Name Your Snubby Grip

A set of Barami Hip-Grips with Tyler T-Grip is a good combination for me. The Barami is smooth plastic, so I stretched a bicycle inner tube over it.
Doc Hudson said what I feel. I have tried other but the standard wood grips work best for me. I am not a big fan of the "Airweight stubby" type weapons. With the right carry rig the little extra wight make little difference, but the little extra wight gives me more control when shooting.
Man, what a bunch of variety of preferences out there! All I know is I don't like the feel of this Uncle Mike's that came on the thing. It feels like you have a banana for a grip. I noticed that we didn't have many folks lining up to say, "Hey, I love these stock grips."

I've got fairly big hands so I want something that gives me a good grip without givng up concealability. Looks like it's time to do some experimenting. Pachmyar Compac was something I thought looked like it might fit the bill.

Looks like I'll have to start trying some different things. Tell me, did your grip box get as big as your hoster box before you found the one you like? Please say it isn't so!

Check out the Hip Grip as mentioned above. It will stick up about 1/2 inch or so from your jeans or belt. Good grip when firing and the best way for Mexican carry I've ever seen. (that's a method of carrying without a holster, not a racial slur :D)
Captain Bligh said:
"Man, what a bunch of variety of preferences out there! "

My old Mentor Bryant Grace used to say: "Differences of opinion are what lets cheap whiskey sell and ugly people get married."

Wouldn't it be boring if we all prefered the same gun with the same grips? :D


If we were close enough, I'd buy you a cup of coffee. Here I was thinking I was the only one who detests the light weight versions of J-frame snubbies. The only guns I dislike more than an S&W Airweight Snubbies are the new Titanium models. They feel like toys.

Give me good steel and recoil reduction and longevity over lightness any day.

Doc Hudson
Cap't Bligh,

When I was shopping around for grips, one of the local ranges let me try out the different grips that were in stock in the store. I wasn't allowed to fire the gun with each grip since that would have made them dirty, but I was allowed to install each on my gun and try each for comfort/feel. I tried the Uncle Mike, Hogue and the Pachmayr and decided on the Pachmayrs.

I had the same experience with holsters at yet another store/range. I was allowed to try as many as I wanted, but once I left the store with one it was mine!

I like it when a shop will work with you (and thereby make a happy customer). A shop like that will have customers for life, rather than having you buy everything in the store first to finally decide what you wanted to get in the first place. It just makes good business sense!
I carry an older model md 60 in .38 special. At first I tried working with the standard wooden grips and then added a tyler t. I finally went to a set of secret service grips by eagle and have been most pleased. They follow the lines of the grip frame. The grips are smooth rosewood and really help when shooting double action.-Cliff
Eagle Grips

Capbuster, the reasons I prefer factory grips are the Eagle Secret Service grips I own had to be fitted and the factory grips with the Tyler adapter are a lot smaller. This means the factory grips take up less room on a pistol that will be carried a lot and shot little. Regards, Richard
I love the J frame, man I own several sets of grips. I like the barami for casual totin, especially around the house etc. secure concealed and fairly controlable. For shooting, however; I recommend a fuller grip especially with the airweights/titaniums. This has made all the difference in my practice sessions. I like both the hogues and the banana style butler creeks. Really anything covering the backstrap in full is good, as this is where I seem to really get punished. Good luck.
I'm surprised no one has tried Farrar Grips!

Their grips for the J-frame are the best I have tried. Look them up and give them a try. You won't be sorry.

- Anthony