National Parks - good news


This is absolutely asinine. But what else can we expect from The Brady Bunch? From the New West Network:

Brady Campaign Sues to Stop National Park Gun Rule
The new rule applies to rural and urban national parks. If it goes into effect on January 9, it would allow concealed firearms on the National Mall just eleven days before the Obama Inaugural Celebration.

By Bill Schneider, 12-30-08

The Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, America’s largest anti-gun organization, sued the Department of the Interior today to prevent the implementation of the controversial administrative rule allowing loaded and concealed firearms in national parks and wildlife refuges.

“The Bush Administration’s last-minute gift to the gun lobby, allowing concealed semiautomatic weapons in national parks, jeopardizes the safety of park visitors in violation of federal law,” said Brady Campaign President Paul Helmke, in a press release. “We should not be making it easier for dangerous people to carry concealed firearms in our parks.”

In a phone interview with NewWest.Net, Daniel Vice, Senior Attorney for the Brady’s Legal Action Project, said his group “is looking at all options,” but thought it was vital to file the lawsuit as soon as possible instead of waiting to let the rule go into effect and work through the long political process of trying to get the Obama administration to overturn it.

Many other groups also oppose the rule, he noted, but at this point the Brady Campaign is going it alone with this lawsuit with no co-plaintiffs.

“The rule would allow concealed guns on the National Mall,” Vice pointed out,” and it takes effect only 11 days before the inauguration.”

The Washington Post had estimated that as many as five million people will be in Washington D.C. to celebrate the Obama inauguration, predicting that the celebration might be “the single biggest gathering of people America has ever seen.”

“This rule affects both rural and urban parks like the Liberty Bell,” Vice said. “Some of our members are now afraid to take their kids to Ellis Island.”

This is why the lawsuit asks for a temporary injunction to prevent the rule from going into effect on January 9, he added. “But we’re concerned about all the parks, not just the urban parks.”

The fundamental legal issue, Vice explained, is that the rule violates the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA).

“They (Interior Department) did no environmental analysis or review at all,” he explained. “When you have so many people with strong opinions on both sides of an issue, it’s important to follow the law and do a review process.”

Asked if defendants might consider this rule “non-environmental” and not covered by NEPA, Vice answered, “Even Reagan did this.”

He refers to the NEPA analysis and review President Ronald Reagan’s administration conducted when the current rule, which requires guns to be unloaded and inaccessible when taken into national parks, was implemented in early 1980s. “This rule should at least require the same review,” Vice insisted.

According to the Brady Campaign press release, the new rule also violates the National Park Service Organic Act and the National Wildlife Refuge System Administration Act, which created the parks and wildlife refuges as protected lands for safe enjoyment of all visitors.

You can read the entire legal complaint here.

Among the other absurd claims, the NEPA process was followed to the letter:
That is very good news. I have avoided national parks for awhile now because of this very issue. Looks like I can stop doing that.

I cannot say for certain, but I am betting that a lot of people that enjoy national parks are also firearms people. Maybe they will now be able to reinvigorate their declining revenues somewhat.

Jimpeel...I am still curious about the loaded rifle/shotgun issue if you hear or run across anything additional that may apply.

I wrote Dudley Brown, President, and he wrote me that he would re-ask the question as he got no answer from his last inquiry.
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The new rule applies to rural and urban national parks. If it goes into effect on January 9, it would allow concealed firearms on the National Mall just eleven days before the Obama Inaugural Celebration.

They didn't even make it to the first paragraph before telling a lie. :rolleyes: :barf:

There is no provision for concealed carry in DC, therefore carrying anywhere there regardless if it's on park lands or not, is still illegal. Ditto for Ellis Island or any other park located in states that prohibit Right-to-Carry.

Funny how when all the facts are considered we manage to eek out a win and the Brady/VPC puke always have to use lies and deception to get their arguements heard.
Thanks jimpeel. As stated in the last link in Antipitas's post, its a confusing maze of laws in some areas. Would be easier if they just used the state laws for all the National Forests do.

Antipitas, i am assuming this still goes into effect and the reaction from the Brady group is the standard response to any legislation they see as unfavorable?

As if a bear or mountian lion knows its in a park, the complaint is rediculous. Again...assuming a person with foul intent is gonna adhere to some law...seems to be their standard line.
alloy, I expect we will see a ruling on the preliminary injunction sometime in the coming week. Without the injunction, the new rule will have force on Friday, Jan. 9th.