Narrowed down the search for my CCW

Kelli - that is too bad about your shotgun experience. Try it again sometime with a semi-auto shooting very light loads, such as the Fiocchi 3/4 oz. 20-ga. Trainer Loads, and you will find you do not get hurt at all but have a lot of fun making flying clays explode.

I think you are putting a little too much information up in your last post (bad guys are active on the forums, too) so you might want to edit a bit.

Enjoy the journey!

It sounds like you all are on the right track. I want to repeat a specific sentiment that I put forth earlier: "each and every time, without fail. NO EXCEPTIONS." With that as a mantra relating to weapon security, you're limited to two locations (and only two): in a lockbox/safe, or on your physical person. Purse carry is NOT secure. I hope this goes without saying, since you're exposed to the inquisitive and determined nature of kids on a daily basis. The news is full of examples of people who were hurt because gun owners allowed exceptions to weapon security. The only way to truly ensure that we never contribute to the number of hurt people is to allow zero exceptions.

Given the above filter, your choice should be something that you can carry on-body on a daily basis. This often leads people to START looking by going straight to the smallest options, but a better way is to experiment with carry method, holsters, clothes, etc to find the best balance of weapon capability and carry comfort.
I had a Bersa 380 Thunder CC - a nice little 380 and it was very reliable. I didn't keep it as it was "used" when I got it and the previous owner had done trigger work on it - too light of a trigger pull for me for CCW safety wise. I'd have no problem getting a new one though. That said . .

don't fool yourself that a kid can't rack a semi-auto. . . yes, some makes/models are stiff but never say that a kid "can't". To do so is foolish.

If anyone, man or woman, makes the decision to carry a firearm . . they also had better be mature and smart enough to know the responsibility that goes with that decision. Whether there are "small" kids . . or "big" kids . . . even with proper instruction, they "will be" and "are" curious - we all were when we were young. My mother ALWAYS told us kids to "stay out of my purse" - that was "the law" for us. Yea, right. Well . . . it didn't keep me from pinching a cigarette or two out of her purse when I was a stupid teenager.

My point is this . . . along with carrying a firearm comes the responsibility of knowing where that firearm is at all times . . . whether it be purse, backpack or in the safe. It is the handgun owner's responsibility. How a person carries . . loaded, unloaded, empty chamber, etc. is their personal decision as well. A couple of minutes of an "unsupervised" firearm can result in tragedy.

I am amazed at the number of times I have been in stores where women are shopping and they leave their purse in a shopping cart and walk away for a few minutes. I look at it as an opportunity for a their to quickly snatch and dash. Now run this scenario . . an unsupervised purse in a cart . . containing a CCW handgun . . . it get's snatched . . . I'll leave the rest up to your imagination.

Man or woman, it is our responsibility to know where that firearm is at all times . . regardless of if there are children or other adults around.

To the OP . . . I think you've made some good selections in narrowing down what you would like for a carry firearm. Be careful, be safe and above all, keep it in your hands and out of the hands of others. Good luck and enjoy! :)
Given the above filter, your choice should be something that you can carry on-body on a daily basis. This often leads people to START looking by going straight to the smallest options, but a better way is to experiment with carry method, holsters, clothes, etc to find the best balance of weapon capability and carry comfort.

absolutely no exceptions allowed in my house! BECAUSE of what I witnessed and went thru as a youngin.. I am super anal about it. I don't even allow my husband to clean his guns while the kids are home. He will tell me he intends to do that and me and the kids will go elsewhere for the afternoon. Is that unrealistic.. probably. However.. until you personally have been thru and seen what I saw, noone would understand, truely understand. So yes.. there are only TWO options in our home, locked up or on the body. I don't trust purse wearing. I don't always remember to take my purse with me in the first place, I misplace that stupid thing so much anyhow. Hubby had me wear one of his holsters on saturday when we went looking around, It was a style that slid onto my belt. now it was empty of course. But he wanted to see if I hit it constantly or if by the end of the day I was complaining about it being there etc.. I honestly didn't even notice it most the day. He has a couple more for me to wear around just to see what types of holsters I like and don't like, so that we can build my wardrobe around the styles I do like. So it is definately a work in progress:D

Just a word of encouragement. From what I can tell, you're doing everything right! Please don't let the cranky old squabbling guys scare you or intimidate you into doing anything you're not 100% comfortable with – keep learning, keep exploring, keep asking questions when you don't understand. You're doing great!


Just a word of encouragement. From what I can tell, you're doing everything right! Please don't let the cranky old squabbling guys scare you or intimidate you into doing anything you're not 100% comfortable with – keep learning, keep exploring, keep asking questions when you don't understand. You're doing great!

Kathy Jackson
My personal website: Cornered Cat

Thanks Kathy! Everyone has given sound advice and opinions and that's great! I am thankful for everyone's advice.

(although, I do not know where the "children can't rack a slide" came from.. I'm sure it was a ways back but I don't believe that for an instant!! I am around children everyday with the daycare and my own... you'd be amazed what children can do when no-one is watching!!)
Buy both an auto and a revolver if possible. As someone who's purchased untold carry arms I've found that only after extensive carry (and sometimes sooner) do you really find out if the sidearm is "the one".
LCR-or the Glock.

LCR carries easily and can be ready at a moments notice -no safety just draw and defend.

Glock is a great gun but you need to make sure you don't place your finger anywhere near that trigger until you actually want to fire it.

Especially when drawing it from it's holster.
B.N.Real said:
LCR carries easily and can be ready at a moments notice -no safety just draw and defend.
The same is true for the Glock; it also has no safety.

B.N.Real said:
Glock is a great gun but you need to make sure you don't place your finger anywhere near that trigger until you actually want to fire it.
The same is true for the LCR. In fact, the same is true for ANY gun; if you're careless enough to put your finger on the trigger of a Glock before you're ready to fire, ANY gun is too dangerous for you.

If a Glock is too dangerous for someone to carry and they need the heavier and longer trigger pull of the LCR to make them safe, then they probably shouldn't be carrying a loaded gun to begin with.
If there are small kids in your life and there is ANY possibility one will get his/her hands on your gun unsupervised, then I would avoid any revolver -- a 2-yr old can and will pull the trigger and make a revolver fire. There are dozens of small children killed and gravely injured in the U.S. every year because they somehow got hold of mom's or dad's gun. You don't want to be one of them.
Really, give me a break:rolleyes: Any gun in the hands of a unsupervised youngster is a tragedy waiting to happen. Absolutely NOTHING wrong with a wheel gun for HD/SD. If you are callous enough that the gun is readily available to the little ones then its best you do not own one. Its called responsible gun ownership/parenting, PERIOD:mad:

380 is one of the best guns for the money that you can get.

I eliminated the brand name in the above quote. My opinion is there are much better choices out there for a SD/HD in a bigger caliber. At best the 380 is marginal.