Name one thing you learned at your last match...

Stage III of the IDPA classifier

I shot the IDPA classifier on an indoor range on Saturday the 7th of February.

I did okay on stages I & II -- and once again, I crashed and burned on Stage 3.

For the unfamiliar, Stage III involves engaging multiple targets from behind a high barricade at 25 yards and from behind a barrel at 15 yards. You have to shoot around the side of the barrel and not over the top. Usually I do pretty well from behind the high barricade, but I have a tendancy to crowd cover when shooting around the low barricade, which results in my shooting from a contorted position. I'm right handed, and shooting at the far left target from around the right side of the barrel often-times results in lots of dropped points.

I have practiced engaging the far left target left handed from behind the low barricade, and it's worked okay in practice, but I didn't do it in the match for some reason.
I shot the IDPA classifier on an indoor range on Saturday the 7th of February.

I did okay on stages I & II -- and once again, I crashed and burned on Stage 3.

Yeah, me too. I have to learn to slow down on stage three. Blaze thru I and II and then SLOW DOWN and aim the shots. Got to get 0's or 1's on every shot in III.

I did O.K., but I could have done better and that gripes me.

Next time . . .

If a mag does not drop free, RIP that ************* out!

Anger is a weapon only to the shot timer.

You can clean the mud out of your mags after the match, that's why you bought so many.

If you can shoot a semi-auto match before the full-auto match it will help your trigger control.

Just because the guy shooting before you has a gun that cost more than your house, that doesn't mean you can't out shoot him.

Anger is a weapon only to the shot timer.
holster before you curtsy, even if a bunch of guys are clapping because you shot well on your 2nd time ever shooting and you are so happy. sitting out the rest of the match is not fun.
1) Just because your first 8 offhand shots are 10's and 9's , doesn't mean you aren't going to get fatigued, miss, then spend the last 11 shots getting 6's,7's,and 8's.

yep. my first 14 were 4 Xs, 4 10s, 6 9s followed by 8s over 7s with one more X thrown in for good measure (182-5X)

3) In slow prone, even if you totally blew the first 3 stages, if you pull it together, and only shoot when your sight picture is perfect, you can shoot your highest score ever (98-2x's) Woo Hoo.

did you only shoot 10 rounds at 600? thats what we do on our 100yd reduced course...
Note to self: slow down

Because of excitement, I tend to try and shoot my fastest at matches (rifle, pistol, 3-gun, and shotgun). I found that if I keep telling myself to only shoot 80% of the speed I did at the last good practice, I shoot much better. I think it is because even though I tell myself to only go 80%, with match excitement and all, I actually do end up shooting faster than I intended.

When I go "all out" I almost always screw up by going too fast to perform well. I guess for me it is that "Slower is smoother, smoother is faster."
Always keep up with WHEN you're next-standby-next position (in the gate) and during that downtime, do a mental walkthrough of the target succession and no of shots for each, and repeat several times mentally. Second, keep your thoughts on what/when and slow down for accuracy when the buzzer sounds the GO!
steel madness

I aint as young as I think...
my back cant' take the set up and tear down of steel targets.
I feel bad that I am not going to be able to help more.
What else can I do?

Well, I learned that in an IDPA stage, even if I was covered from the next set of targets, I'm supposed not to move in that covered space when I reload.

Recourse to the rule book indicated that such an action is not really banned but it is ambiguous. However, the SO said it specifically for that stage and I will admit I was a doofus for not remembering that. :o

Seems a silly rule but that's the breaks!

It was a fun match anyway. The only other booboo I made was to just part the hair and not break the perf on a mandatory head shot. Waah!

I also an
What a Hoot!!

I shot my first IDPA Match in Bulverde this weekend and found out that I have been missing out on a hell of a time! I was surprised at the adrenaline flow. Some friends told me a they were going to shoot, so I went to watch how it was done. I had my pistol, but no holster, but one of the guys dug one up and talked me into shooting. That is the most fun I have had shooting in a loooong time.
I didn't do too bad either for my first time. Finished about midway down the roster out of 70 shooters. As Arnold said, "I'll be back." Hah!
I aint as young as I think...
my back cant' take the set up and tear down of steel targets.
I feel bad that I am not going to be able to help more.
What else can I do?

I'm sure they're always looking for score-keepers, etc. :)
score keeper

Thanks, I just hope I can count past 10 :D
actually, I am looking for a job keeping the tools sharp.

Much obliged,

I learned that I really like my latest 45ACP load.
I learned that I need a lot of practice before the state match!:o
Bullseye Match

Always change the battery in your red dot sight when you have to start increasing the intensity. I had the sight go blank this weekend during rapid fire and it cost me 30 points that could have used.
When shooting a borrowed rifle and it jams, just give up. Your friend will have a heart attack when he sees you wrestling with his "precious" HK.