My suggestions of the best handguns for cops

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Nice doggie PzGren! My girl Aria, a Malinois, is the same way, I can go to the post office and be gone for just 10 minutes and when I get back goes crazy with joy as if she hasn't seen me in years. Incredibly athletic, too.


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I'm not a Cop. Never been one. Never play acted one on TV. Its been a long time since I stayed in a Motel 6.

Speaking for myself, I'd have to be .......Hmmm. (pause while I work at being nice) I'd have to be not well adjusted to think that I should be the one who decides what a cop should carry.

One piece of advice I have offered when asked "What gun should I get" is this :

"Everybody is different. Go to the gunshop with an indoor range and ask to shoot several guns. Find one at home on YOUR hand."

Glocks are great guns but they feel like a shoe that does not fit (for me)

I do just fine with a S+W M+P. Its another perfectly good "Cop Gun"
The 1911 "feels right" but IMO there HAVE been improvements to firearms design. It will always be a "Great" . But for carry I prefer a Shield Plus.

No need to give the "caliber wars" dead horse any more corpse abuse. The info for the OP is in the archives. Enjoy!

I also won't armchair micromanage what the County,city,or state Police should use for a cartridge. They can decide based on their priorities.
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Seems like the suggestions have been taken under consideration and the thread's topic has drifted. Let's put this one to bed.
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