Mystery gun

There has been over time, a fair amount of discussion over whether to surrender an illegal firearm (especially an unregistered machinegun or sawed off rifle/shotgun) to BATFE or local police. When a federal law is involved, as in this case, some folks have stated from experience that it is better to deal with BATFE, not local law. The Feds see many more such cases, know that innocent people often are involved, and the affair is less likely to be subject to the whim of some anti-gun crusader with a badge who wants to make a political career out of sending some poor sap to jail for the heck of it. But contact BATFE and follow their instructions; do not tuck it in your belt and head for the Federal Building. That could definitely end up in a bad situation.

Yes... the Thrift store owner called local LEO who came and picked it up. We are "small town" so no big hoopla over it. Couldn't see buy the pictures but the muzzle was so hacked up the thing probably shot to the floor, around corners, or anywhere but where it was pointed.