My week's results of open carry...


New member
Well, following the discussion about Concealed vs. Open carry, I decided to open carry for a while and see what kind of responses I recieved, as it has been a while since I carried openly.

Someone said that if you are going to open carry you'd better have eyes in the back of your head!

I feel uniquely qualified for that because my trade and living is made by washing windows. These provide a great mirror to watch my "6" as I am working and because I am in front of them nearly all day it works quite well!

Just recently I pulled an all nighter cleaning a grocery store. As I was pulling out my equipment the young man that was waiting outside for his friend asked me, "What do you carry a GUN for?"

Me:"Because it's my right and obligation."

Him:"But why a gun?"

"What do you think I should carry? A bat? A knife? I have the right to defend myself."
(I know I should have stopped after asking the first question and let him answer it...)

"Why do you carry at all?" (He was being quite beligerant... and it rather threw me off...)"you should be able to talk your way out of anything! I've been in just about every situation and I was able to talk my way out of them all!"

Me:"Why do you think the police carry guns?"

"The police?"

"Do you think their lives are worth less than mine and yours?"

"For 30,000 a year? Yeah!"

"What do you mean?!"

"Hell, they can't be THAT intelligent to take a job that risks their lives for 30k a year!"

"I have friends that are police and I take great exception to what you just said! And just what do YOU do for a living?"

"I'm a loan officer. How old are you?"


"Oh, that explains why you think the way you do. We're in XXXXX for crying out loud! This is a safe place!"

"Then why are there police here?"

About this time he had moved close enough that I could smell that he had been drinking. I had no idea how much, but I wanted no more of what he was dishing out in his disrespectful, beligerant tone of voice and superior attitude. It was time to end the conversation with this young man of all of 23 years of experience. I turned to walk away and he said, "I still don't understand why you carry a gun to clean windows!"

My response, "I DON'T carry a gun to clean windows. I carry a SQUEEGEE."

That's about how the conversation went. My memory is not perfect.

Of course, after the conversation, delayed intelligence kicks in and I go over all of the "I should have said..." responses. Oh well. I hope his lesson comes in a non-lethal way. But I was surprised at the generation gap that was indicated by his statement connecting the way I think with my age.

The other conversation occured that very same day just as I was finishing this store. the Pepsi delivery man was walking by and said, "You carry your Glock with you?!" (incredulous tone) (At least he knew what it was.)

"Yeah, why?"

"At work?!" (Incredulous)


"What, so you can shoot someone if they try to steal your Windex?"

Egad! "No, my life."

I get all twitchy just thinking about these two...

Someone said that you need a thick skin when you carry openly. Well, I'm discovering that in order to get a thick skin you've got to be abraded a lot.

Other than a few startled looks I've caught out of the corner of my eye, those have been the only negative experiences. And I really can't call them negative for me because my response conditioning training has started.

I did have one gal comment that she wished her employer would allow here to carry on the job (she worked a grave shift), and she was glad that I could, and did.

Anyway, I've rambled quite enough. I just wanted to share those with you. I hope that those who have seen and chose not to comment will not be so startled the next time they see someone carrying openly, even if it is me they see again. That's one of the main reasons I have chosen to do this.


"Just because something is popular, does not make it right."

[This message has been edited by John/az2 (edited March 27, 1999).]

I've seen many people carry open near my house. Of course, I do live in a rural area of AZ, and some of them were honest to god cowpokes. But then some were wearing the getup to run tourist Jeep rides into the desert. Part of the show full 1800's cowboy garb). But I haven't noticed much of a response from people when they come into the Circle K to buy something. What part of the nation do you call home?

Jimmy, I live in the Phoenix area and work all over the valley.


"Just because something is popular, does not make it right."
Interesting experiences. It's hard to reason with people whose primary source of ideas is the latest fad in groupthink. If more people carried openly, maybe the gun haters would figure out that--Washington, Hollywood, and the media to the contrary--they're in the minority. Or maybe they wouldn't!

[This message has been edited by jimmy (edited March 29, 1999).]
John/Az2- Good for you son. In the early fifties I used to carry a .22 revolver around town sometimes in the little FL town where I grew up. I worked for a surveyor after school, and all of us carried guns on the job. I don't know if it was legal or not, but nobody seemed to care back then. Sometimes I wonder if this is the same country where I was born and raised.

"It is a man's duty to be at all times armed."... some famous old dead guy said that.

We're neighbors. I live in Cave Creek. Let me know if you ever shoot at Ben Avery, we can hook up.

Don't let the few gun haters get you down. I moved here because they are a minority. In Silicon Valley where I lived before, if you even told someone you HAD a gun they all looked at you strange. Sure am glad I got out of that zoo.


You'd be surprised who owns guns out here in the Valley. I live in an the Los Gatos, Saratoga, Cupertino area (lots of rich asian people) any I have found that many people own guns but just don't talk about it. I have found many people who are intrigued by the fact that I own a gun and many, esp. the women want me to take them out shooting.

I just spent the last week in Phx, AZ, and carried openly about half of the time. As usual, I got a few, very few, startled looks and no comments at all. Once in a while you will get comments.
I spent most of the time in Tempe and Mesa (Just Southeast of Phx).
I drove up to Machine Gun Kelly's in far north Phx (sortof near Cave Creek) to get a case of .223 with my friend and was pleasantly surprised that they ENCOURAGED me to carry my loaded sidearm into the store rather than telling me to unload first like most gun shops (seems a little hypocritical to me to expect all other stores to allow us to carry loaded guns, but not let us carry a loaded gun into a gun shop). I will be going back to Machine Gun Kelly's in the future and spend every dime there that I can (they are the former owners of Dealer's Outlet in Phx).

After my he bought his case of .223 I went with my friend (who was also carrying openly) to a convenience store for a soda. I went in myself and grabbed the soda and went to get into line. (This was in Gledale, just Northwest of Phx, for those who care).
I was waiting in line to pay, and in strolled a man wearing a Berreta 92 on his hip!
"Wow", I thought to myself "Only in Arizona!".
Here I was in a very busy part of the city (likened to any immediate suburb of any large city) and here walks in another guy wearing openly a handgun. We had a mutually admirative glance and then went on with our day.
Ah, I love Arizona...can't wait to get back (already have a house picked out and waiting).

Ps- One of the key factors to carrying an weapon (concealed or not) is that YOU become comfortable with it. When you have carried enough that it is just part of your belt, and you exhude no more nervousness, people around you tend to relax as well. At first, you may be a bit nervous carrying a gun and getting the glances from people, but eventually it just becomes likened to a pager on your belt, and it seems to disappear even to those around you.


[This message has been edited by thaddeus (edited March 30, 1999).]

Next time you are headed this way, drop me a line, let's get together over lunch or the range and put faces to the names! You were in my stomping grounds.


"Just because something is popular, does not make it right."
I haven't carried openly in Georgia for many years now. Probably since the middle 70's. No one raised an eyebrow then. I will have to see what happens now. I passed a convenience store yesterday with several guys examining a rifle in the parking lot in open view. No one was paying them any special attention. This was in a small town where you can still carry rifles in a vehicle with a rifle rack without getting your window smashed though.
Garrick (I'm having a hard time calling you chink even though you picked the name - too many years in politically correct San Jose :)

Perhaps I just should have said nothing about owning guns when I lived there. I worked in high tech, but if you are an affluent citizen my bet is you do too. Most people who know me are comfortable that I am not a candidate to "go postal", so I don't understand their position. But I did notice a lot of folks there, even rational on most ideas, just plain wanted to ban all guns. My bet is within 10 years if you want to keep all your guns you'll be moving to Phoenix.

BTW, what is the status of the bill requiring all "assault weapons" be registered or turned into the state? I think it is SB23.

Dang, I wish I lived in Arizona. Here on the left (way left) coast, most bozos would squirt a load in their drawers if they saw an openly carried weapon.
One of my favorite places to visit in Az is Prescott. There is a Safeway grocery store on the north end of town as you start heading towards the Prescott Country Club and Airport. This has to be the most well protected grocery in the country. You see... it is the last stop for essentials before you get to Gunsite.... ;)

I have yet to walk in there and NOT see several customers with firearms openly displayed. Pity the fool who trys to rob THAT place late in the week as the Gunsite students begin to enjoy a new found confidence in their abilities. ROFLMAO

IDPA# A04739
Bubba, that's not just Gunsite students you see at that Safeway store and the name of the town is Chino Valley.
cheers, tb

Naturally, when one is intensely interested in a certain cause, the tendency is to associate particularly with those who take the same view. THEODORE ROOSEVELT “1899”
Nice to see that AZ (and esp. Cave Creek)is/are so well represented here (yeah JimmyB I live in CC and shoot at Avery some weekends - my new BM AR should be in by the end of April if I recall from your (I think) posts on - you shoot one do you not?).

I just recently started reading newsgroups and boards online - I never realized just how lucky we really are out here when it comes to carrying (open or concealed). I just can't believe how backward some of our states are when it comes to firearms. (but don't tell everyone how good we have it - its starting to get too crowded out here as it is)
I started carrying open back when I managed a gas station/convenience/sporting goods/gun store in Flagstaff while going to NAU. It was right on the way to the Grand Canyon - you should have seen the looks that some of our European tourist gave when they saw that not only did I carry a handgun on me in plain sight, but we actually sold them in our store from the case next to the cigarette rack. A regular one stop shopping experience. Unlike the Circle K down the way from us (which prohibited employees from carrying weapons), we were never held up. Hmmm...

Yes, it is nice to see Arizona so well represented here - it is a great state. However, we have way too many Californians and folks from back East moving in, and it is indeed changing the politics. We'll need to keep training these immigrants so they remember one of the things that makes Arizona great - relative, I say there, relative freedom! (Last election, to our embarrassment, the state supported Clinton! Egads!)

Perhaps we can form a TFL Arizona shooting get together? I frequent Caswell's and Ben Avery.
Heck there isn't anything wrong with Kaliforncaters as long as they leave those ways in Kalifornia
A FWIW there is a e-list for AZ shooters

Naturally, when one is intensely interested in a certain cause, the tendency is to associate particularly with those who take the same view. THEODORE ROOSEVELT “1899”
I went to ERAU in Prescott, AZ and only remember ever seeing open carry once or twice. I'm the one that got the strange looks though... followed some guy down three asiles of a grocery store trying to identify what he was carrying. He stopped, I asked, it was an old Navy Arms SA. Now I'm back up in WA, where it used to be CCW with a permit and open w/o permit required, but now you're not allowed open carry anymore. Not that I would have, too many stupid looks and dumb kids following you around in grocery stores. ;)


Who is John Galt?
Jeff- Sorry to hear that AZ is getting so many newbies from CA and back east. I had to leave my home state of FL because it has been completely taken over by immigrants from the N.E. and midwest who hate guns and people who have them. One by one, FL is doing away with gun rights.

I am now in north GA mountains, and the gun rights climate is much better here now, but the same thing is beginning to happen here. As the outsiders move here, the first thing they complain about is how so many people here have guns, and how they can hear people shooting somewhere. I guess it's all just too scary if you're a yankee city dweller who has never held a gun, much less fired one.

Oh well, I had hoped that someday when it gets too bad here I could move to AZ, which I have loved since my first visit in '62, and where I could shoot to my hearts content without some jerk calling the law on me., Alas, I guess I'll have to find another place for my last resort. How about Idaho? Anybody here from ID? What's the situation there?