N.O.-style SHTF weapon choice

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Let's see here. 1911A1, Glock 23, Remington 870, M16, About 2 dozen claymores, 5lbs. of C4, a few bouncing bettys, say 12 RPG's, and a dozen grenades. That would make me feel comfortable. (just wishin I had those on hand)

In reality though it would be the 1911A1, and the Glock 23 with as much ammo as I can carry.
Gordo B,

Since my fueled up 19' Whaler is parked in my front yard I'd take a couple 870's , a couple cases of slugs and and a couple AK's and a sealed crate of 1320rds. A couple .45 pistols on belts with knives and clips , 500 rounds of ball , my Katadyn filter with an extra filter (although my stainless big berkey would be nice!) , 4 people with appopriate clothes in ditty bags (along with terlit paper), flashlights and batteries(litihium) couple cases of MREs and goretex sleeping bags. I THINK all this would fit in my Whaler and get me almost 100 miles inland IF the water rose the 1000ft up to my door

Apparently you haven't been in a hurricane. If you think your boat would be anywhere remotely near your house after a catagoy 4 or 5 storm, you are sadly mistaken. If you had it in your hurricane proof garage, and provided the flooding did not occur until the winds, died down, you might have a chance. More than likely, you won't be able to get your boat out because it will be jammed against the ceiling of your garage when it floods. Nice idea though.

Double Naught Spy,

It is hard to swim or tread water when you are carrying a gun or guns and ammo, and still trying to take care of your family who is in the water with you.

You make a good point. I imagine it would be a pain to stay a float with all that steel and lead weighing me down. Good thing the Glock is very light! I don't think a shotgun slung over my shoulder would be too bad either. I have 3 magazines for my Glock so I would have at least 30 rounds of ammo. I guess I had better one of those shotshell bandoliers to complete the Rambo look! :eek: :D

We don't do too many water sports (I know its a shame living in Miami and all) so we don't have too much use for life jackets. Maybe it is time to get an inflatable raft with either a manual pump or a battery operated one. I live in a flood zone so it would probably make sense. I hope none of us ever have to worry about this but it pays to be prepared!
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Howdy y'all,

Speaking from personal experience...If a hurricane is coming your way, get the hell out of Dodge and bring all your guns with you!!

For the later stages of social discord, Id keep the best of what I had handy and one on my hip at all times..

Just make sure you got at least two...one to carry at all times and for protection of the old homestead from the hostiles, thugs, rapist, and marauders...and another to leave with your wife or family members when you must go out for supplies.

My personal picks are...

Remington 870, for me.
Remington 1100, for my bride..
Mini-14, for her
Springfield Armory M1A, for me.
S&W 9mm, for my sweetie..
Ruger 345, for me
I agree with all the calls for preparedness. I think having supples and an evacuation plan are more important than the gun nuance. A quality long gun and handgun will suffice.

I expect a thread that will start with :

Should I have Scuba gear to pick up the brass after TEOTWAWKI?

It is important to have a gun but I was thinking if I have enough Rx meds around so I don't just drop dead without having to fight off the zombies.

Back to guns - do you have one for your family that they might be able to use if they are not gun people? I was thinking about that. I might get a surplus 38 revolver for the nongun gals. Yes, they should train - my favorite mantra.
Before watching the news of those poor devils down south, my choice would have been my mini-14, backed up by my BPH.

Now, I would grab my AR-7, my S&W 422 and 200 rounds of CCI Stingers. I would load my son down with a Rugar Standard .22 and the wife would have her Iver Johnson TP-22, each with 200 rounds of ammo. The wife and I would also dig out our NAA derringers in 22.

I would also take a couple of back pacs, tie them together, load them with sleeping bags, a painters drop cloth (clear plastic), attach an empty 5 gal. gas can, so they would float...

Once I had some quite, I could use the clear plastic to make a solar still. No difficult problem there with all of the plywood laying around..if nothing else, loot a some chlorine from a grocery store or pool supply house and disinfect my drinking water!

God, hope I never have to face the SHTF like they did down south...earthquakes in my area would be more than enough!
I began my career in personal security during the aftermath of Hurricane Andrew in '92.
That was a mess. Looters were everywhere in Homestead and a bunch of people were killed afterward during the looting and tent city antics.
I'd already lived through Hurricane Hugo as a senior in High School in 89, so when Andrew hit I kinda knew what to expect.
Natural disaster stuff is really sticky, and if I had a family, I'd put them all on Dual purpose motorcycles, give them handguns with three magazines and send them out of the perimeter with water (camelbacks) and fuel. The Kawasaki KLR 650 gets about 50mpg and holds 6.1 gallons of fuel.
If I had to stay in the middle of it all, (which I wouldn't want to despite my awesome vinyl record collection I'd want to save.) I'd probably rely on the two weeks or so of canned food I keep all the time. When I say canned, I mean pickles, tomatoes, venison, squash, etc, in addition to canned soup and stuff. And, I have a water purifier in my ruck, so I'd be okay filtering water for up to 250 gallons. I also have a camp stove and 6 bottles of fuel at all times.
But weapons? Well, the shotgun is my first choice. Rem. 870 with xtended mag. Can't beat a scattergun for visual appeal. After all, looters are just looking for an easy mark. In addition to buckshot, birdshot, and rocksalt, I'd want (but don't have) flechette rounds just in case some wise guy in a tac vest tried to test my skills. But, of course, I have a bow for that...
Other than the scattergun, the .45 cal single action and a .357 sp101. Scattergun has a tac-sling and a bandolier to go with it. SP101 has speedloaders and would be a cinch for my S/O to use.
I'd toss my Ruger P345 to any would be assailants so I'd feel better about swapping lead with them. :D I'd only trust that PILE with my life if someone was pointing it at me.
Food - WATER ??? GUNS !

If we could stay at our home then this... any neighbors who are able to defend our properties would get a gun and 200 rds. of ammo. We would work as a team, share our resources. I have guns and ammo. LOTS of guns and ammo. Would share what i could spare... food water gas first aid. BUT if we had to move then i would take a REM. 870/12 ga. and give my wife a FIRESTAR .40 S&W with 5 loaded mags hidden on her for back up. After PRAYING !! guns I own ... 4 S.M.G.'s 1 sound suppessor 5 assault rifles 10 pistols. I hope to never have to find out :barf: Respectfuly OTTO
The only combo..

Jungle Carbine with a bandolier of 200 rouns across my chest and a Hig Power

WildallelsearetoysAlaska :)

Actually the Jungly is in my truck so its a given, would really grab my AR

When I got called into work for the 1st 12 hour shift during last yrs hurricane season, I made sure my shotgun and pistol was with me. People have to take storm warnings serious. The Big Easy was built 8 ft below sea level, and people didn't want to think about it. Not thinking about a problem won't make it go away. Everyone thought "It won't happen here." Well, it did, nobody prepared for it, now people are suffering. Here in FL, the first sign a hurricane is going to hit, the people get ready. the National Guard is called up, cops and firefighters go on 12 hour shifts, and citizens start evacuating.
retreat if need be.....

I too would go for high ground but with a few extras.

Concealed 9mm pistol
20 gauge - pump

If I were in a position that allowed extra beyond that....... An M-16 (AR15) would be third on my list...
I live (or used to) in New Orleans. On the way out I brought my M1A, FAL, best AK and Anschutz 1710 plus a bag of pistols. The only two that I have significant ammo with me for are the AK and My Glock 23. My company is working on the 17th Street Canal breach and will start on the Twin Spans next week. I have to report to the BR office tomorrow and the Glock and AK will be with me. When I go to New Orleans, probably Wednesday, they will go to. I wish that I had my 20'' 870 but the Glock and AK will suffice.

I'd holster my Taurus PT-111, I'd stick my Kel-Tec in my pocket or give it to my wife, and I'd cut the barrel down on my Savage from whatever it is to around 18 inches. I'd carry two or three boxes of buckshot and about 50 rounds of .380, 100 rounds or 9mm. Hopefully enough to get the job done yet light enough to allow me to carry all the other stuff I need to lug around.
If for some reason I hadn't evacuated I would let my situation and mission dictate my needs.

During the initial phase of the disaster while the lawless are running around stealing anything they can get their hands on I would be hunkered down in the house with the family and hopefully some of my well armed friends. If I had to go out during this I would carry my Saiga rifle in my hand with as many extra mags as I had, I would have to carry those in my pockets unfortunately as I don't have any pouches for them. My USP45c would be in a tactical thigh holster (if it ever gets delivered grrr darn Safariland) with as many loaded magazines as I had pouches for that I could put on my belt. I would wear my body armor as well. I would try not to venture out side the house without another armed companion, prefferably more then one.

If I had to evacuate the area after the disaster through the chaos I would have the same loadout as above plus my Camelbak Motherload with my bugout gear. If I have some of my friends with me as well as their loved ones family and less capable combatants would stay together myself and the other more capable combatant would stay in a protective formation around them. the group in the center would carry most of the load while the fighters would carry packs that didn't hinder their ability to move. Hopefully something that floats could be found to help pack supplies and anyone unable to walk.

Note: In this situation everyone is a combatant everyone will be armed.

Once order starts to take hold in the area my loadout will change. I will leave the long gun at home or in the vehicle. Depending on the mood of the area I may continue to carry my pistol openly or conceal it. Depends if the cops and NG are there to stay or just passing through while they rescue people and deal with emergencies.
I'd toss my Ruger P345 to any would be assailants so I'd feel better about swapping l

I'd toss my Ruger P345 to any would be assailants so I'd feel better about swapping lead with them.

Eightball your .22 revolver sounds good to me. Remember your 4th grade arithmetic: .22 + .22 = .44 :D

Of course the best thing to do if TSHTF is to get out of range of the fan before it happens.

I live (or used to) in New Orleans. On the way out I brought my M1A, FAL, best AK and Anschutz 1710 plus a bag of pistols. The only two that I have significant ammo with me for are the AK and My Glock 23. My company is working on the 17th Street Canal breach and will start on the Twin Spans next week. I have to report to the BR office tomorrow and the Glock and AK will be with me. When I go to New Orleans, probably Wednesday, they will go to. I wish that I had my 20'' 870 but the Glock and AK will suffice.

Hey Drue,

Sorry to hear about your situation. I hope you get lots of insurance money and can pick up where you left off soon. I'm not sure New Orleans will be home anytime soon though. Besides, after seeing the true colors of New Orleaners, I'm not sure anyone would want to live there. Take care when you go back down there and best of luck to you.
Well, since not a single poster here has listed Louisiana, much less New Orleans, as their location I can't see the purpose of this entire thread--unless of course, it's gratuitous chest thumping.

Much like other SHTF threads (zombies, werewolfs ad nauseam) this one's run its course.

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