National Concealed Carry

if they forced all states to honor out of state ccw's it could be just like a drivers licence. You honor the states carry laws like you would a speed limit. I think currently if a state won't honor your permit to ccw the state should forced to let you to be able to open carry. I never have gotten how you loose your second amendment right just by crossing a state line. I can't think of any state the takes away any other right just because you don't live there. Imagine loosing your freedom of speech or the right to take the 5th or due process. I am sure if somebody had the guts they could make a pretty good case against a state. In short contact your state reps and tell them your feelings on this. Congress tried to pass a bill a few months ago and it only missed by a few votes...two I think actually. If it came that close in a largely liberal congress its doable if we keep on them it can be passed.
Scooby, 2A litigation is in its infancy. Give it a few years and things will get ironed out.

I believe that the courts are going to have to allow open carry in those States where concealed carry is highly regulated. In those States where concealed carry is a simple matter of paying a few bucks and filling out a form, open carry may not gain much legal traction.

It is my hope that while the courts may allow the States to regulate the manner of carry, they will not be able to completely deny the right.

As 2A jurisprudence gains traction, I think you will see more and more States grant reciprocity to CCW permits. It is in their own self-interests to do so, just like they grant reciprocity to drivers licenses from out of State (and that didn't happen overnight, either!).

What I don't want to see is the feds getting involved and setting some (unknown) standard that could be changed at the whim of the Congress. We also don't need another Federal Bureaucracy, to regulate at its whim.
...Also, worth mentioning: the guy who flies armed also does his banking with his CCW and the times when his shirt popped up(he is a bigger guy), noone ever cares. I still get a little nervous about banks and am unsure- are they legal for LEOSA to CCW?? I totally believe my buddy; he definately does this. I am the type if there is any doubt then I do not attempt it.

In VA, your listed home, bank carry, concealed with a CPP or open without, is perfectly legal, so it would also be for LEOSA. The bank can prohibit weapons like any other private property holder, I do not know how this applies to off-duty officers, normal open or concealed carry persons would have to respect the bank's ban or face trespassing charges.
Is this ever gonna happen for the law abiding citizen?

Not likely. And if it did, would we really want the conditions and restrictions that are likely to come with it?

Yes, every state should recognize other states carry permits, just as they do drivers licenses and marriage licenses.

BUT, what about those states (and there are some) that do not have carry permits? Would they be forced to institute a permit system in order to be recognised by the other states? Do we want that?
And thats just the tip of the iceberg, as I see it.
The Constitution of the United States of America defines what is allowed and what is not allowed if a state is part of the union.

The COTUS enumerates specific rights but doesn't get specific. Each state has their own constitution which defines and specifies to what extent each right can be exercised without infringing on other rights. Case in point: the Black Panther fiasco with the voter intimidation. He had a billy club brandished in an intimidating manner and it was infringing the right for others to vote due to inciting fear and implying danger in a location that should have been safe to go and express your opinion through the ballot process. I'm not saying it should be illegal to carry a billy club (they come in handy for fighting off dogs while you are on a walk) but that he was doing so in a way that made people think it was impossible to exercise their right and thus was infringing hence illegal.
The problem with a national concealed carry law is that, at the current time, the qualifications would be designed by the likes of Pelosi, Boxer, Feinstein, Schumer, Holder, ad nauseum. With the current system, if one state has screwed up laws, the citizens of that state are screwed, but the rest of us may be OK. With a national system, whose ideas will prevail? The gun rights people or will the laws be designed by the likes of Bloomberg, VPC, Holder, Brady Center, etc? Will it be "shall issue" or will it be "may issue", or will it be "issue only to the very rich and politically powerful"? Nope! National CCW is too open to abuse by the politicians.
Individual state sovereignty is a total joke thanks to the 16th Amendment, the Commerce Clause, Wickard v. Filburn, and several other federal intrusions in finance, jurisprudence, and regulation.