Nagant revolvers

The single action on mine is not that bad. Not S&W good but not terrible. The Da is not that bad either when empty but loaded is a lot harder. It seems the cartridge needs a little push to barrel. Interesting gun but doesn't have much use.
I have one. I made an adapter to use my 9mm silencer with it; not as quiet at a 22lr, but not too loud either. The double action trigger is the second worst I've ever pulled on a revolver; the 38 Webley being heavier.

The ammo I reload for it is very consistent, about 6 fps stdev. Accuracy is poor at best due to the lousy trigger.
Surplus dried up a year ago, and prices on the secondary market are around $300.

The problem is that it is a mediocre screwball revolver with a brutal trigger chambered in a screwball cartridge.

At $300, it's not a compelling revolver unless you need it for a Russian or WWII collection.

If you want a shooter, there are some options if you keep your eyes open. I've seen Colt Officer's Models for not much more.