My wife finally wants a gun! Ruger Bearcat


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I've never been able to get my wife interested. She shot my glock 19 years and years ago, and the noise and blast scared her so much she left the range.

Then we tried .22 rifle, but she is left eye dominant, so could not hold the rifle comfortable.

More recently I gave her a Smith model 17. But the single action on it was so light, she had a couple of scares where the gun went off before she was ready. So she just about gave up.

A week ago, I was selling my HK P2000sk on a forum, and a guy offers me a stainless Ruger Bearcat with some cash for it. At first I thought I don't need it, but then I thought, maybe I could see if my wife was interested.

I showed it to her, and explained that it was simple to operate, and even found a youtube video with alaska granny where she talks about how much she loved the Bearcat, and to my amazement, she said she wanted one!!

So tomorrow we are going to do the trade and she is excited about HER NEW GUN! Never thought the day would come when I could be saying that. If it has to be a single action .22 that gets her excited and into shooting, so be It!


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if it is not too late, they made a version with adjustable sights. That would be much more precise to aim and obviously adjust POI.
If she's excited about it, get it. They're great little guns. I never had any trouble hitting what I shot at with mine, well except for squirrels. I did scare a few of them though. :D

When I lived out in the country, I had mine on my hip constantly. Ruger sells a great little holster for them. In that holster, they can only be described as "cute."
A buddy of mine has had one for years... He keeps it in his back pocket while knocking around the woods , camping , hiking and huntin ginseng ...
Good reliable little guns.
now, if you can fins some and can afford it, buy her about 2 CASES of ammo, (yup, 10,000 rounds)so she can shoot a lot at any time. Shooting is addictive, especially as you get better and better. Hits are a lot more fun then misses. LOTS of ammo to start out with is the #1 thing that gets new shooters deeply into the gun culture
When my wife goes with me to the range ... along comes the Bearcat. It is her favorite revolver to shoot too.

I am left eye dominant (and left handed) and never found it a problem shooting the rifles. Lever or bolt.
well, we met at the dealers to do the trade and mutual transfers. My wife held the Bearcat and fell in love with it!

But because of California's BS liberal laws we have the ten day cooling off perior, even if you have a CCW and already own 20 or more firearms. I guess they figure you might want to fly off the handle with the new gun! STUPID BS LAWS!

Oh well, now my wife can feel what I've had to go through all these years!LOL
10 days can seem a long time!
The Bearcat is a little sweetheart. All Ruger single actions should be designed like the Bearcat. Unlike the nightmarish disassembly and reassembly procedure of Ruger's other single actions, the Bearcat procedure can be accomplished by normal people. I also like the half cock cylinder loading and unloading procedure. Just like the original Colts.

My wife hates revolvers and won't shoot them. With one exception...

A few years back she decided she wanted a Bearcat. :D
A few years back, I bought a nice vintage Super Bearcat. It's the only one I can get my wife to shoot - she refers to it as her "pop pop"bun. Good size for a woman or guy with smaller hands, reliable and fun to shoot. Congrats to you wife for finding something SHE likes and I hope sh really enjoys it! :-)
Great little guns. Bought my first one in 1969, another in the 90s, and one of the Lipsy specials with adjustable sights a couple years ago. Looks like a mini Super Blackhawk with adj. sights. I don't know why they didn't do that decades ago.
she's right handed but left eye dominant, so she was trying to hold the rifle right handed.

I am left eye dominant too, when shooting a hand gun, but shoot a rifle with my right eye, no problem. It's not like we're blind in one eye. We just have to practice until it becomes natural.