National Domestic Violence not for guns

"You DO have a right to a life free from violence and the threat of violence. We hope you will contact any resource that you need to protect your safety and well-being."

Well, we can certainly agree with their first sentence. They just don't get it that that necessarily includes the right of a woman to self defense. And, that's real defense ... not their version of happy thoughts.

And, we all hope that those 'resources' will include the local gun shop, a good CCW instructor, some appropriate books on firearms / defense, and the local shooting ranges.

For example, check out a 'Sunshine Gun Law' from my good friend Alan Korwin:


This offers free defensive shooting training for any woman or man who has obtained a court order of protection against another person. Includes free loaner gun and supply of ammunition. Anyone protected under such an order is declared exempt from any firearm waiting periods, as previously guaranteed under the Brady law (18 USC §922 (s)(1)(B), GLOA p. 164), for people who are under a recognized serious threat. Any attempt to renew the Brady waiting period should include the exemption for anyone in a life threatening situation. A court order of protection automatically qualifies for such exemption." He has also proposed a presumption of justifiable homicide if a person subject to a restraining order ('stalker') is killed by the 'stalkee' within the distance limits of the restraining order. Now, there's a law with some teeth. See .

Miss D, don't get me wrong - chili bake off's are a great idea [I do love chili ;) ].

IMHO, the bottom line for this is typical for liberal causes - it really doesn't matter whether the solution works ... it only matters how it makes us feel.

The misguided souls on TFL are actually looking for practical approaches to life. Boy, are we confused ... ;)

Miss D, thanks for bringing this to our attention. Stay tuned for 'Mothers Arms', friends. Women need to wake up on this issue - soon.
Don't worry Miss D. If you have to shoot an abusive partner, those same people who don't want you to have a gun, will work for your freedom.

The last murder we had in the small Southern Illinois town where I'm a part time LEO was a man who was shot by his wife as he was sleeping on the couch.

She served about 9 years of her sentence. Every year one of the Domestic Violence Advocacy groups petitioned the Governor for clemency for her. Their reason? She did not present the "burning bed" defense. The facts of the case were, that she was the primary aggressor in their relationship. She bought the .22 rifle she used at Wal-Mart a week earlier. Even told the sales clerk it was for her husband.

The States Attorney was ready for the possibility of this. He had reports from all of the previous calls to their residence. He had her previous arrests for battery on him and he was prepared to have every city and county officer who ever handled a complaint there testify (truthfully) that she was always the aggressor.

Of course this was enough to keep the defense from using the "burning bed" defense. But it had no bearing on the advocacy group wanting her released.

It seems in their never ending quest for funding, the truth is secondary to what the story might be able to get you. This is just another reason that I don't like these people.

I really think the best solution is to take government out of the equation as much as possible. Any time we ask the government to step in, this is what we get. An ever expanding network of governemnt and quasi government agencies (who never can solve a problem, then they'd be out of work) and loss of freedom as these agencies demand more tools (laws) to deal with the problem.

"You DO have a right to a life free from violence and the threat of violence. We hope you will contact any resource that you need to protect your safety and well-being."

Too true, what JeffT said! Scr#w those pansy-liberal "hotlines". If it were me, the first place I'd be calling is my local gun store/range.

Can ya tell how much I just love our fearless leader? ;)

"Liberty or death, What we so proudly hail... Once you provoke Her, rattling of Her tail- Never begins it, NEVER- But once engaged never surrenders, showing the fangs of rage. DON'T TREAD ON ME!!
Not to sound tongue in cheek - but I have eaten some chili that would be classified as a weapon...

"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." - Sigmund Freud
I was doing some research and wanted info on crime prevention. Specifically trends regarding rape for a class that I was preparing to teach on the subject of crime prevention. I talked to the local chapter and the wo-man, (sorry, I guess I shouldn't point out words which irritate feminists), reluctantly gave me some information. She was very irritated by the fact that I did not ask anyone from their organization to speak to my class. She asked why. I told her that I was teaching it from a Biblical, common sense perspective. I politely told her that I appreciate the information, but did not think that her organization supports Biblical solutions to some very serious problems. I do not believe that a "Loraina Bobbit" solution (or use of firearms) in regards to a rapist in progress, lacks common sense or violates Scripture. The firearm is the great Equalizer ;) and women need to learn the appropriate use of one now as much as any time in history. The telephone can't take its place. Just dial 911, if you can while being assulted or murdered, and ask Uncle Sam if he is able to prevent you from dying/being raped. In fact, some of these "philanthropic" and govt "help the helpless" organizations promote more helplessness to victims. I have no patience for them. Too many aquantances and friends have been scared for life because this feminist and communist philosophy left them vulnerable to predatory maggots.

Here is one solution which is appropriate for extreme danger:

"But now, he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise his scrip; and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one." -Jesus Christ (Luke 22:36, see John 3:15-18)

[This message has been edited by EQUALIZER (edited November 15, 1999).]