NAACP to sue gun manufacturers


Moderator Emeritus

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>NEW YORK (AP) - The NAACP will sue handgun manufacturers,
distributors and importers, hoping that new restrictions in the
ways firearms are marketed and sold will help keep guns from
criminals, sources said Sunday.

Sources within the National Association for the Advancement of
Colored People told The Associated Press that a formal
announcement of the suit will come Monday from NAACP President Kweisi Mfume at
the group's 90th annual convention. The move would put the nation's largest civil
rights group in league with cities like New Orleans, Chicago, Cleveland and Boston
which have sued the firearms industry in hopes of curbing street and school yard

Gads...guess they agree to the racist origins of gun control. Morons

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
ah yes, Corporate Extortion, the new "sport" of the 90's.

Maybe they're looking to replenish the money that was stolen by their corrupt leadership.
First, Let me ask, who benefits from these lawsuits?

Are any families of the victims of unlawful use of firearms going to see any of the money? I doubt it. Certain law firms specialize in filing class action lawsuits where the "victims" get pennies and the lawyers rack in millions!

These lawyers are vultures waiting for a product to come into disfavor or fall
into unsympathetic in the eyes of the general public and then they move in. I saw a 20/20 report on these sleeze balls. I forgot what the case was, but the seventy victims received $1800 as compensation for their health problems and the lawyers petioned and were awarded sixty five MILLION dollars.

Closer to home, there was a class action lawsuit filed against Boeing Aircraft for the illegal dumping of a very dangerous chemical into the water table. My neighbor, who has been riddled with cancer of the pancreas, kidneys and spleen (forms of cancer known to be caused by this chemical)recieved less than $2500. The lawyers petioned the court for one BILLION dollars, the judge awarded the lawyers, twenty million.

This my friends is not going to change unless there are some tort law reforms. I hate to think that the right of the regular guy will be inhibited for some injustice, but these lawsuits are from a system running amoke.

Mark my words, when theclass action lawsuits on gun makers are over, the adult beverage industry is next.

time to end my rant,

Joe Portale
Tucson, Arizona Territory
Gee, I always thought the NAACP liked black people. Yeah, I know. It's not funny.

"...the nation's largest civil rights group..." More like the nation's largest special interest political lobby.

Hello! It's the Bill of (civil) Rights!

I noticed at the end of that article they quoted the BATF on how many kids in gun related crimes got their guns illegally from second party buyers at licensed gun shops.
What they don't quote is how many of those second party buyers have been prosecuted.

"It is easier to get out of jail then it is a morgue"
Live long and defend yourself!
John 3:16
I saw on the news that they are not suing for money. They want gun manufacturers to be more responsible about who gets their products.

I will not even begin to say how immensely ignorant and stupid that is.

Connecticut is the "Constitution" State
This disgusts the living Hell out of me!! These morons are joining the idiocy bandwagon by suing a legal and heavily regulated product manufacturer(s)based on the actions of unscrupulous merchants and dealers further down on the chain. Do we hold any other product manaufacturer liable for misdeeds further down on the distri-bution chain?

Does GM get sued when the local dealer sells you a "lemon"? Does the local Ford dealer get sued when a drunk driver plows into a car and kills a family of four? Does Anheiser-Busch get taken to court for millions of dollars in damages for all of the DUIs that occur?

When will people get it through their head that the people behind the crimes are the problem, not the inanimate object.
Bulldozer, you asked:
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>
Does GM get sued when the local dealer sells you a "lemon"? Does the local Ford dealer get sued when a drunk driver plows into a car and kills a family of four? Does Anheiser-Busch get taken to court for millions of dollars in damages for all of the DUIs that occur?

In regards to the second question, it was recently GM, and yes, to the tune of 4.9 billion dollars, depending on the news source. A woman disfigured in a crash when the gas tank ruptured. Main defendant admitted he was drunk, prosecution and defense all agree that the driver was drunk, but claim GM sold a faulty or defective vehicle. I'm actually surprised that they didn't try to sue the bar or alcohol manufacturer/distributor, like the NAACP is trying to do to gun dealers.

Geez, didn't anyone see last week's episode of "South Park"?

Don LeHue

The pen is mightier than the sword...outside of arms reach. Modify radius accordingly for rifle.

[This message has been edited by DonL (edited July 12, 1999).]

[This message has been edited by DonL (edited July 13, 1999).]
The NAACP's suit is completely unreal, especially considering the historical relationship of gun control to Jim Crow laws.
Well this is no surprise - I mean, it's GOT TO BE the fault of something else as to why "they" claim to be so impoverished and "repressed".

Personal responsibility? Much easier to point a finger...

I have a question. the quote says
"... hoping that new restrictions in the ways firearms are marketed and sold will help keep guns from criminals..."

How are guns marketed? I have never seen a gun commerical on TV in my life. I only see them is Gun Mags and when local gun stores are having sales in the News paper. Do they want no gun ads anywhere? Cuz criminals don't look at the adds anyways, then just go for whatever they can get.

Also, what changes would they like to see in sales. I don't know how you can change the way sales are done. you pick your gun, you pay for you gun. thats how all sale of any product occur. pick what you want and pay for it. In some states there is the added inconvienance of a waiting period, thats about it. ok i'm done

It ain't mah fault. did I do dat?
Silly Negroes. One would think that a 'civil rights organization' would have a better grasp of what 'civil rights' are (all of 'em). Ol' Kwazy Mfume oughta find how how many of his fine young black princes are getting their ordinance from legitimate sources vs. outa the trunk of Lucky Leroy's "Guns 4 U" duece and a quarter in the alley at 13th and U in DC.
Whale poop.
The NAACP is "not" suing for money. They want the courts to force the gun industry to change the way they manufacture and distribute handguns.
Well, I have to admit I'm stumped! I can't figure out how they expect them to do that without coming off sounding like a racist.
The obvious, and most expedient solution to this demand would be to bar the sale of firearms to all African Americans. Considering that the earliest gun control laws in this country intended to do just that, I wonder if the "leadership" of the NAACP can appreciate the irony of their contribution to completing this racist circle?
Karanas, excellent point. They feel that manufacturers are responsible for the deaths of so many young black males, but what if even one of the manufacturers even hinted that they were going to bar sales to young black males? This is a f***** up situation.

Connecticut is the "Constitution" State
Like ya'll I was a bit surprised by this announcement to sue,,,,,,but after some thought this really makes sense in the following light.......
The democrats need an issue, one that the press will get behind and the republicans will shrink from which will give them control of the airwaves, as an added benefit this issue could possibly help keep the republican base fractured and allow a 3rd party canidate to syphon off votes so the democrats win again.....the Naacp is nothing if not suportive of the democrats, so the democratic legions go on the offensive providing political cover for the democrats(gore) and whip the media into a frenzy again...(it might not take much whipping), and today I heard once again gore saying that they were hard at work trying to make it so that children could not own handguns till they are the onslaught c0ntinues....fubsy.
I have been waiting for and dreading the antis playing the inevitable race card.

Crime in our cities are more often then not black on black and white on white.

When crime is high in a black community, which if often the case, the black comminity leaders besiege the police for more protection. The complaint is always that the police are not policing their communities with the same zeal as the white community. They demand more patrols, more protection, more arrest!!! The police do their best to comply with those wishes. Then you know what happens?
The police are singleing out blacks because of their race. The are stopping (harrssing) blacks. They are arresting blacks!!!!!!!! My God that can't happen. Why that's discrimination.

At the time I worked for KCPD 24% of the population was black. And 87% of the crime was committed by black males between the ages of 17 and 25. Yes more blacks were arrested then whites. There were constant complaints that we arrested more blacks then whites. However had we not made the arrest then we would have been acused of allowing crime to run rampent in their communities. Damned if you do, damned if you don't.

On one occassion I arrested a black youth for DWI. His immediate reaction was that I only arrested him because he was black. That month I had already made 12 other DWI arrest. Everyone of them was white.

I recovered countless guns from perpitrators while working there. Never once was one in the possession of the legal owner. All were from past burglaries, illegal street sales, etc.. Junebug ain't walkin' into the local gun store, fillin' out a 4473 and buyin' a gun. And I must have missed the Smith & Wesson commercials featuring Michael Jordan and Tiger Woods trying to entice young blacks to buy guns.

The honest, hard working blacks in these communities (and in spite of the above figures that is most of the inhaditants) need guns probably more then us rednecks living out in the sticks. Any attempts to deny them the right to purchase or own guns or even to restrict so called cheap guns would truely be a travesty and only serve to create even more victims. There by creating a situation in which the NAACP can further complain that there are too many guns and their communities aren't being properly policed.

The polititions will play this for all it's worth. Agruements against it will be twisited to appear racist and the very group of people that the NAACP supposedly tries to "advance" will become victims to the whole process.


We live in a time in which attitudes and deeds once respected as courageous and honorable are now scorned as being antiquated and subversive.
I wish the republicans were capable of fielding a black man of the caliber of alan keyes at least for vice president, I think that would go a long way in splitting the democratic base and I know this sounds pandering, but Keyes is a conservative more so than most of our leadership and I think it would be the best thing for our ability to defeat these liberal democrats....fubsy.
Hmmm, what does Alan Keyes think about all this? While a media figure and social commentator and a *gasp* conservative one at that, he is also, duh, a black man, and one who might present a more balanced, logical voice amidst the bleating of the knee-jerk leftists that normally hold positions of power in a group that is supposedly a civil rights group. Any group that selectively supports the Bill of Rights (ACLU, NAACP) in a piecemeal fashion is not a true believer in civil rights, Simply hypocrites with personal political agendas.

Don LeHue

The pen is mightier than the sword...outside of arms reach. Modify radius accordingly for rifle.
I believe that Fubsy offers a good insight into the NAACP lawsuit. To me, the lawsuit is leftist politics and nothing but leftist politics. The suit has nothing to do with race beyond the makeup of the NAACP's membership--race is only a smokescreen used by the NAACP to mask the fact that they're filing the suit for political reasons. Of course, the suit has nothing to do with crime, either, despite what the NAACP claims.

Or course, the NAACP's lawsuit, like the municipal lawsuits against gun manufacturers, is nothing more than an anti-democratic manipulation of the court system in order to further a political agenda. Let's hope that the judiciary sees through the fakery and abuse of the court system, rises to the occasion, and throws the suits out of court. That's what the judiciary ought to do. Will it? I don't know.
I saw a debate on this issue last night on Fox News' Crier Report between a representative from the NAACP and Wayne LaPierre. The NAACP rep was towing the liberal left line, blaming guns, gun manufacturers, gun dealers; everybody but criminals who misuse firearms. LaPierre tried to point this out by showing the success of Operation Exile in Virginia. The NAACP rep called what the NRA proposes with such a program "insane." Apparently the NAACP believes arresting criminals for gun crimes and prosecuting them is "insane," but suing manufacturers of firearms is sanity incarnate!

Further, he stated that the restrictive gun laws in DC are not shared by neighboring jurisdictions, and so young black men obtain their guns outside of DC in less restrictive areas then return to DC to do their dastardly deeds (my characterization, he never mentioned "African American" and "crime" in the same sentence).

My thought was if surrounding jurisdictions have less restrictive gun laws than DC, why aren't their respective crime rates soaring over those in DC. Get a clue, NAACP, it aint the guns.

Safe shooting - PKAY