My Wife used a Gun to send scum running!


New member
I was looking at bigger grips today online for my wife's S&W 642 car gun and considering the DBX load when my cell phone rings with my wife on the other end. Get this, she went out of her office today on lunch hour to do some Christmas shopping. She pulls into the mall and gets a spot pretty far from the store she wanted to go to. She told me she sensed something was wrong and then saw two guys eyeing her maliciously in a sport utility parked next to her. I told her to ALWAYS listen to that feeling of uneasiness you get. She starts the car and backs out of the spot to try to find a closer spot and they were right behind her! She made sure the doors were all locked and looked for mall security... no where to be found. At this point she remembered the .38 in the glove box. She cruised up paralell to one of the stores next to the sidewalk and they pulled up alongside her car very close to the driver's side door; the passenger leered down at her from the truck. He was very surprised when he saw the .38 in the wife's hand across her lap, they tore out of there! :cool: She was very shaken and she now thinks she may start carrying the .38. She never actually pointed the gun and was more mad that she did not get her shopping done. She reported the incident but since they actually did not approach her who knows what will become of it. She told the officer that she was afraid of being abducted. Thank goodness it turned out like it did. I am now trying to get the wife to get transfered to a better location.

Wow, congrats to your wife. Good thing she had a gun nearby, or these guys might have tried to block her in and break into her vehicle.

Good thinking on her part to listen to that feeling of uneasiness.
These are the things I tell my girlfriend, but she wont listen. She grew up in a liberal family. Thinking there is good in everybody BS!!!

Glad to hear your wife is fine. She seems to have handled it well.
Hate to be mean Ozzy but your g/f is one ignorant... woman.

Also, wouldnt that count as "brandishing"? If those scums decide to report your wife for "threatening" them with an "evil pistol" what then? :confused:
Good for her!

Glad to hear it came out ok. This is why it is so important for women TO carry. I hope she decides to carry all the time after this.

Hate to be mean Ozzy but your g/f is one ignorant... woman.

She's not ignorant she's just brainwashed. Which I guess could be construed as ignorant. I am in the process of deprogramming her.:D She has shot a few times and is fairly good. So she's coming around. Before you know it I'll have her turned into a full fledged gun nut. Hopefully.
Glad everything turned out okay... since she reported it, I don't think the scumbags could get her for brandishing, to answer the previous poster... though I s'ppose anything's possible.

Ozzy: Good luck with that! It's a slow process but it's totally worth it! :)
The glove box is the wrong place . You are more likely to need the gun going to and from the store than in the store or in the car. Carry it !!
Hey, Massan, . . . how about getting a life, huh???

If you cannot do anything better than lurk around trying to find fault with those of us and our loved ones who are just trying to make it through this crazy world, . . . :barf:

She simply stated the obvious, . . . I have a gun, . . . I will not be intimidated by scum like you, . . .

Did it ever occur to you that she may have been getting ready to put it in her purse? Did it occur to you that she may have been making sure that it was loaded? There are many, many good reasons for a handgun laying across your lap with your vehicle stopped, . . . and for you to jump on the brandishing bandwagon is basically reprehensible. You need to apologize to FLA2760 and his wife.

May God bless,

PS: FLA2760, . . . give your wife a hug, buy her some flowers, take her out to eat, get her CCW for her, . . . and tell her that she did a darn fine job.

To be fair, Massan simply asked if it could be seen as brandishing if the BGs called the cops on FLA's wife. That's been talked about on the forum before, and in fact is the reason to ALWAYS call the police even though no shots were fired. That way, if the BGs do have a brain flash and realize they could do this, there's already a report on the situation on file.

It's not a putdown to ask a question.

As for the "ignorant" comment, that wasn't directed at fla's wife, 870pilot, it was directed at ozzy's girlfriend. Not a necessary comment, but the two are not the same.


+1 for the good guys.
Hopefully it was caught on mall security video and they can at least have the police do a stop of the vehicle, or have a report done that the vehicle should be stopped for questioning.

Another great example of good gun ownership. :D

Too bad they do not record potential crimes averted as part of CCW statistics.
not in Mass.

this happened in Mass. with a woman in a car being followed by a man
in a truck---she brandished the pistol---the truck left--
she reported it to the police and so did the truck driver.
she lost her permit and pistol and later her job and her house and after a long legal battle she commited suicide.
Whats wrong with asking a simple question Dwight? With this crazy legal world we all live in now we can get in trouble for every little thing even if its by accident.
"she lost her permit and pistol and later her job and her house and after a long legal battle she commited suicide."
Are you sure she hadn't recently broken a chain letter?
Details Please

Blueleader, can you provide some links to news stories, Incident numbers, or news articles that support your posting? I'd like to read some details. Not that I doubt that anything can happen in Mass. as I used to spend some time in Framingham.

I often wonder if fear of "getting in trouble with the law" places at a disadvantage people who could have defended themselves? Since action beats reaction it appears to me that, given the circumstances described, the lady acted prudently. In NC she should have no problem with the police.

I congratulate her on being aware and taking preventive action. Thanks for the original post (which I shared with my wife).


I will try and dig up details, this goes back about 6-8 years.
there was an artical in the "Message" (the Gun Owners Action League magazine) this year---i'll look for it
These are the things I tell my girlfriend, but she wont listen. She grew up in a liberal family. Thinking there is good in everybody BS!!!

My girlfriend is the same way.

She's making progress, though. At least now she is willing to talk disparagingly about some of the more scummy elements of society; she has asked me at times about my gun; she is more comfortable with me carrying it; she even handles the bag that it's in now and then to give to me across a table or something; she even asked me to show her how it works, recently!

I wonder if it may not be far off that she becomes interested in obtaining a license to carry a gun concealed. My only fear is that she will have a damaging brush with a criminal before she becomes convinced that it is the right thing to do. In Florida, it is the right thing to do.

FLA2760: congratulate your wife for me, eh? :) Glad things worked out alright for her. Good job.
