Mystery Rifle

2008 for me, I didn't need one but there were probably 5 or 6 in my boot division that had to have them.

EDIT: I have found Navy publications dating back to 91 regarding the use of medical warning tags. BUMEDINST 6150.35
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That's all nice and well, but that guy doesn't exactly strike me as a member of the US military, or any military, for that matter.

Does anyone know if the Central African Republic actually issues those kinds of identifying documents?
I'd say doubtful, extremely doubtful even, considering a quick scan of my most recent copy of Jane's World's Armies lists them as not even having a General Staff and fielding four T-55s.
It is belted. If you've never been in a situation where you humped ammo for the machine gun, and all your own gear too, congratulations! you don't know what you've missed! ;)
Ha! The Rambo look, with belts of machine gun ammo draped over one's shoulders is very fashionable, and also very foolish.

Belted ammo isn't something you want to get twisted, bent, dirty, etc. before you have to give it to your machine gunner in the middle of an engagement.

My old Platoon Sergeant went on some truly epic rants concerning the wearing of ammo instead of humping it in the appropriate pouch, bag, or drum.
anyone that's ever been in the military know's that's the red dog tag to list allergies.

If that's red "medic alert" type dog tag ....... then either that's the biggest version I've ever seen ..... or this guy and all his gear is really tiny!

He's got a lot of really goofy looking stuff going on (what the hell is that phylactery thingy on his upper right arm?) .....

..... but it's not the silliest "African Warrior" photo out there: someone get their google fu on and find the pic with the guy wearing a brand new blaze orange el-cheapo life jacket and his best war face, blazin' away with his AK held sideways below waist level, holding the gas tube in his heat resistant mittened left hand ..... and there's one with an irregular wearing lime green fairy wings, of all things .....
The guy rocking his USGC approved PFD is apparently not uncommon in Africa.

According to a buddy of mine whose platoon sergeant was in the 10th Mountain back in 1993, it was quite common to see assorted Miltiamen wearing them because assorted tribal chieftains told them that they were either bulletproof vests or were blessed by Allah with assorted bullet stopping powers.
"and there's one with an irregular wearing lime green fairy wings, of all things ....."

He'd just had a Red Bull.

Gave him wings.
anyone that's ever been in the military know's that's the red dog tag to list allergies.

I was in the US Army from 75-78, and never heard of such a thing. Possibly because I didn't have any allergies, but either way, I never heard of such a thing, so clearly, not "anyone that's ever been in the military" knows these things.
re: medical dog tags

I went to basic training in '85 .... I'm pretty sure some of the guys had the medical dog tags then. I know some of my guys did in the 90's.

....... and they don't look anything like what that guy's got ..... they are only slightly larger than the redular ID tag, and the corners not as rounded.
I was making a joke fellows, seriously the english language needs a punctuation mark for sarcasm.

for those who have never heard of medical emergency tags, here's an example,