My wife was attacked in her own home!-45ACP to the rescue!

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Chris I am so glad that your wife is okay (besides the bruises and emotional trauma) and she found the gun before the prick could go any further. I'll keep you guys in my prayers, take care.

OOOO I've got goosebumps this kind of stuff scares the hell out me :(

I could not sleep last night after reading what happened to you and your wife. I was awake pondering how I could help encourage my wife to understand more fully the importance of having available a weapon of self defense, and having already made the decision to use it. She has not yet made that decision...

I'm so glad that you all are alive and well!

My prayer for your wife is that this will have no long-lasting negative effect.


"When freedom is at stake, your silence is not golden, it's yellow..." RKBA!
Glad your family is ok, hope the scumbag shows up dead.

Kind of proves the point on how useless trigger locks are.

Take care.

Larry Correia
Chris, I'm glad to hear your wife survived this violence, and we wish her a speedy recovery.

It never evolved into as serious situation as yours, but years ago I had reason to upgrade our own security. Many of these steps are quite inexpensive - (1) replace your deadbolts with 1" throw, double-keyed deadbolts (so the BG can break a window, but still can't unlock the door), (2) make sure you've got good, wide-angle peep holes at all solid doors, (3) install a security system, at least for perimeter security (all doors and windows). If your work requires you to come home after the family is asleep, the installer could set a short delay on the perimeter alarm so you can get in and reset the alarm after your wife has hit the sack. Better without the delay, but certainly better than no alarm. Having a security system is very helpful, IMHO.

Best wishes to you and your family. Take care.

Regards from AZ
Chris, thank you for sharing your experience. My best to you and your very brave lady. I hope she recovers quickly.

Get your 1911s and AR15s while you still can!
Sure glad that was one of those 'dumb' guns. A Gov't-approved 'smart' one would've had much different results.
Chris, her actions not only defender her own life but that of other future vicitms from this and other local would be pieces of garbage that will read of this incident in the local paper and perhaps think twice before perpitrating a similar act. She is in deed a brave woman whom has made your community safer for all the women who live there.


TFL End of Summer Meet, August 12th & 13th, 2000
Thank God.

I am wondering though, how I can set it up so that my wife will have the same oppty to defend herself. We have 2 little ones and leaving a pistol out is not an option.

How can I arrange things so that my wife can quickly access her .357 but also keep it safe from access by the children?

As we have it arranged now, she would have been dead in the scenario your wife lived through.

Currently she stores her .357 in the closet on the top shelf out of reach of the 4 year old and the 1 year old. That setup will not last very much longer as the 4 year old gets a bit older.

What to do?

"As nightfall does not come at once, neither does oppression.
In both instances there is a twilight when everything remains
seemingly unchanged. And it is in such twilight that we all
must be most aware of change in the air - however slight -
lest we become unwitting victims of the darkness."
--Supreme Court Justice William O. Douglas
I'm glad to hear that everybody came out ok. Now time for the emotional healing. Your family will be in my prayers.

OTOH, I hope the BG is seriously injured (read FATAL) so his breaking/entry/raping days are over.
Cassidy, why not install a LOCK on your bedroom door? Wouldn't stop the goblins, but it'll keep the kiddies out.

How terrible to put on a tombstone: "My wife died at the hand of a rapist, but it was 'for the children'"?

Get the lock. And teach the 4 yo about gun safety ASAP. THAT is what's REALLY 'for the children'....

[This message has been edited by Dennis Olson (edited May 01, 2000).]

I am SO glad that you and your lady are okay. You are both in my prayers. Your wife did a wonderful job under the most stressful circumstances possible. I hope she will take considerable, deserved solace from her actions.
My prayers go with you and your family as well as my congratulations on your wife for her courage and your obvious good taste in woman.

To all those who are worried about keeping weapons ready around children, I'd suggest the Magnatrigger set-up available from Rick Devoid. It allows a Sneak & Wimpy revolver to be fired only by a wearer using special rings. Perhaps a set each for the adult members of the family? I don't like revolvers for defense generally, but this would fill the reaction gap left by having more serious firepower secured.
Chris, my wife and I send our best wishes, and only hope that in the same circumstance we could have the strength and presence of mind to rise to the occasion with the bravery that she displayed. We wish you peace.

- gabe

PS: Cassidy, I'd second Libertarian's recommendation of a speed-opening gun vault of some kind. The ones w/ the 'simplex' style locks don't require power (read: batteries). I have an address at home (I'm at work now) for another manufacturer and I'll post it when I get home. Or search the archives, it's in there somewhere. As for locking the bedroom door: all I know is when I was a door lock was safe from me :) The safes I'm thinking of will also tell you if someone has tried to open it. That would have deterred me as a child, but not simply the lock. The lock's just a puzzle to a kid.

[This message has been edited by GRD (edited May 01, 2000).]
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