don't take that personally; I don't know you.)

You forgot a couple of very large groups standing in the way. The "I don't care" group. The "sensible gun laws" group. The "absolutely no one but military and police need guns" group. The "I've got mine, so screw you" group.

Of the 300,000,000 Americans in this country, only 3-4 million even bother to sign up for the NRA (or your favorite group is you hate the NRA). It is remarkable that with that few numbers, the NRA has the clout it does.

The difference between ACORN and the NRA is that the NRA is a homegrown group seeking to protect Constitutional rights and promote the safe use of firearms while ACORN is a group seeking to soak up as much federal money as possible for its leaders and to use Race and prejudice to elect government officials that will give them even more money and power.
What's standing in our way??

POINT VERY WELL TAKEN!! I have been an NRA member, but didn't care for it when it got too political and lazy, so I quit. Now I am again a lifetime member. Also belong to 2A association, and JPFO. In the groups you categorized, there are those which can never be converted to our side. But the "I don't care" and "sensible" groups might see the light with a bit of education. But we can't count on the NRA nor any other organization to go it alone, operating entirely in "reaction" mode. We on this site are the grass-roots gun-owners. If we value the Constitution, we must become "pro-active." One letter a month to your local news-paper can work wonders! Well-formulated and fact-based, drawing from resources like this very site, a well-reasoned letter of 100 or so words can be powerful. Send a copy to your legislators too, and then post their response on this site. Watch the reaction. It's worth a try. Gun laws need to be "Constitutionalized" !!
Just another "standing in the way" group

Ever heard of these folks?? : The Small Arms Survey. " The Small Arms Survey is the principal source of public information on all aspects of small arms. It serves to monitor national and international (governmental and non-governmental) initiatives, and acts as a clearing house for the dissemination of best practices in the field. " " practices..." for what?? Wonder what sort of licensing "initiatives" they might cook up?
To quote YodaMage: (( Time to vote.))

I don't need a license to guarantee my rights.
Yoda's PREMISE: State X passes a law that CCW permits can be issued same day with nothing more than a photo those folks can travel to all other states with t What CCW honored.

1.-PA decides to lower the driving age to 9, so are those drivers licenses to be honored in the 49 other states?

2.-CA decides to legalize all narcotics, so what exactly is the impact in the rest of the country? Is possession then legal, but not use? Use legal? Possession and use legal but not purchasing or distribution?

3.-OH decided to issues commercial fishing licenses in the Great Lakes without rules or Quota, so how does that apply the the waters of surrounding states?

4. The trick to 'States Rights' is that it does not infringe on the rights of the other states.

Paraphrasing YodaMage there. The fact is, that ONLY the original PREMISE has any Constitutional validity. Statements #1, #2, #3, and #4 are not itemized in the Constitution as "Granted By Their Creator." Or have I forgotten what "2A" is about? As far as #4, NOT EVEN ANY STATE'S rights can abrogate the Constitution. We all already have "the right to keep and bear", and we now need the commitment to ENFORCE the Constitution in ALL CASES. Anything less or more is infringement of OUR rights. Whether it is the right of free speech, to vote (whether male, female, freeman or slave), to be free of unreasonable searches, the freedom from self-incrimination and excessive bail, the freedom from slavery, the right of trial by jury, and all the rest. If THEY ALL are not equally enforced, then it is our duty to see that they are. Anything less is un-patriotic. They are YOUR RIGHTS; use them or lose them.

BTW, we have a lot to get done before the 2010 election cycle. If the courts get stacked like Congress is stacked, the Constitution may just be a dream. The United Nations may just be in control of our "rights."
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