My wife is not gonna be happy!

here are some photos of the xpr in 6.5 creedmoor. The camera on my phone kinda sucks. Overall impressed again. For a $500 walnut gun these are pretty nice.


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Gonna shoot some factory ammo and test a couple loads today with the XPR 6.5 creedmoor
Cool--I bet you're in for pleasant surprise--although I usually hand-load all my ammo--I've tried quite a few 6.5 creedmoor factory ammo loads and I can't remember a single one that couldn't shoot sub-MOA.:)
First image is 130 grain Sierra game changer. Ahead of 42.5 grains of RL17. Avg 2849 SD 10. It grouped 3 right in the same hole, but the last two had about a 1 inch POI shift. These were .040 off the lands. I will load some at .010 off. Then some at .070 off and see if I notice a change. I could also load a little hotter. I am still a grain under the Sierra data and I don't show any pressure signs.

The next photo is 143 grain ELDX in front of 42.2 grains of H4350. These were only .020 off. Velocity was good for a 22 inch tube. Avg 2745 SD 8. I will try this same load seated at .050, .090 and .130 off. So far every ELDX load I have come up with needed to be .070-.125 off the lands. I bet this load will shoot lights out with a little more jump.

The factory Remington corelokt did fine. I can't post a pic of those groups cause some other D-Bag at the range decided to start shooting my target.


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So I guess now I need to decide. For general hunting purpose. Whitetail, black bear and varmints. Whether to use the 143 grain Hornady at 2750, or the Sierra Game changer 130 grain at 2850.

Hmm decisions decisions.....
So I guess now I need to decide. For general hunting purpose. Whitetail, black bear and varmints. Whether to use the 143 grain Hornady at 2750, or the Sierra Game changer 130 grain at 2850.

Hmm decisions decisions.....
Take them out to the distances you intend to hunt and compare the numbers with with likelihood of anticipated results.;)
I will fine tune the seating depths get them both shooting better. Then I will shoot groups at 300 with each one.

Most shots are 200 and less. Almost all 300 or less. Sometimes on ground hogs 400 or so.

The eldx load carries the same energy 100 yards further. With the 130 grain I wouldn't take a shot past 400 on something deer sized. Leaving me around 1350 Ftlbs so either load carries the required energy at the ranges I am likely to shoot. It will come down to which shoots better.

Historically from the 3 other 6.5 creedmoor rifles I have had in the last year. The Sierra Gamechanger had been easier to tune in each of them. And yielded tighter groups.

Best groups so far with 130 grain bullets have been with RL 26. Coincidentally it also had the highest velocity. I may go ahead and load some of them and clone my best shooting loads from my last 2 rifles in this caliber. With those 2 rifles. The best shooting load was the same charge weight of RL 26 and the game changer.

I guess what I am saying is that either option will certainly fit any of my needs throughout the intended range of uses. This rifle will be only for hunting and practice.

I have another rifle on the way for longer range target work. As mentioned in my opening post.
Heck, Stag.
A 5 yr old girl in pigtails can shoot MOA when there's no recoil! Why the 6.5 CM was made! :D

I like the looks of the rifle, except for the forestock tip.
Looks like a framing carpenter hacked it off.
Just say'n. ;)
Heck, Stag.
A 5 yr old girl in pigtails can shoot MOA when there's no recoil! Why the 6.5 CM was made! :D

I like the looks of the rifle, except for the forestock tip.
Looks like a framing carpenter hacked it off.
Just say'n. ;)
Agreed. I really wish it was shaped like the featherweight fore end tip.
I do like this rifle a lot. With the Scope and a full mag it weighs at 8 pounds 2 ounces.
Loading long on OAL won't be a problem. On the lands with both of these bullets will fit into the mag.

I decided to p[ut the 300 win mag away for a couple months till my shoulder heals and isn't painful anymore.

Overall I am very happy with the quality of these rifles for the money they cost. I have paid more for rifles that were not made as well.
I broke the news to her this morning about spending $1600 on that Remington rifle and the vortex scope.

Oddly enough, she took it very well. Probably because we made an appointment yesterday for her to get a new tattoo .....

We shall see how it goes