Mystery Rifle


New member
The rifle in this picture of a fighter from the CAR got me stumped


Any ideas?
Between the bolt and the 4" of exposed barrel ot the muzzle, looks Jap to me, too.

Wonder what ammo he's shooting through it?
French MAS 1936, 7.5mm
Note the bolt handle cranked forward and the sight on the receiver bridge.

I wonder where he got ammo for THAT? Leftover from French colonial days, I guess.
After putting my glasses on, and leaning in...

Agree, French MAS 36
NOT Arisaka.

While the round "knob" does suggest Arisaka, the bolt handle is wrong, in the wrong place, and the leaf sight on the rear receiver ring, all wrong for an Arisaka.

I recall a version of that rifle being sold surplus here in the US in recent years, some of them in 7.62NATO.

I'm actually a bit surprised the trooper isn't carrying an AK! :rolleyes:
Plenty of French stuff in Africa, either left there by the French from colonial days or given to the Africans when the French pulled out. Countries or groups armed by Moslem (Ooops, can't say that!) "terrorists" usually got AK-47's or AKM's, originally provided by our Russian or Chinese "friends" but now being made in Iran among other countries. (Iran has also manufactured copies of the M16, G3, and P226.)

FWIW, that bolt "knob" is only for disassembly, not a safety like the Arisaka. The Model 1936 has no safety; French practice was to not chamber a round until ready to fire, which is why that soldier is carrying the rifle with the bolt open.

Some had a sliding tang safety added by importers so they would be more salable, but the rifle originally had none.

Makes sense, French Africa, French surplus. Bet the Frogs are still running the 7.5mm ammo plant now and then, picking up a few francs or whatever the CAR pays with. Their money is just about as valuable a currency as the Congo Zaire, but still much better than Zimbabwean Dollars.
MAS36... always surprises me how many people mistake them for arisakas... the only feature they have in common is a round flat surface on the rear of the bolt.
everyone knows there's no soap in africa, that's where ebola comes from. anyone that's ever been in the military know's that's the red dog tag to list allergies.