National CCW Law

Since this is an ammendment to a Defense bill, will it go "below the radar" or does that make a difference?
Usually "pork" added to bills gets slipped through.
The national park carry law was piggybacked to the credit reform bill.
Anyone got a pulse on this?

There's still a seperate vote on the amendment itself getting attached to the bill. But I would expect it to pass the Senate easily.

Don't underestimate the ability and motivation of Harry Reid to push this through, and we are not without allies in the Dem's camp on 2A issues. Harry has CYA incentive to redeem himself after his very unpopular support (here in Nevada) for Sotomayor. This bill is getting a lot of national attention.

After his performance the last couple years as a doormat for the Bush administration, I'm not sure it's possible for me to underestimate Reid anymore. :p

Hey Texas born, (as I am too) I may not agree with what some people choose to do in regards to sexuality, but the Constitution and Bill of rights are for all citizens regardless of race, color,creed,religion,economic status, sexual preference etc. I dont think that comment belongs on this forum. (ref- homo marriage license) Let us stick to the issue at hand..Cw

Can I get a hell yeah?
My guns are to protect my heart from failing to beat, and my brain from failing to function. The ONLY thing I have is that. Life ain't great, but it's better than death.

It's a surprising and enheartening thing to see that our rights of self protection, in a country and a world where many feel that criminals actually have more rights than their victims, are increasing.

Whether this legislation passes or not this time around, it is a great sign that we are not a quiet crazy backwoods minority. We span every class, every race, every religion, and across the country, and we do not consider the Bill Of Rights something that we can use as a dart board.

In sad times, it's a proud moment.

Hey Texas born, (as I am too) I may not agree with what some people choose to do in regards to sexuality, but the Constitution and Bill of rights are for all citizens regardless of race, color,creed,religion,economic status, sexual preference etc. I dont think that comment belongs on this forum. (ref- homo marriage license) Let us stick to the issue at hand..Cw

Can I get a hell yeah?

This is a deliberate rope-a-dope derailment of Alan Gura's careful work starting with Heller and most recently in the 9th Circuit, as he tries to incorporate 2A for us.

Just like Senator Hatch tried to derail Heller by calling for the repeal of DC gun laws prior to case law being established in our favor, DC is "okay" with controlling written law rather than dealing with established Constitutional precedent. A written section of US Code can be amended ad nauseum and only requires a majority vote in Congress. An established Constitutional precedent confirmed by SCOTUS, on the other hand, requires a Constitutional Amendment to work around.

Hence, why Reid and party and happy with controlling the introduction of national CCW reciprocity: They can also control its repeal.

They get to say they voted against it (if they do vote against it) and assuage their looney left constituency, they get to throw a bone across the aisle from backroom deals to get this out on the floor and dealt with, and they ultimately haven't lost an ounce of control over our "rights."

what does this mean? I'm kind of worried. If it passes, and that's a big if, it means that there's going to be a HUGE change in CA, with people from other states now able to carry in California but Californians not being able to carry in their own state??! W T F?

I know you can get an out-of-state permit in FL (strike that, make that Utah? I forget). If I get one there, can I then use that in my own home state of CA? If so, there will be a HUGE rush for Californians doing that.

I thought I'd be all for something like this but this seems pretty wack to me :confused:
This is a deliberate rope-a-dope derailment of Alan Gura's careful work starting with Heller and most recently in the 9th Circuit, as he tries to incorporate 2A for us.

I understand your concern, but the political path and the legal path are parallel routes. I don't think they will cross much, insofar as the Justices are able to be apolitical.

Just like Senator Hatch tried to derail Heller by calling for the repeal of DC gun laws prior to case law being established in our favor, DC is "okay" with controlling written law rather than dealing with established Constitutional precedent. A written section of US Code can be amended ad nauseum and only requires a majority vote in Congress. An established Constitutional precedent confirmed by SCOTUS, on the other hand, requires a Constitutional Amendment to work around.

A very good observation. But again, I don't think it an either/or. It's both.

Hence, why Reid and party and happy with controlling the introduction of national CCW reciprocity: They can also control its repeal.

They get to say they voted against it (if they do vote against it) and assuage their looney left constituency, they get to throw a bone across the aisle from backroom deals to get this out on the floor and dealt with, and they ultimately haven't lost an ounce of control over our "rights."

Or the whole thing may be a pig in a poke, because they may know that it will not withstand constitutional scrutiny. It is with questionable authority that congress enacts this at all. As a comparison, drivers license reciprocity is by unanimous agreement between the states. That's why the judicial/civil rights route is so important, as you point out, because is will be decided by the entity that has the unquestioned authority to decide it. But even if we get nationwide reciprocity for a short time, it will further desensitize the public to the idea of citizen CCW, and demonstrate the nonsense of all the doom and gloom predictions.
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what does this mean? I'm kind of worried. If it passes, and that's a big if, it means that there's going to be a HUGE change in CA, with people from other states now able to carry in California but Californians not being able to carry in their own state??! W T F?

I know you can get an out-of-state permit in FL (strike that, make that Utah? I forget). If I get one there, can I then use that in my own home state of CA? If so, there will be a HUGE rush for Californians doing that.

I thought I'd be all for something like this but this seems pretty wack to me

No. As written, you must have a CCW permit from your own state to carry in your own state, unless your state law says otherwise.

Once this passes, if it does, the outrage among CA gun owners who can't carry in their own state while other state's CCW licensees can, will help fuel a groundswell of political heat to hasten CCW reform. The equal protection spotlight is going to be beamed at the wide disparity in CA CCW licensing.

With 40 shall-issue state's residents skipping through CA with their rights intact, California is going to look like the pariah that it is on this issue. It's not going to be fun for CA gun owners in the meantime, but it's definitely a move in the right direction.
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what does this mean? I'm kind of worried. If it passes, and that's a big if, it means that there's going to be a HUGE change in CA, with people from other states now able to carry in California but Californians not being able to carry in their own state??! W T F?

I know you can get an out-of-state permit in FL (strike that, make that Utah? I forget). If I get one there, can I then use that in my own home state of CA? If so, there will be a HUGE rush for Californians doing that.

I thought I'd be all for something like this but this seems pretty wack to me

My understanding is that you have to have a HOME STATE license, and the state you're in has to honor HOME STATE licenses. If you live in Georgia and have a Utah license, it wouldn't be honored under this law.

It's these kinds of technicalities that kill a law like this.
could you tell me why you think that? I'm looking at the law and it states:

"...a valid license or permit which is issued pursuant to the law of any State and which permits the person to carry a concealed firearm..."

Don't see anything about 'home state' there..

I said "my understanding" for a reason. I knew that I could be wrong. Glad I am, if I am.

Still, as much as I privately root for this law I despise how it's being introduced and it leaves a sour taste in my mouth in how it surpasses state authority.
It has to pass with 60 votes, and I would be amazed if it did.
Although I'm not certain, I'm pretty sure that the only reason it needs 60 votes is to protect it from a filibuster. Senators have recently become deathly afraid of bringing any controversial issue up for a floor vote unless they have a filibuster-proof majority. :rolleyes:

OTOH I think this will pass the Senate if it comes to a floor vote. Pro-gun states numerically outnumber anti-gun states by a healthy margin, and left-leaning senators from pro-gun states won't be eager to give potential opponents a political stick to beat them with. ;) I also predict thundering silence from the White House. The House of Representatives, on the other hand, is a whole 'nother can of worms. :(
that's cool, I was just wondering how you got to that understanding.

And I believe, if I read correctly, that the 'agreement' was that the thing had to pass by 60 votes.. just an informal senatorial agreement. Possibly, as you said, to avoid a filibuster since it's tacked on to a larger bill.
And the result ...

Concealed arms reciprocity rejected by Senate


WASHINGTON -- In a rare win for gun control advocates, the Senate on Wednesday rejected a measure allowing a person with a concealed weapon permit in one state to also hide his firearm when visiting another state.

The vote was 58-39 in favor of the provision establishing concealed carry permit reciprocity in the 48 states that have concealed weapons laws. That fell two votes short of the 60 needed to approve the measure, offered as an amendment to a defense spending bill.

Opponents prevailed in their argument that the measure violated states rights by forcing states with stringent requirements for permits to recognize concealed weapons carriers from states that give out permits to almost any gun owner.

"This is no minor shift in policy," said Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., whose state requires people to be fingerprinted, get gun training and to undergo a federal background check before issuing permits. "It in fact would be a sweeping change and I think with some deadly consequences."

The vote reversed recent trends where Republicans and gun rights Democrats from rural states joined to push pro-gun rights issues and block gun control legislation.

Congress this year voted to restore the rights of people to carry loaded weapons into national parks and the Senate moved to effectively eviscerate the tough gun control laws of the District of Columbia.

Congress has also ignored urgings from President Barack Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder to revive a ban on military-style weapons that expired in 2004.

The concealed weapons measure, promoted by the National Rifle Association and Gun Owners of America, would have made a concealed weapon permit from one state valid in the 47 other states with permit laws. Only Wisconsin and Illinois have no carry permit laws.

Sen. John Thune, R-S.D., the sponsor, said it would not provide for a national carry permit, and that a visitor to another state would have to obey the limitations of that state, such as bans on concealed weapons in restaurants or other places.

"Law-abiding individuals have the right to self-defense," even when they cross state lines, Thune said, citing the example of truck drivers who need to protect themselves as they travel.

Opponents, however, said the 48 states with permits have a broad range of conditions for obtaining those permits: some such as Alaska and Vermont, give permits to almost all gun owners. Others, such as New York, have firearm training requirements and exclude people with drinking problems or criminal records.

New York Democrat Charles Schumer raised the possibility of his state having to accept gun carriers from states that have few or no restrictions. Thune's proposal, he said, was "the most dangerous piece of legislation to the safety of Americans when it comes to guns since the repeal of the assault weapons ban."

Thune shot back that if a person from South Dakota with a carry permit visited Central Park in New York City, "Central Park will be a much safer place."

Other opponents said the proposal infringed on states' rights, usually an important principle for gun rights groups. Sen. Richard Durbin, D-Ill., said it would override the laws of 11 states - California, Connecticut, Hawaii, Iowa, Maryland, Massachusetts, Nebraska, New Jersey, New York, Oregon and Rhode Island - and the District of Columbia - which do not allow carry permit reciprocity with other states.

Sen. David Vitter, R-La., another sponsor, reminded his colleagues that the NRA and Gun Owners of America were scoring the vote, meaning it would be considered in their election evaluation of lawmakers.

NRA chief lobbyist Chris W. Cox said the last two decades have shown a strong shift toward gun rights laws. "We believe it's time for Congress to acknowledge these changes and respect the right of self-defense, and the right of self-defense does not stop at state lines," he said.

Gun control groups were strongly in opposition.

The Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence said Mississippi residents can get a permit without any training, including ever shooting a pistol on a range. These permit holders could carry firearms in New York City, where police have broad discretion to deny permits, or Dallas, where permit applicants must undergo at least 10 hours of training.

"It is critical to our efforts that people who enter our state abide by the laws of our state which have supported the progress we are making," Newark, N.J., mayor Cory Booker said in a statement. "This is not a law that will in any way support our efforts to create a safer Newark."
Although I'm not certain, I'm pretty sure that the only reason it needs 60 votes is to protect it from a filibuster. Senators have recently become deathly afraid of bringing any controversial issue up for a floor vote unless they have a filibuster-proof majority.

For final passage, the number is 51, but to attach an amendment it's 60.

I'm afraid my original suspicion may have been correct, this probably would have garnered an extra couple of votes if it had been sponsored by a member of the Democratic majority.
Gillibrand of NY had an A rating but was speaking against this. Anybody know her vote and if she too has become a sell out?
I disagree because I don't think any of the 39 who voted against it would have changed their votes if it had been sponsored by a democrat.
Here's the vote, and yes, Gillibrand is nothing more than a worthless puppet of Schumer:

NAYs ––-39
Akaka (D-HI)
Bingaman (D-NM)
Boxer (D-CA)
Brown (D-OH)
Burris (D-IL)
Cantwell (D-WA)
Cardin (D-MD)
Carper (D-DE)
Dodd (D-CT)
Durbin (D-IL)
Feinstein (D-CA)
Franken (D-MN)
Gillibrand (D-NY) Harkin (D-IA)
Inouye (D-HI)
Kaufman (D-DE)
Kerry (D-MA)
Klobuchar (D-MN)
Kohl (D-WI)
Lautenberg (D-NJ)
Leahy (D-VT)
Levin (D-MI)
Lieberman (ID-CT)
Lugar (R-IN)
McCaskill (D-MO)
Menendez (D-NJ) Merkley (D-OR)
Murray (D-WA)
Nelson (D-FL)
Reed (D-RI)
Rockefeller (D-WV)
Sanders (I-VT)
Schumer (D-NY)
Shaheen (D-NH)
Specter (D-PA)
Stabenow (D-MI)
Voinovich (R-OH)
Whitehouse (D-RI)
Wyden (D-OR)

Not Voting - 3
Byrd (D-WV) Kennedy (D-MA) Mikulski (D-MD)

All offenders we need to remove from office as soon as possible and forever.
As much as this would be a heated debate I must add my 2 pennies...This whole CCW debate is NOT necessary!!

I myself am a FL CCW carrier and to me it's a luxury not a necessity. By denying the RTC in 47 other states doesn't mean a damn thing to me. The Senate is NOT denying anyone any civil right or constitutional right for that matter. Just a bunch of incompetent senators wetting themselves at the thought of law-abiding citizens actually being able to carry a gun.

I look at it this way, FL allows me to defend myself and I'm not 100% sure but I think 22 other states currently have reciprocity with FL CCW's so the bottomline is...I will not be traveling to any state that does NOT provide for reciprocity. Including my former prison state of NY (sorry Dad no visits from sonny boy).
I disagree because I don't think any of the 39 who voted against it would have changed their votes if it had been sponsored by a democrat.

Maybe maybe not. The impulse to continue kicking the Republicans in the neck is quite strong for some of the Senate Dems, and if it were introduced by a Dem in a battleground state who needed a boost next year, you might peel off a few more votes.

Gillibrand of NY had an A rating but was speaking against this. Anybody know her vote and if she too has become a sell out?

Gillibrand voted no. And before Yellowfin goes off anymore, context is important. Gillibrand is being challenged next year in a primary by Rep. Carolyn Maloney, who among other things is attempting to paint Gillibrand as a gun nut. So for the time being, she's going to be no doubt erring on the side of caution as far as guns go.